Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...

Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ... Implication des protéines vitamine K-dépendantes dans la ...
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125 CHAP 5-BIBLIOGRAPHIE Revesz, R.H. King, O. Berninghausen, E.M. Fisher, G. Schiavo, and J.E. Martin. 2007. The phagocytic capacity of neurones. Eur J Neurosci. 25:2947-55. Brooker, G.J., M. Kalloniatis, V.C. Russo, M. Murphy, G.A. Werther, and P.F. Bartlett. 2000. Endogenous IGF-1 regulates the neuronal differentiation of adult stem cells. J Neurosci Res. 59:332-41. Brown, M.A., G.S. Begley, E. Czerwiec, L.M. Stenberg, M. Jacobs, D.E. Kalume, P. Roepstorff, J. Stenflo, B.C. Furie, and B. Furie. 2005. Precursors of novel Glacontaining conotoxins contain a carboxy-terminal recognition site that directs gammacarboxylation. Biochemistry. 44:9150-9. Brown, M.A., L.M. Stenberg, U. Persson, and J. Stenflo. 2000. Identification and purification of vitamin K-dependent proteins and peptides with monoclonal antibodies specific for gamma -carboxyglutamyl (Gla) residues. J Biol Chem. 275:19795-802. Broze, G.J., Jr. 2001. Protein Z-dependent regulation of coagulation. Thromb Haemost. 86:8- 13. Brugnera, E., L. Haney, C. Grimsley, M. Lu, S.F. Walk, A.C. Tosello-Trampont, I.G. Macara, H. Madhani, G.R. Fink, and K.S. Ravichandran. 2002. Unconventional Rac-GEF activity is mediated through the Dock180-ELMO complex. Nat Cell Biol. 4:574-82. Budagian, V., E. Bulanova, Z. Orinska, L. Thon, U. Mamat, P. Bellosta, C. Basilico, D. Adam, R. Paus, and S. Bulfone-Paus. 2005. A promiscuous liaison between IL-15 receptor and Axl receptor tyrosine kinase in cell death control. Embo J. 24:4260-70. Burdon, T., A. Smith, and P. Savatier. 2002. Signalling, cell cycle and pluripotency in embryonic stem cells. Trends Cell Biol. 12:432-8. Capela, A., and S. Temple. 2002. LeX/ssea-1 is expressed by adult mouse CNS stem cells, identifying them as nonependymal. Neuron. 35:865-75. Carlen, M., R.M. Cassidy, H. Brismar, G.A. Smith, L.W. Enquist, and J. Frisen. 2002. Functional integration of adult-born neurons. Curr Biol. 12:606-8. Carleton, A., L.T. Petreanu, R. Lansford, A. Alvarez-Buylla, and P.M. Lledo. 2003. Becoming a new neuron in the adult olfactory bulb. Nat Neurosci. 6:507-18. Carmeliet, P. 2001. Biomedicine. Clotting factors build blood vessels. Science. 293:1602-4. Carr, A.J., A. Vugler, J. Lawrence, L.L. Chen, A. Ahmado, F.K. Chen, M. Semo, C. Gias, L. da Cruz, H.D. Moore, J. Walsh, and P.J. Coffey. 2009. Molecular characterization and functional analysis of phagocytosis by human embryonic stem cell-derived RPE cells using a novel human retinal assay. Mol Vis. 15:283-95. Castiglione, M., M. Calafiore, L. Costa, M.A. Sortino, F. Nicoletti, and A. Copani. 2008. Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors control proliferation, survival and differentiation of cultured neural progenitor cells isolated from the subventricular zone of adult mice. Neuropharmacology. 55:560-7. Chan, K.Y., E. Gilbert-Barness, and G. Tiller. 2003. Warfarin embryopathy. Pediatr Pathol Mol Med. 22:277-83. Charriere, G.M., B. Cousin, E. Arnaud, C. Saillan-Barreau, M. Andre, A. Massoudi, C. Dani, L. Penicaud, and L. Casteilla. 2006. Macrophage characteristics of stem cells revealed by transcriptome profiling. Exp Cell Res. 312:3205-14. Chen, J., K. Carey, and P.J. Godowski. 1997. Identification of Gas6 as a ligand for Mer, a neural cell adhesion molecule related receptor tyrosine kinase implicated in cellular transformation. Oncogene. 14:2033-9. Chiasson, B.J., V. Tropepe, C.M. Morshead, and D. van der Kooy. 1999. Adult mammalian forebrain ependymal and subependymal cells demonstrate proliferative potential, but only subependymal cells have neural stem cell characteristics. J Neurosci. 19:4462-71. Chimini, G., and P. Chavrier. 2000. Function of Rho family proteins in actin dynamics during phagocytosis and engulfment. Nat Cell Biol. 2:E191-6.

