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Download - Fuji Xerox Printers


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DocuPrint C1618

DocuPrint C1618 DocuPrint C1618True Type font Apple Talk MacOS Macintosh EtherTalk AppleComputer Inc.NetWare Novell Inc.,Novell NetWare Novell Inc.,Microsoft MS-DOS Windows/Windows NT Microsoft Corporation Microsoft CorporationThe Independent JPEG Group1. 2. 3. 4. XEROXThe Document Company EthernetCentreWarei

◆ i◆ .......................................................................................................................................ii◆ vi vi viiPDF vii 1 11 .................................................................................................. 2111 ...................................................................................... 31122 ........................................................................... 612 CentreWareInternetServices................................................................................. 713 SNMPManager ...................................................................................... 814 Email .................................................................................. 10 2 TCPIP21 TCPIP ............................................................................................... 12211 ...................................................................................................... 12212 ..................................................................................................... 1222 ................................................................................................................... 14221 IP............................................................................................. 14222 .............................................................................................. 15223 PrinterSettings ............................................................... 1523 CentreWareInternetServices............................................................................... 1724 WindowsNT40Windows2000WindowsXP.................................................... 33241 WindowsNT40....................................................... 34242 Windows2000WindowsXP lpr ............. 37243 Port9100 ......................................................... 41244 Windows2000WindowsXP ... 46245 ..................................................................................... 5025 Windows95Windows98WindowsMe............................................................... 55251 TCPIP ........................................................ 55252 TCPIP .................................................................................... 57253TCPIPTCPIP ............................................................. 59254 ..................................................................................... 62255 ......................................................................................................... 64ii

256 ........................................................................................ 68257 TCPIP......................................................... 70258 WindowsMe ........................ 72 3 SMB31 SMB ................................................................................................... 76311 ..................................................................................................... 7632 .................................................................................................................... 77321 IP............................................................................................. 77322 .............................................................................................. 77323 PrinterSettings ............................................................... 7733 ............................................................................. 79331 Windows .............................................................. 7934 ............................................................................................................ 85341 Windows95Windows98WindowsMe .................. 85342 WindowsNT40Windows2000WindowsXP ....... 88 4 NetWare41 NetWare ............................................................................................. 92411 ..................................................................................................... 92412 ...................................................................................................... 93413 ..................................................................................................... 9442 .................................................................................................................... 95421 .............................................................................................. 9543 <strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong>............................................................................... 96431 .................................................................................. 96432 NetWare ....................................................................................... 100433 PrinterSettings ............................................................. 12044 .......................................................................................................... 122441 Windows9598Me ................................................ 122442 WindowsNT40Windows2000WindowsXP ..... 125 5 CentreWareInternetServices51 CentreWareInternetServices............................................................................. 130511 ................................................................................................... 130512 ............................................................................................... 130513 ................................................................................................... 13152 .................................................................................................................. 132iii

521 IP ........................................................................................... 132522 ............................................................................................ 132523 PrinterSettings PrinterSettings ............................................ 13253 ........................................................................................................ 133531 NetscapeCommunicator ...................................................................... 133532 InternetExplorer ................................................................................... 134533 ............................................................................. 13554 CentreWareInternetServices ........................................................................ 13755 CentreWareInternetServices............................................................................. 139551 JobandHistory............................................................................................. 139552 Status ............................................................................................................ 140553 Properties...................................................................................................... 141554 Assistance..................................................................................................... 143 6 Email61 Email ............................................................................................. 146611 ........................................................................................... 146612 ................................................................................................... 14762 ................................................................................................................. 148621 IP........................................................................................... 148622 ............................................................................................... 148623 PrinterSettings ............................................................. 14963 CentreWareInternetServices............................................................................. 15064 Email StatusMessenger ................................................................................ 158641 Email ............................................................................... 159 7 71 TCPIP .................................................................................................... 162711 ....................................................................................... 162712 ....................................................................................... 163713 TCPIP .......................................... 16472 SMB ........................................................................................................ 165721 ....................................................................................... 165722 ....................................................................................... 16673 NetWare .................................................................................................. 167731 ....................................................................................... 167732 ....................................................................................... 168iv

74 CentreWareInternetServices ........................................................................ 16975 Email ............................................................................................ 171A ...................................................................................................... 174B CentreWareSimpleStatusNotification ....................................................................... 176CentreWareSSN .................................................................................. 177CentreWareSSN ...................................................... 179CentreWareSSN .................................................................................. 183◆ 184v

1 2 TCP/IP TCP/IP 3 SMB SMB Windows 4 NetWare NetWare 5 CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet Services 6 E-mail E-mail E-mail 7● ● CentreWare Simple Status Notificationvi

1. PC Macintosh2.3. PDFAdobe Acrobat Reader PDF Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF vii

● PDF ● ● ● Adobe Acrobat Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader PDFPDF viii

ixPDF Windows 981 2 3 A44

Adobe Acrobat Readerx

11.1 .................................................................. 21.2 CentreWare Internet Services................................................. 71.3 SNMP Manager....................................................... 81.4 E-mail.................................................... 10

1.1 DocuPrint C1618DocuPrint C1618 DocuPrint C1618 112 Windows NT 4.0 3 3Macintosh PostScript3 Kit Macintosh PostScript3 Kit DocuPrint C1618OS1.1.1●● 2

1.1 1.1.1 TCP/IPWindows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP TCP/IPlpd lpr Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP IP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me lpr1Windows 2000/Windows XP ● Port 9100● IPP URL2 TCP/IP 3

1.1 1TCP/IPWindows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows 95/Windows 98 Windows Me TCP/IP TCP/IP Direct Print UtilityTCP/IP Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me IP TCP/IP LPD Port 9100IPP Windows Me IPP URL2 TCP/IP 4

1.1 SMBWindowsSMBServer Message Block Windows lprWindows NT4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP TCP/IP Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me SMB NetBEUI TCP/IP SMB1* NetBEUI Windows XP3 SMBSMB network expansion cardNetWare IPX/SPX Novell NetWare OS NetWare 4 NetWarenetwork expansion card5

