Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter - Aussiehome

Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter - Aussiehome

Pre-Kindergarten Newsletter - Aussiehome


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<strong>Pre</strong>-Kindy <strong>Newsletter</strong>TERM 4, 2011FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER*PYP Unit of Inquiry*Our Unit of Inquiry forthis term will be How TheWorld Works (Patterns).The central idea, keyconcepts and lines of inquiry forthe unit are on display in theclassroom.Our central idea is Patterns canbe natural and man-made. The linesof inquiry include* patterns occur in the naturalworld* humans are inspired to createtheir own patterns* patterns can be part of differentsocietiesThe children will bediscovering, examining andcreating patterns using a range ofmaterials. They will investigatepatterns in nature and in othercultures.During the course of theInquiry we will start our GreatWall of Patterns. The childrenwill be able to add patterns theycreate or discover, enabling us toview their growing understandingo f w h a t a p a t t e r n i s .Contributions for the wall maytake the form of photos, artwork,materials or natural products. Itcould even be a comment a childhas made upon observing apattern. Please encourage yourchild to contribute to the wall andparents, please document anycomments your child might makeat home and send them in for usto add to the wall.We also ask that if you havean item at home that has aninteresting pattern, please send itin to share with other children inthe class.Early Years LearningFramework Outcome 5.4Demonstrates early awareness ofsimple ABAB patterns – copying andcontinuing these using colours,shapes, objects, pictures, actions etc.Notices and predicts the patterns ofregular routines and the passing oftime.-------------------------------------Early Years LearningFramework (EYLF).The <strong>Pre</strong>-Kindy and <strong>Kindergarten</strong>classes continue to implement theAustralia wide curriculum. Pleasespeak to Lesley or myself if youhave any questions regarding theEarly Years Learning Framework.

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