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Revesz, R.H. King, O. Berninghausen, E.M. Fisher, G. Schiavo, and J.E. Martin.<br />

2007. The phagocytic capacity of neurones. Eur J Neurosci. 25:2947-55.<br />

Brooker, G.J., M. Kalloniatis, V.C. Russo, M. Murphy, G.A. Werther, and P.F. Bartlett. 2000.<br />

Endogenous IGF-1 regu<strong>la</strong>tes the neuronal differentiation of adult stem cells. J<br />

Neurosci Res. 59:332-41.<br />

Brown, M.A., G.S. Begley, E. Czerwiec, L.M. Stenberg, M. Jacobs, D.E. Kalume, P.<br />

Roepstorff, J. Stenflo, B.C. Furie, and B. Furie. 2005. Precursors of novel G<strong>la</strong>containing<br />

conotoxins contain a carboxy-terminal recognition site that directs gammacarboxy<strong>la</strong>tion.<br />

Biochemistry. 44:9150-9.<br />

Brown, M.A., L.M. Stenberg, U. Persson, and J. Stenflo. 2000. Identification and purification<br />

of vitamin K-dependent proteins and pepti<strong>des</strong> with monoclonal antibodies specific for<br />

gamma -carboxyglutamyl (G<strong>la</strong>) residues. J Biol Chem. 275:19795-802.<br />

Broze, G.J., Jr. 2001. Protein Z-dependent regu<strong>la</strong>tion of coagu<strong>la</strong>tion. Thromb Haemost. 86:8-<br />

13.<br />

Brugnera, E., L. Haney, C. Grimsley, M. Lu, S.F. Walk, A.C. Tosello-Trampont, I.G. Macara,<br />

H. Madhani, G.R. Fink, and K.S. Ravichandran. 2002. Unconventional Rac-GEF<br />

activity is mediated through the Dock180-ELMO complex. Nat Cell Biol. 4:574-82.<br />

Budagian, V., E. Bu<strong>la</strong>nova, Z. Orinska, L. Thon, U. Mamat, P. Bellosta, C. Basilico, D.<br />

Adam, R. Paus, and S. Bulfone-Paus. 2005. A promiscuous liaison between IL-15<br />

receptor and Axl receptor tyrosine kinase in cell death control. Embo J. 24:4260-70.<br />

Burdon, T., A. Smith, and P. Savatier. 2002. Signalling, cell cycle and pluripotency in<br />

embryonic stem cells. Trends Cell Biol. 12:432-8.<br />

Cape<strong>la</strong>, A., and S. Temple. 2002. LeX/ssea-1 is expressed by adult mouse CNS stem cells,<br />

identifying them as nonependymal. Neuron. 35:865-75.<br />

Carlen, M., R.M. Cassidy, H. Brismar, G.A. Smith, L.W. Enquist, and J. Frisen. 2002.<br />

Functional integration of adult-born neurons. Curr Biol. 12:606-8.<br />

Carleton, A., L.T. Petreanu, R. Lansford, A. Alvarez-Buyl<strong>la</strong>, and P.M. Lledo. 2003.<br />

Becoming a new neuron in the adult olfactory bulb. Nat Neurosci. 6:507-18.<br />

Carmeliet, P. 2001. Biomedicine. Clotting factors build blood vessels. Science. 293:1602-4.<br />

Carr, A.J., A. Vugler, J. Lawrence, L.L. Chen, A. Ahmado, F.K. Chen, M. Semo, C. Gias, L.<br />

da Cruz, H.D. Moore, J. Walsh, and P.J. Coffey. 2009. Molecu<strong>la</strong>r characterization and<br />

functional analysis of phagocytosis by human embryonic stem cell-derived RPE cells<br />

using a novel human retinal assay. Mol Vis. 15:283-95.<br />

Castiglione, M., M. Ca<strong>la</strong>fiore, L. Costa, M.A. Sortino, F. Nicoletti, and A. Copani. 2008.<br />

Group I metabotropic glutamate receptors control proliferation, survival and<br />

differentiation of cultured neural progenitor cells iso<strong>la</strong>ted from the subventricu<strong>la</strong>r zone<br />

of adult mice. Neuropharmacology. 55:560-7.<br />

Chan, K.Y., E. Gilbert-Barness, and G. Tiller. 2003. Warfarin embryopathy. Pediatr Pathol<br />

Mol Med. 22:277-83.<br />

Charriere, G.M., B. Cousin, E. Arnaud, C. Sail<strong>la</strong>n-Barreau, M. Andre, A. Massoudi, C. Dani,<br />

L. Penicaud, and L. Casteil<strong>la</strong>. 2006. Macrophage characteristics of stem cells revealed<br />

by transcriptome profiling. Exp Cell Res. 312:3205-14.<br />

Chen, J., K. Carey, and P.J. Godowski. 1997. Identification of Gas6 as a ligand for Mer, a<br />

neural cell adhesion molecule re<strong>la</strong>ted receptor tyrosine kinase implicated in cellu<strong>la</strong>r<br />

transformation. Oncogene. 14:2033-9.<br />

Chiasson, B.J., V. Tropepe, C.M. Morshead, and D. van der Kooy. 1999. Adult mammalian<br />

forebrain ependymal and subependymal cells demonstrate proliferative potential, but<br />

only subependymal cells have neural stem cell characteristics. J Neurosci. 19:4462-71.<br />

Chimini, G., and P. Chavrier. 2000. Function of Rho family proteins in actin dynamics during<br />

phagocytosis and engulfment. Nat Cell Biol. 2:E191-6.

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