1.1 1.1.2 21 2 setup.exe A A B C●● IPP CD-ROM 6

1.2CentreWare InternetServices TCP/IP DocuPrint C1618 CentreWare Internet Services1CentreWare Internet Services5 CentreWare Internet Services 7

1.3SNMP Manager1TCP/IP NetWare SNMP agent DocuPrint C1618 SNMP ManagerSNMP agent● TCP/IP SNMP UDP/IP ● NetWare SNMP IPX Enabled DisabledCentreWare Internet Services●●TCP/IP 2.2.2 NetWare 4.2.1 CentreWare Internet Services SNMP 2.3CentreWare Internet Services5 CentreWare Internet Services Windows CentreWare Simple StatusNotification SNMP agent8

1.3 SNMP Manager 1.3 CentreWare Simple Status Notification B CentreWareSimple Status Notification19

1.4 E-mail TCP/IP E-mailStatus Messenger● E-mail1● E-mailE-mail E-mail E-mailPDF E-mailE-mail10

2TCP/IP 2.1 TCP/IP122.2 142.3 CentreWare Internet Services172.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP332.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me55

2.1TCP/IP TCP/IP 2 TCP/IP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me DocuPrint C16182.1.1 ●Ethernet II2.1.2 ↓●IP IP 2.2.1 IP ●2.2.2 ●Printer Settings 2.2.3 Printer Settings ●WINS/SNMP lpd Port 9100 IPP2.3 CentreWare Internet Services● Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP●2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP●12

2.1 TCP/IP2.1 2.4.5 ●Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me●2.5.1 TCP/IP ↓TCP/IP 213

2.2 TCP/IP 2 IP 2.2.1 IP TCP/IP ●IP ●●DHCP DHCP DHCP DHCP IP IP DHCP IP IP DHCP WINS DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP DHCP IP DHCP DHCP IP IP Setup IP Address DHCP Setup IP Address DHCP14

2.2 IP Setup IP Address Panel IP IP IP IP TCP/IP 22.2.2 EnabledTCP/IP ●LPD●Port 9100Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP●IPPWindows Me/2000/XPTCP/IP SNMP agent Protocol SNMP UDP/IP2.2.3 Printer Settings 15

2.2 TCP/IP 2Printer Settings16

2.3CentreWare InternetServices CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet ServicesWindows Internet Name ServiceWINS●DHCP WINS ●WINS Primary Server●WINS Secondary Server Enabled 2SNMP Agent●Community Name Read/Write●Community Name Trap●Trap Notification IP●Trap Notification IPX●Authenticate Error TrapIpd●Time-Out●Transport Protocol - TCP/IP●IP Filter Nil Nil Notify Notify Notify 16 DisabledPort 9100Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP●Port Number 9100●Time-Out 16●Transport Protocol - TCP/IP●IP Filter DisabledIPPWindows Me/2000/XP●Connect Time-Out 60●Transport Protocol - TCP/IP●IP Filter Disabled17

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesTCP/IP 2●● DHCP IP CentreWare Internet Services IP CentreWare Internet Services E-mail SMTP/POP3SMTP/POP36E-mail CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet Services● admin● admin CentreWare Internet Services WINS SNMP agent lpdPort 9100 IPP CentreWare Internet Services5CentreWare Internet Services 18

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 1 Windows 98 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet Services● Internet ExplorerTCP/IP 22 IP URL IP Printer Settings PrinterSettings DNS DNS DNS IP DNSCentreWare Internet Services IP 5CentreWare Internet Services IP

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesTCP/IP 2dpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jpdpcaaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jphttpdpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp/3 EnterCentreWare Internet Services4 Properties20

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 WINSTCP/IP1 MaintenanceTCP/IP SettingsTCP/IP SettingsMaintenanceTCP/IP 2TCP/IP Settings TCP/IP 21

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services2 TCP/IP 222

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 Host NameGet IP Addressfrom DHCPIP AddressSubnet MaskGateway AddressGet WINS Addressfrom DHCP ServerWINS PrimaryServerWINS SecondaryServer FXnnnnnnnnnnnn MAC 6DHCP IP DHCP DHCP DHCP WINS DHCP IP DHCP WINS WINS IP WINS0.0.0.0DHCP WINS WINS 2 WINS IP WINS WINS WINS0.0.0.0TCP/IP 2WINSWindows Internet Name Services TCP/IP IP WINS IP IP WINS WINS IP p.31SNMP 1 Port SettingsSNMP AgentSNMP AgentPort SettingsSNMP Agent23

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services2 TCP/IP 2Community NameRead/WriteCommunity NameTrapTrap NotificationIPTrap NotificationIPXAuthenticate ErrorTrapTransport Protocol-UDP IPX11TCP/IP SNMP Notify IP NetWare SNMP Notify Authenticate Notify MaintenanceTCP/IP SettingsMaintenanceIPX/SPX SettingsIPXp.3124

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 Ipd 1 Port SettingsLPDLPDPort SettingsLPD 2 TCP/IP 2Time-OutTransport Protocol-TCP/IP16TCP/IP MaintenanceTCP/IP SettingsTCP/IP WINSTCP/IPp.2125

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesTCP/IP 2IP Filter●p.31Port 9100 IP FilterIP FilterIP Filter IP Filter p.29Port 9100 Windows 95/98/Me/20001 Port SettingsPort9100Port9100Port SettingsPort 910026

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 2 TCP/IP 2Port NumberTime-OutTransport Protocol-TCP/IPPort Number 9000 9999 910016TCP/IP MaintenanceTCP/IP SettingsIP FilterTCP/IP WINSTCP/IPp.21IP FilterIP FilterIP Filter IP Filter p.29p.3127

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesIPPTCP/IP 2IPP Windows Me/2000/XP1 Port SettingsIPPIPPPort SettingsIPP2 28

