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J.-P. Suc, A. Drivaliari (1991) Transport of bisaccate coniferous fossil pollen grains tocoastal sediments. An exemple from the earliest Pliocene Orb ria (Languedoc,southern France). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 70: 247-253.J.-P. Suc, S. Fauquette, S.-M. Popescu (2004) L’investigation palynologique duCénozoïque passe par les herbiers. Actes du Colloque « Les herbiers : un outild’avenir. Tradition et modernité », Villeurbanne. Edit. Ass. Fr. pour laConservation des Espèces végétales, Nancy, 67-87.P.R. Vail, F. Audemard, S.A. Bowman, P.N. Eisner, C. Perez-Cruz (1991) The Stratigraphicsignature of Tectonics, Eustasy and Sedimentology : an Overview. Einsele & al.,eds., Cycles and Events in Stratigraphy, 617-659, Spinger-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.M. Villegier (1984) Évolution du panneau de couverture Nord-provençal (Mont-Ventoux-Lubéron, moyenne Durance). Thèse Doct. III cycle, Univ. Orsay-Paris XI, 200 p.C.W. Wang (1961) The forests of China with a Survey of grassland and desert vegetation.Maria Moors Cabot Foundation, 5, Cambridge (Massachusetts), 313 p.B.A, Zaitlin, R.W. Dalrymple, R. Boyd (1994) The stratigraphic organization of incisedvalley systems associated with relative sea-level change, in R.W. Dalrymple, R.Boyd, and B.A. Zaitlin, eds., Incised valley systems: origin and sedimentarysequences, SEPM, Spec. Publ. 51, 45-60.168

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