Statut juridique, gouvernance et performance des institutions - CEREG

Statut juridique, gouvernance et performance des institutions - CEREG Statut juridique, gouvernance et performance des institutions - CEREG
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• Mordhuch, J. (1999), ‘The microfinance promise’, Journal Of Economic Litterature 37 December: 1569-1614• Morduch, J. (1990), J. ‘The rôle of subsidies in microfinance : evidence from the Grameen Bank ‘, Journal of economic developemen• Morduch, J. ‘The microfinance schism ‘, World development ; vol.28, No 4, pp. 617-629.• Myers S.C.[1977], ‘D<strong>et</strong>erminants of corporate borrowing’, Journal of financial economics 5, 147-175• Nelson R. & Krashinsky M. (1973), ‘Two Major Issues of Public Policy : Public Policy and Organization of Supply ‘, in Public S• O.C.C (1988), ‘Bank failure : an evaluation of the factors contributing to the failure of national banks’.• Pankaj J J, Moore M. (2003), ‘What Makes Micro-credit Programmes Effective? Fashionable Fallacies and Workable Realities.• Pitt M.M. <strong>et</strong> Kandker S.R (1996), ‘Household and intrahousehold impact of the Grameen Bank and similar targ<strong>et</strong>ed credit pro• Platteau J.P. (1987) , ‘La Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle <strong>et</strong> le problématique coopérative’ , Cahiers de la Faculté <strong>des</strong> Sciences E• Provan (1980), ‘Board Power and Organizational Effectiveness Among Human Service Agencies’‘, Academy of Management Journ• Rhyne, E. 2001. ‘Mainstreaming Microfinance: How Lending to the Poor Began, Grew, and Came of Age in Bolivia’. West Ha• Rock, R., Otero M., & Saltzman S. (1998). ‘Principles and Practices of Microfinance Governance’, ACCION International, Wa• Ross, S., 1977, “The D<strong>et</strong>ermination of Financial Structure: The Incentive - Signal- ling Approach”, Bell Journal of Economics 8, 2• Saunders A., Strock S. <strong>et</strong> Travlos N.G. (1990), ‘Ownership Structure, Deregulation, and banking risk taking,’ Journal of Finance 4• Sharma M. and Zeller, M. (1997). ‘Repayment <strong>performance</strong> in group-based credit programs in Bangla<strong>des</strong>h: an empirical analys• Sharpe, S.A. (1990), ‘Asymm<strong>et</strong>ric Information, Bank Lending and Implicit Contracts: a Stylized Model of Customer Relationsh• Simon Y. & Tezenas du Montcel H. (1977), ‘Théorie de la firme <strong>et</strong> réforme de l’entreprise. Revue de la théorie <strong>des</strong> droits de p• Soulama (2002), ‘Micro-finance, pauvr<strong>et</strong>é <strong>et</strong> développement’, Université de Ouagadoudou, Burkina Faso, Février, Miméo.• Stiglitz, J.E. (1990), ‘Peer Monitoring and Credit Mark<strong>et</strong>s’, World Bank Economic Review, Oxford University Press, vol. 43, pages• Van Tassel E. (1999), ‘Group lending under asymm<strong>et</strong>ric information’, Journal of Development Economics, vol 60 N° 1 p.3-26• Varian H. R. (1990), “Monitoring agents with other agents”, Journal of Institutional and Theor<strong>et</strong>ical Economics, pp153-174.• Weisbrod B.A., 1998, ‘Conclusions and Public-policy Issues : Commercialism and the Road ahead’, in B.A. WEISBROD, ed, T• Zeller M. (1998)., ‘D<strong>et</strong>erminants of repayment <strong>performance</strong> in credit groups: the role of program <strong>des</strong>ign, intra-group risk pool59

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