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 ConnectTime-OutPort NumberSimultaneousConnectionsTransport Protocol-TCP/IPIP Filter 1 255 60631 5TCP/IP MaintenanceTCP/IP SettingsTCP/IP WINSTCP/IPp.21IP FilterIP FilterTCP/IP 2IP Filter IP Filter p.29p.31IP Filter IP IP 0 255 Permit Disabled Reject 5IP 29

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesTCP/IP 2IP 1IP 2IP

2.3 CentreWare Internet Services 2.3 3192.168192.168.200192.168.200.10p.31TCP/IP 21 ApplyNew SettingsRestore Settings2 CentreWare Internet Servicesnternet Services NetworkSettings● admin● admin31

2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesTCP/IP 23 32

2.4Windows NT 4.0/Windows2000/Windows XP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPCD-ROM Software Pack CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP●lpr Windows NT Windows NT 4.0●lpr Windows 20002.4.2 Windows 2000/Windows XP lpr TCP/IP 2●Port 9100 Windows 2000/Windows XP2.4.3 Port 9100 ●IPP Windows 2000/Windows XP2.4.4 Windows 2000/Windows XP●Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP2.4.5 setup.exe ●● OS OSWindows 2000/Windows XP IPP Software PackCD-ROMSoftware Pack33

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP2.4.1 Windows NT 4.0TCP/IP 2 Windows NT 4.0 TCP/IP Protocol MicrosoftTCP/IP Printing Windows NT 1 2 Windows 4.03 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Install_k.exe 54 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 34

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP5 6 Add Port Add Ports 1. LPR PortTCP/IP 22. Add LPR 3. IP

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP lpd DocuPrint C16182 IP Printer Settings Printer Settings2.2.3Printer Settings 4. IP WINSIP 3XXX.XXX.00X.0XX07 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 8 CD-ROM CD-ROM1 2 DocuPrint C1618 3 36

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP4 5 2.4.2 Windows 2000/Windows XPlpr Windows 2000/Windows XPLPR PortStandard TCP/IP PortLPR PortWindows 2000Print Services for Unix Windows 2000/Windows XP TCP/IP 2 Standard TCP/IP PortLPR Port Windows NT Windows NT 4.0 Windows 20001 2 Windows 20003 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 537

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP4 KoreanTCP/IP 2<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 5 6 1. Standard TCP/IP Port2. TCP/IP 38

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP3. 4. IP 2IP IP WINSIP 3XXX.XXX.00X.0XX0 IP 39

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 2 IP Printer Settings Printer Settings2.2.3Print Settings5. 6. 7 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 8 CD-ROM CD-ROM1 2 DocuPrint C1618 3 4 5 40

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP2.4.3 Port 9100 Windows 20001 2 Windows 2000TCP/IP 23 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 54 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 41

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP5 TCP/IP 26 1. Standard TCP/IP Port2. TCP/IP 3. 42

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP4. IP 2IP IP WINSIP 3XXX.XXX.00X.0XX0 IP IP Printer Settings Printer Settings2.2.3 Printer Settings 5. 6. LPR Port 910043

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 27 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 8 CD-ROM CD-ROMPort 9100 Port 91001 2 DocuPrint C1618 3 4 44

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP5 RawRaw SettingsPort NumberPort 9100 p.26TCP/IP 26 7 8 45

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 22.4.4 Windows 2000/Windows XP IP Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows 20001 2 Windows 20003 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool 4 Exit5 46

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP6 7 8 TCP/IP 29 URLhttp://IP /ipp/ IP

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 2IP 3XXX.XXX.00X.0XX0● URL httpIP 631/ipp/631 IPP IPP 10 11 DocuPrint C1618 12 13 CD-ROM \PrtDrv_KO\1618\Win2000OK CD-ROM E E:\PrtDrv_KO\1618\Win200014 15 16 17 18 CD-ROM CD-ROM19 48

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP1 2 DocuPrint C1618 TCP/IP 23 4 5 49

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP2.4.5 TCP/IP 2 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPWindows 95/Windows98/Windows MeWindows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPWindow NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPNetwork Service Auxiliary Tool Windows NT 4.01 Windows XP50

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP2 3 TCP/IP 24 5 51

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 2Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeWindows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows NT4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows 1 2 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me3 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 54 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 52

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows 2.4 XP5 TCP/IP 26 1. Windows NT Windows NTKookaburraTrans52. 53

2.4 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XPTCP/IP 27 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 8 CD-ROM CD-ROM9 10 DocuPrint C1618 11 12 13 54

2.5Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me TCP/IP Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me TCP/IP 2.5.1 TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Software Pack CD-ROMTCP/IP ●Microsoft Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Millennium Edition ●32 Intel CPUx86●ASCII -TCP/IP 2● ASCII ●TCP/IP Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me→ TCP/IPTCP/IP2.5.2 TCP/IP 55

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP 2 Windows 98↓●TCP/IP 2.5.2 TCP/IP ●TCP/IP 2.5.3 TCP/IP TCP/IP 2.5.4●2.2.3 Printer Settings ●2.5.5 ↓56

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 2.5.2 TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Windows TCP/IP Windows 98TCP/IP Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me TCP/IP 21 Windows 982 3 4 57

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP 25 6 MicrosoftTCP/IP7 TCP/IP8 58

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 2.5.3 TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Windows Me2.5.4 1 TCP/IP 22 Windows 983 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 54 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 59

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me5 TCP/IP TCP/IP 2TCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP 6 Next7 Destination FolderNextBrowseNext60

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 TCP/IP 2TCP/IP 8 CD-ROM CD-ROM Yes, I want to restart my computernowFinish61

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me2.5.4 TCP/IP 2 setup.exe TCP/IP <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> OS OSSoftware PackCD-ROMSoftware Pack 1 Windows 982 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 562

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 3 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 4 TCP/IP 25 LPT1 TCP/IP LPT163

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP 2 6 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> 2.5.5 TCP/IP 1 2 DocuPrint C1618 64

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 3 TCP/IP 24 FX TCP/IP DPU Port5 FX TCP/IP DPU Port Setup 65

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP 26 OKTrans5 IP Name IP AddressProtocol TCP/IP printer● printer1printer-01● prinprint IP DNSDomainName System121 LPR1LPRL lpr Validate byte countB2RawR Port9100 Port NumberN Raw 91009100 5 655369100 IP Printer Settings Printer Settings2.2.3Printer Settings 66

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 7 6FX TCP/IP DPU PortTCP/IP 28 9 10 67

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me2.5.6 TCP/IP 2 TCP/IP TCP/IP * TCP/IP Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me Printing Sending.Cannot printNetwork ErrorCannot printSpool Error68

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 Deleting.Spooling *Pausedhard diskTCP/IP 269

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me2.5.7 TCP/IP TCP/IP 2 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me TCP/IP 1.TCP/IP 2.3.1 TCP/IP 1. Windows95/98/Me2. 3. 004. 5. 6. 7. FX TCP/IP DPU Port TCP/IP 8. FX TCP/IP Direct Print Utility Port Setup 70

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 2 1. 2. 3. <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> TCP/IP Direct Print Utility4. 5. 6. InstallShield Wizard Complete FinishTCP/IP 23 71

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeTCP/IP 22.5.8 Windows Me IP Windows Me CD-ROM Setup 1 2 Windows Me3 CD-ROM CD-ROM End4 5 6 7 8 http://IP /ipp IP 3XXX.XXX.00X.0XX072

2.5 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me 2.5 ● URLhttpIP 631/ipp/631 IPP IPP 39IPP IP 9 10 11 CD-ROM \PrtDrv_KO\1618\Win98 CD-ROM EE:\PrtDrv_KO\1618\Win98TCP/IP 212 13 14 15 CD-ROM CD-ROM16 17 18 19 20 73

3SMB3.1 SMB 763.2 773.3 793.4 85

3.1SMB SMBWindows Windows DocuPrint C1618SMB network expansion cardSMB33.1.1 ↓TCP/IP● IP ● 3.2.2"SMB TCP/IP EnabledNetBEUI Enabled● Settings "● Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me● 3.4.1Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me"● Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP● 3.4.2Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP"↓76

3.2 3.2.1 IP TCP/IP IP3.2.2 EnabledSMB3 TCP/IP SMB TCP/IP NetBEUI SMB NetBEUIWindows XP NetBEUI3.2.3 Printer Settings Printer SettingsPrinter SettingsPrinter Settings Printer Settings A4 77

3.2 Printer SettingsSMB378

3.3 SMB ● ● FXnnnnnnnnnnnn Ethernet 6 WORKGROUP CentreWare Internet Services Windows Windows ●●CentreWare Internet Services Windows SMBCentreWare Internet Services TCP/IP IP CentreWare Internet Services5CentreWare Internet Services" CentreWare Internet ServicesSMB33.3.1 Windows Windows SMB WindowsCentreWare Internet Services● admin● admin Windows 981 Windows982 79

3.3 3 SMBWORKGROUPSMB3 FXnnnnnnnnnnnnEthernet 6 Printer Settings4 admintool5 ● Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me● Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows NT 4.080

3.3 6 config.txtconfig.txt config.txt RebootON7 config.txtSMB3config.txt admintool config.txt admintoolconfig.txt ● 15● 15● config.txt Config.txt 81

3.3 config.txt message.txt admintool config.txt message.txt 8 message.txt SMB3● message.txt admintool● message.txt config.txt9 82

3.3 config.txt Printer Language Korean/EnglishHost NameWorkgroupNETBEUITCP/IPAuto MasterModeEncryptPasswordUnicode SupportDHCPWINS DHCPResolveIP Address 15 15NETBEUI OnTCP/IP On On On Enable Shift-JIS DisableIP DHCP OnWINS WINS DHCP YESIP DHCP IP 15 15On/OffOn/OffOn/OffOn/OffEnable/DisableOn/OffOn/OffEnglishFXnnnnnnnnnnnnEthernet 6WORKGROUPOnOnOnOnDisableOnOn0.0.0.0Subnet Mask Address PrimaryServer AddressDHCP WINS WINS IPWINS0.

3.3 SMB3WINS SecondaryServer AddressAdministratorNameAdministratorPasswordLocationDHCP WINS WINS 2 WINS IP WINS IP WINS WINSWINS0.0.0.0 20 14 20 14 480.0.0.0adminadminRebootYes config.txt Yes/NoNo84

3.4 SMB WindowsCD-ROMSoftware Pack CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>OSsetup.exe OS OSSoftware Pack CD-ROMSoftware PackSMB33.4.1 Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me Windows 981 2 Windows 983 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool<strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Install_k.exe 585

3.4 4 KoreanSMB3<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>5 6 1. host name-p PrinterSettingsPrinter Settings3.2.3 Printer Settings 2. 86

3.4 7 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 CD-ROMCD-ROM1 2 DocuPrint C1618 SMB33 4 5 87

3.4 3.4.2 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows NT 4.0SMB31 2 Windows NT 4.03 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Sel-Lang.exe4 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>88

3.4 5 6 1. 2. host name-pSMB3 PrinterSettingsPrinter Settings3.2.3 Printer Settings 3. 4. 7 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 CD-ROMCD-ROM89

3.4 SMB31 Windows XP2 DocuPrint C1618 3 4 5 90

4NetWare4.1 NetWare924.2 954.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>964.4 122

4.1 NetWare NetWare NetWare DocuPrint C1618NetWare network expasion card4.1.1 NetWare4 NetWare● NetWare 3.12/3.2● NetWare 4.1/4.11/4.2/5● NetWare 4.1/4.11/4.2/5NDS● ● 92

4.1 NetWare4.1 NetWare 4.1 4.xNetWare44.1.2 ● Ethernet II● IEEE802.3 ● IEEE802.2 ● SNAP TCP/IP<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> CentreWare Internet Services●●CentreWare Internet Services5 CentreWare Internet Services <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong>93

4.1 NetWare4.1.3 NetWare4↓ NetWare● NetWare EnabledSNMP IPX Enabled4.2.1 ● NetWare DocuPrint C16184.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>● 4.3.3 Printer Settings● 4.4.2 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP↓94

4.2 4.2.1 EnabledNetWare NetWareNetWare SNMPagent SNMP IPXNetWare495

4.3<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>NetWare4NetWare NetWare DocuPrint C1618<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> NetWare PconsoleNetWare AdministratorTCP/IP IP CentreWareInternet Services NetWareCentreWare Internet Services5 CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet Services4.3.1 NetWare NetWareSoftware Pack CD-ROM CD-ROMOSWindows 95Windows 98Windows MeWindows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows XPWindows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me Novell NetWareWindows NT/Windows 2000/Windows XP Novell NetWare●●NetWare Windows NetWare CD-ROM NetUtil readme 96

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 ●●HelpNetWare Novell1 CD-ROM CD-ROM<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool 2 KoreanNetWare4<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>3 97

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4 NextNetWare45 Destination FolderNextBrowseNext6 Finish98

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 7 Exit<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 CD-ROMCD-ROMNetWare499

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3.2 NetWare NetWare DocuPrint C1618NetWare4 Help1 2 NetWareSUPERVISORNetWare3.xADMINNetWare 4.x3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>Network UtilityNetwork Utility <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> Network Utility4 NetWareSearch100

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 5 Whole NetworkStart SearchPrinter List6 Printer ListConfigure FXnnnnnnnnnnnn Ethernet 6NetWare4● Ethernet Printer Settings Printer Settings4.3.3 Printer Settings● Printer ListName→→● NetWare Search SpecifyNetworkNetWare Printer SettingsConfigure101

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>NetWare4Configure1. Ethernet2. InputCommunity Configure102

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 7 NetWareActive ModeActive ModeNDS Print ServerNDS Remote PrinterNDSp.103NetWare4Active ModeBindery Print ServerBindery Remote Printerp.112NDS NDS Print Server NetWare DocuPrint C16181 Print Environment Settings103

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>NetWare4NetWare Print Environment Settings2 CreateInput Name104

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 3 Select4 Select ObjectOK DEG DEGNetWare45 Input Name ContextNameOK FX0730AC FXnnnnnnnnnnnn Ethernet 6105

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> NetWare Print Environment SettingsPrint Server6 <strong>Printers</strong>CreateNetWare4Input Name7 ContextNameOK FX0730AC-P FXnnnnnn-P106

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 NetWare Print Environment Settings<strong>Printers</strong>Print ServerRemote PrinterMode8 QueueCreateNetWare4Input Name9 ContextQueue NameOK FX0730AC-Q FXnnnnnn-Q107

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>10 Queue VolumeSelect11 Select ObjectOK DEG\DEG\CLEVER4_SYSNetWare412 Input NameQueue VolumeOK NetWare Print Environment SettingsQueue108

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 13 NetWare PrintEnvironment SettingsOKNetWare4User14 NetWare Print Environment SettingsConfigureNetWarePrint Server Name FX0730AC CLEVER4-PSRemote Printer Name - FX0730AC-PNDS Tree Name DEG DEGContext Name ODEG ODEG109

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>● NetWare4● 15 OptionsNetWare Options110

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 16 ClosePrint Server PasswordReceive Timeout17 NetWareNetWareOKNetWare418 Yes19 Close20 NetWareNetWare CLEVER4-PSUNLOAD PSERVER Enter LOAD PSERVER CLEVER4-PS Enter 111

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>NetWareNetWareNetWare4 Bindery Print Server NetWare DocuPrint C16181 Print Environment Settings112

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 2 CreateNetWare4Input Name3 Select113

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4 Select ObjectOK CLEVERNetWare45 Input NameServerNameOK FX0730AC FXnnnnnnnnnnnn Ethernet 6 NetWare Print Environment SettingsPrint Server114

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 6 <strong>Printers</strong>CreateNetWare4Input Name7 NameOK FX0730AC-P FXnnnnnn-P NetWare Print Environment Settings<strong>Printers</strong>Print ServerRemote PrinterMode115

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 QueueCreateNetWare4Input Name9 NameOK FX0730AC-Q FXnnnnnn-Q NetWare Print Environment SettingsQueue116

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 10 NetWare PrintEnvironment SettingsOKNetWare4User11 NetWare Print Environment SettingsConfigureNetWarePrint Server Name FX0730AC CLEVER-PSRemote Printer Name - FX0730AC-PMaster File Server CLEVER CLEVER117

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>NetWare412 OptionsNetWare Options13 CloseReceive Timeout14 NetWareNetWareOK118

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 15 Yes16 Close17 NetWareNetWare CLEVER-PS UNLOAD PSERVER Enter LOAD PSERVER CLEVER-PS Enter NetWareNetWareNetWare4119

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3.3 Printer SettingsPrinter Settings PrinterSettingsNetWare4Printer Settings120

4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>4.3 Printer SettingsNetWare4121

4.4 NetWare NetWareCD-ROMSoftware Pack CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> OS NetWareNetWare4setup.exe OS OSSoftware Pack CD-ROMSoftware Pack4.4.1 Windows 95/98/Me1 2 WindowsDocuPrint C1618 NetWare3 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Installk.exe 5122

4.4 4 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>5 NetWare4123

4.4 NetWare46 1. NetWareCLEVER4FX0730AC-Q2. OK7 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 CD-ROMCD-ROM124

4.4 1 2 DocuPrint C1618 3 4 NetWare45 4.4.2 Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP Windows NT 4.01 2 Windows NT4.0DocuPrint C1618NetWare125

4.4 3 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp Tool CD-ROM Install_k.exe 5NetWare44 Korean<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>5 126

4.4 6 1. 2. NetWareClever4FX0730AC-QNetWare43. OK4. 7 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>8 CD-ROMCD-ROM127

4.4 NetWare41 2 DocuPrint C1618 3 4 5 128

5CentreWare InternetServices 5.1 CentreWare Internet Services 1305.2 1325.3 1335.4 CentreWare Internet Services 1375.5 CentreWare Internet Services 139

5.1CentreWare InternetServices CentreWare Internet Services DocuPrint C1618 TCP/IP CentreWare Internet Services5 Network CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet Services 5CentreWare Internet Services5.1.1 CentreWare Internet Services TCP/IP 5.1.2 CentreWare Internet Services OSOSWindows 95Windows 98Windows MeWindows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows XP• Netscape Communicator 4.06 • Internet Explorer 4.01 130

5.1 CentreWare Internet Services 5.1 5.1.3 ↓● IP 5.2.1 IPp.132● 5.2.1 IPp.132● InternetServices Enabled● Printer Settings 5.2.1 IPp.132● 5.3 ↓CentreWare Internet Services 5131

5.2 IP 5.2.1 IPCentreWare Internet Services 5TCP/IP IP IP 5.2.2 EnabledCentreWare Internet Services InternetServices5.2.3 Printer Settings Printer Settings Printer Settings132

5.3 CentreWare Internet Services5.3.1 Netscape Communicator 1 Edit PreferencesPreferences 2 Category AdvancedAdvanced 3 AdvancedAdvancedCacheProxies4 CacheCache CentreWare Internet Services 55 Document in cache is compared to document on networkOnceper sessionEvery time6 133

5.3 5.3.2 Internet ExplorerCentreWare Internet Services 51 2 3 4 Internet Explorer5 134

5.3 5.3.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet ServicesNetscape Communicator1 Edit PreferencesPreferences 2 Category AdvancedAdvancedCacheProxies3 ProxiesProxies CentreWare Internet Services 54 Manual proxy configurationView5 Exceptions Do not use proxy servers for domains beginningwithIP OK6 Preferences OKInternet Explorer Internet Explorer 4.X135

5.3 1 2 CentreWare Internet Services 53 LAN LAN LAN 4 5 CentreWare Internet Services 80 CentreWare Internet Services Properties 80 80009999 1IP 3129.249.242.1798080http129.249.242.1798080 2dpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp8080httpdpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp8080136

5.4CentreWare InternetServicesCentreWare Internet Services Windows 98 Internet Explorer 5.51 Windows 98Internet Explorer2 IP URL IP Printer Settings PrinterSettingsDNS DNS DNS IP DNS 1 IP Internet Services 5 2 dpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp dpc aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jphttpdpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp/137

5.4 CentreWare Internet Services3 EnterCentreWare Internet Services Device Home CentreWare Internet Services Job and History, Status,Properties AssistanceCentreWare Internet Services 5Job and History Status Properties Assistance 138

5.5CentreWare InternetServices CentreWare Internet ServicesHelp5.5.1 Job and HistoryCentreWare Internet Services 5Job ListCompleted Jobs139

5.5 CentreWare Internet Services5.5.2 StatusCentreWare Internet Services 5140

5.5 CentreWare Internet Services 5.5 5.5.3 Properties5 NetworkCentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet Services 5CentreWare Internet ServicesInternet ServiceEnvironment Setting●● admin admin141

5.5 CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet Services 51 3 Maintenance PortSettingsInternet Services2 3 Apply New SettingsRestore Settings4 CentreWare Internet Services5 Refresh142

5.5 CentreWare Internet Services 5.5 5.5.4 Assistance <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong><strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> CentreWare Internet Services 5143

6E-mail 6.1 E-mail 1466.2 1486.3 CentreWare Internet Services 1506.4 E-mail (Status Messenger) 158

6.1 E-mailTCP/IP E-mailE-mail ● E-mail E-mail PDF Status Messenger ● E-mail● E-mail E-mail Status Messenger E-mail E-mail E-mailE-mail 66.1.1 E-mail TCP/IP E-mail E-mail POP3 E-mail E-mail E-mailE-mail TCP/IPE-mail 146

6.1 E-mail6.1 6.1.2 E-mail↓● IP ●6.2.1 IP ● Status Messenger E-mail Off6.2.2 ● Printer Settings 6.2.3 Printer Settings ● CentreWare Internet Services E-mail 6.3 CentreWare Internet Services↓E-mail 6147

6.2 E-mail IP StatusMessenger 6.2.1 IP TCP/IP IP6.2.2 E-mail SMTP/POP3 E-mail Printing StatusMessenger Status Messenger E-mail 6 Status Messenger SMTP/POP3 E-MailPrinting OFF148

6.2 6.2.3 Printer Settings Printer SettingsPrinter Settings Printer Settings E-mail 6149

6.3CentreWare InternetServices E-mail CentreWare InternetServices● Device E-mail Address● SMTP Server Address● POP3 Server Address● POP User Name● POP Password● POP3 Server Polling Interval● APOP Settings● Transport Protocol - TCP/IPnone 30 minutes offE-mail 6Status Messenger ● Permitted E-mail Address1● Permitted E-mail Address2● Password for Only Read Data● Password for Full Access● Recipient E-mail Address● Notification Items● Status E-mail Sending IntervalE-mail ● Permitted E-mail Address1● Permitted E-mail Address2● Password for Print Jobnonenonenonenonenoneerror only 1 minutesnonenonenoneCentreWare Internet Service CentreWare Internet Services● admin● adminCentreWare Internet Services5CentreWare Internet Services E-mail 150

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services 6.3 1 Windows 98Microsoft Internet Explorer5.5CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet Services● Internet Explorer2 IP IP IP Printer SettingsDNS DNS DNS IP DNS 1 IP 6 2 dpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp dpc aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jphttpdpc.aaa.bbb.fujixerox.co.jp/151

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services3 ENTERCentreWare Internet Services 4 PropertiesE-mail 6152

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services 6.3 5 Port SettingsSMTP/POP3● SMTP/POP3● E-mail SMTP/POP3E-mail 6153

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services6 E-mail 6154

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services 6.3 Device E-mailAddressSMTP ServerAddressSMTP ServerConnectionPOP3 ServerAddress POP User NamePOP PasswordStatus E-mailSending IntervalAPOP SettingPOP3 ServerConnectionTransport Protocol E-mail 63 E-mail E-mailSMTP IP 5• DisabledSMTP/POP3 • Connection in ProgressSMTP/POP3 E-mailSMTPPOP3• Connecting.E-mailSMTP/POP3 E-mailSMTP/POP3• ReadyE-mailSMTP/POP3 E-mailSMTP/POP3• Unable to connectE-mailSMTP/POP3 E-mailSMTP/POP3POP3 IP 15 15 E-mail 1 255 APOP On 5 SMTP ServerConnection Status MessengerTCP/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP Settings MaintenanceE-mail 6155

6.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesE-mail 6Retrieve E-mailNowPermitted E-mailAddress 1/Permitted E-mailAddress 2Password for OnlyRead DataPassword for FullAccessRecipient E-mailAddressNotification ItemsStatus E-mailSending Interval E-mail 31 Permitted E-mailAddressesPermitted E-mail Addresses 2 Permitted E-mail Address 1 Permitted E-mail Address Permitted E-mail Address 1 Permitted E-mail Address2 fujixerox.co.jp E-mail fujixerox.co.jp Enable Password 7 E-mailEnable PasswordEnable Password EnablePassword 7 E-mail EnablePassword EnablePassword E-mail 63 NotificationItems Status Type E-mailStatus Type E-mail StatusType • Warning• Caution• Others Device Status 1 255 Notification Items Status Type E-mail156

6.3 CentreWare Internet Services 6.3 Permitted E-mailAddress 1/Permitted E-mailAddress 2Password for PrintJob 31 Permitted E-mailAddressesPermitted E-mail Addresses 2 PermittedE-mail Address 1 Permitted E-mail Address 2 Permitted E-mail Address 1 Permitted E-mailAddress 2E-mail Status Messenger Permitted E-mail Address Settings Enable Password 7 Enable PasswordEnable Password7 Apply New SettingsRestore Settings8 CentreWare Internet Services CentreWare Internet ServicesOKE-mail 6 Internet Services EnvironmentSetting● admin● admin9 157

6.4E-mail (Status Messenger) E-mailPrinterSettings E-mail E-mail E-mailE-mail 6The toner cartridge needs to be replaced soon.Cover is open.158

6.4 E-mail 6.4 (Status Messenger)6.4.1 E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mailE-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail E-mail ● E-mailPassword ● ● E-mail 1● E-mailPassword E-mailNetworkInfo - Status - setmsgaddr E-mail E-mail Password E-mail 6 E-mail 1 ronlyPasswordStatusronly159

6.4 E-mail (Status Messenger) (Status Messenger) 2 admin servicefujixerox.co.jpPasswordsetmsgaddradminservicefujixerox.co.jp 3 admin servicefujixerox.co.jpPasswordsetmsgaddrNetworkInfoadminservicefujixerox.co.jpsetmsgaddr NetworkInfo setmsgaddr E-mail 6160

77.1 TCP/IP 1627.2 SMB 1657.3 NetWare 1677.4 CentreWare Internet Services 1697.5 E-mail 171

7.1TCP/IP 7.1.1 IP IP DHCP IP IP Setup IP 2.2.1 IP Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000/Windows XP7Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000lpr. Port 9100 Windows NT Microsoft TCP/IP PrintingWindows 2000 TCP/IP UnixMicrosoft TCP/IP PrintingMicrosoft TCP/IPPrinting Windows NT CD-ROMTCP/IPTCP/IPWindows XPlpr Port 9100Windows XP TCP/IP UnixTCP/IPTCP/IP162

7.1 TCP/IP7.1 7.1.2 Ethernet Ethernet IP IP Printer Settings2.2.3 Printer Settings IP FilterIP Filter2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesIP Filter Port 9100●●2.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesPort 91002.4.3 Port 9100 7163

7.1 TCP/IP7.1.3 TCP/IP 7Cannot print(Network Error)Cannot print(Spool Error)Windows 95 - - Windows 95/Windows 98/Windows Me164

7.2SMB 7.2.1 Windows - adminCentreWare Internet ServicesNetwork NV Memory NVMemory PrinterSettingsconfig.txt config.txt config.txt message.txt admintool config.txt config.txt admintool config.txt - - Host name-P7165

7.2 SMB7.2.2 Ethernet Ethernet IP TCP/IP Printer Settings7There is not enoughmemory to store file on theserverOverwrite error3.2.3 Printer Settings DocuPrint C1618 DocuPrint C1618 Windows 166

7.3NetWare 7.3.1 NetWare NetWare SUPERVISOR ADMIN NetWare SUPERVISORNetWare 3.x ADMINNetWare 4.x NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare 7167

7.3 NetWare7.3.2 Ethernet Ethernet NetWare Enabled4.2.1 7NetWare Waiting for job NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare Waiting for job DocuPrintC16184.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> DocuPrintC16184.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>- 4.3 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>168

7.4CentreWare InternetServicesCentreWareInternet ServicesEthernet IP Ethernet IP IP PrinterSettings IP IP 2.2.3 Printer Settings Please wait Properties OS5.3 80- OS5.1.2 7169

7.4 CentreWare Internet ServicesApply NewSettingsApply NewSettings - - - Network NV Memory NV Memory NVMemory PrinterSettings7170

7.5 E-mailE-mail E-mailSMTP/POP3 E-mail Status MessengerPOP/SMTP IP POP CentreWare Internet Services Status Messenger E-mail CentreWare Internet Services6.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet ServicesAPOP E-mail E-mail6.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesPOP APOP E-mail E-mail6.3 CentreWare Internet Services E-mailE-mailPassword POP/SMTP 6.4 E-mail(Status Messenger) E-mailPassword 6.4 E-mail(Status Messenger)7171

7.5 E-mailE-mailSMTP/POP3StatusMessengerPOP/SMTP IP CentreWare Internet Services Status Messenger CentreWare Internet ServicesPOP 6.3 CentreWare Internet ServicesCentreWare Internet ServicesAPOP6.3 CentreWare Internet Services POP APOP CentreWare InternetServicesCentreWare Internet ServicesE-mail6.3 CentreWare Internet Services7POP/SMTP CentreWare Internet Services6.3 CentreWare Internet Services172

AB 174CentreWare Simple Status Notification176

A Ethernet 2.0 IEEE 802.3TCP/IP SMB IPX/SPXNetWare AppleTalk100BASE-TX 10BASE-T 2.3WTCP/IP OS Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000 Windows XPEthernetIIEthernet IIlpdlpr Port 9100Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XPIPPWindows Me/2000/XPhttp SNMP SMTP/POP3SMB (*1) OS Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000 Windows XPSMBTCP/IP SMBNetBEUI*NetBEUWindows XPNetWare (*1) OS NetWare 3.12/3.2/4.1/4.11/4.2/5EthernetIIEthernet IIEthernet802.3IEEE 802.3Ethernet802.2IEEE 802.2EthernetSNAPIEEE 802.1 SNAPSNMP174

AppleTalkEtherTalk *2 OS Mac OS 8.6-9.2.2EthernetSNAPIEEE 802.1 SNAPLaser Writer12PostScript Kit175

BCentreWare Simple StatusNotificationCentreWare Simple Status Notification CentreWare SSNCentreWare SSNSoftware Pack CD-ROM CentreWare SSNOSWindows 95Windows 98Windows MeWindows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows XP• IP SNMP UDP/IP TCP/IP • NetWare SNMP IPX ●●SNMP UDP/IPSNMP IPX Enabled●●IP 2.2.1 IP CentreWare FXSsnSoftware Pack CD-ROM FXSsn readme 176

B CentreWare Simple Status NotificationCentreWare SSN Windows 981 Windows 982 Software Pack CD-ROM CD-ROM <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> StartUp ToolExit3 4 \FXSsn\Setup.exe EE:\FXSsn\Setup.exe5 Next177

B CentreWare Simple Status Notification6 Destination FolderNextBrowse Next7 Finish8 CD-ROM CD-ROM178

B CentreWare Simple Status NotificationCentreWare SSN Windows 98CentreWare SSN ReadMe 1 <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> - Simple Status Notification -Simple Status NotificationSimple Status Notification 2 IP TCP/IP IP Start4 ●179

B CentreWare Simple Status Notification5 • • 6 CentreWare SSNClose180

B CentreWare Simple Status Notification●-Windows Windows CentreWare SSN1 CentreWare SSN Ssn.exe ● Ssn.exe\Program Files\<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>\Simple StatusNotification ● OSWindows 95/Windows 98/Windows MeWindows\\\Windows NT 4.0Winnt\profiles\\\\Windows 2000/Windows XPDocuments and Settings\\\\2 181

B CentreWare Simple Status Notification3 C:\Program Files\<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong>\Simple Status Notification\Ssn.exe 4 Windows CentreWare SSN182

B CentreWare Simple Status NotificationCentreWare SSN CentreWare SSN Simple Status Notification Simple Status Notification Simple Status NotificationDialog displayCancel183

AAssistance .............................................. 143CCentreWareInternetServices............................... 7, 17, 130, 137, 139, 150CentreWareInternetServices ......... 17CentreWareInternetServices ....... 130CentreWareInternetServices ....... 150CentreWareInternetServices ................................................... 137CentreWareSimpleStatusNotification ............................................. 176CentreWareSSN ........................... 183CentreWareSSN ........................... 177CentreWareSSN ........................... 179NNetWare ........................................... 92NetWare ................................ 100NetWare ........................ 92NetWare ................................................... 5PProperties ............................................... 141SSMBWindows ......................... 5SMB ................................................. 76SNMPManager .......................................... 8SNMPManager .................. 8Status ..................................................... 140ET Email ........................................... 158Email .......................10, 145F<strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong> .................. 96<strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong> ......... 96IInternetExplorer ............................ 134TCPIPWindows95Windows98WindowsMe ............................................. 4TCPIP .......... 59TCPIP... 59TCPIP ........................................... 70TCPIP ............................................. 12TCPIP .......................... 12TCPIPWindowsNT40Windows2000 ............ 3WJJobandHistory ...................................... 139Windows95Windows98WindowsMeTCPIP ....... 55WindowsNT40Windows2000 ..... 33 .............................................. 76184

........................................... 50 ............................... 50 ........................... 96 ................................ 174 ......................................... 2 ............................... 3NDS ....... 103 ................................................ 161CentreWareInternetServices .......... 169NetWare ................................... 167 ..................... 168 ..................... 167SMB .......................................... 165 ..................... 166 ..................... 165TCPIP ..................................... 162TCPIP ..................................... 164 ..................... 163 ..................... 162 ......................2 ............................... 85, 122 .......................135 .................................... 132, 148Windows2000lpr ..................37Windows2000Port9100 .......41Windows2000 .............................................46Windows95Windows98WindowsMe .............. 85, 122WindowsNT40 ....................................34WindowsNT40Windows2000 ... 88, 125 ......................................92 .................................68 ............................. 112 ........79 ...................................... 93 ............................................ 133 .................................... 133185

MD-0039E4 ● 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ● 1. 1 2 3 4 52. 1 2 3 4 53. 1 2 3 4 54. 1 2 3 4 55. 1 2 3 4 56. 1 2 3 4 57. 1 2 3 4 58. 1 2 3 4 59. 1 2 3 4 510. 1 2 3 4 5 <strong>Fuji</strong><strong>Xerox</strong>Co.Ltd.KSPRD2D73-2-1SakadoTakatsu-kuKawasaki-shiKanagawa-kenJAPAN213-0012.✂

DocuPrint C1618 Human Interface Design DevelopmentDocument Products Company<strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> Co. Ltd.MD-0039E4 Edition 1Copyright 2002 by <strong>Fuji</strong> <strong>Xerox</strong> Co. Ltd.

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