ensembles et residences a marseille 1955-1975 - Direction ...

ensembles et residences a marseille 1955-1975 - Direction ... ensembles et residences a marseille 1955-1975 - Direction ...

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The Preachers’ SeminarThe Second Coming, Sex andthe Sanctified Life:Preaching 1 ThessaloniansFrom Text to SermonThe aim of this seminar is to help pastors andpreachers brush up on the exegetical stepsrequired to move from the biblical text to a sermonthat faithfully expresses its message for the churchtoday.The seminar will focus on the letter of 1Thessalonians. This brief letter deals withimportant subjects such as the second coming ofChrist, the sanctity of sex, comfort concerningbelievers who have passed away, models ofbehaviour for church leaders, and much more. Theseminar examines the historical context, epistolarystructure and text of this important epistle of Paul,all with the larger goal of helping pastors writesermons that make this letter relevant for acontemporary audience.The workshop will be led by Dr. Jeffrey A.D.Weima, who is Professor of New Testament atCalvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids,Michigan). Dr. Weima has taught at Calvin since1992, is the author of numerous articles, twobooks, and is currently writing a commentary on I& II Thessalonians for Baker Books. He frequentlylectures throughout North America and overseas,leads tours on Paul's Missionary Journeys andpreaches widely in the Christian Reformed Church.SCHEDULEMonday, September 24, 20078:00 am Registration & Continental breakfast8:30 am Devotions9:00 am Session #1: The Thanksgiving: A Previewof Coming Attractions (1 Thess. 1:2-10)10:35 am Break11:00 am Session 2: Infants, Nursing Mother, andFather: Paul’s Portrayal of a Pastor andParishioners (1 Thess. 2:1-16)12:30 pm Lunch1:30 pm Session 3: Increasing in Conduct thatPleases God: The Sanctity of Sex andLoving Fellow Christians(1 Thess. 4:1-12)2:45 pm Break3:15 pm Session 4: Jesus is Coming Again! AWord of Comfort about DeceasedChristians at Christ’s Return(1 Thess. 4:13-18)5:00 pm Dinner at local restaurant (optional)Tuesday, September 25, 20078:30 am Devotions9:00 am Session 5: Jesus is Coming Again! AWord of Comfort about Living Christiansat Christ’s Return (1 Thess. 5:1-11)10:30 am Break11:00 am Session 6: Parting Shots onCongregational Life & Worship(1 Thess. 5:12-22)12:30 pm Lunch1:30 pm Sermon writing groups (optional)REGISTRATION$50 - Registration by September 7, 2007$65 - Registration after September 7, 2007Registration fee includes all seminar materials,continental breakfasts, refreshments and lunches.Accommodation: is available through The King’sUniversity College ($60 per night, plus taxes). Formore information please contact:Erin Walton, The King’s Conference Services• 1-800-661-8582, or 780-465-8323• conferenceservices@kingsu.ca.Name: ____________________________________Church: ___________________________________Address: __________________________________Phone Number: ____________________________E-mail: ___________________________________To register:E-mail Karen Dykshoorn (Karen@bethelcrc.ca) toconfirm registration and bring payment (cash orcheque) to the conference.ORMail registration form and check payable to:Bethel Community Church14204 - 25 StreetEdmonton, AB, Canada, T5Y 1G5Event Location:King’s University College9125 - 50 StreetEdmonton, Alberta, T6B 2H3(780) 465-3500

The Preachers’ SeminarThe Second Coming, Sex andthe Sanctified Life:Preaching 1 ThessaloniansFrom Text to SermonThe aim of this seminar is to help pastors andpreachers brush up on the exeg<strong>et</strong>ical stepsrequired to move from the biblical text to a sermonthat faithfully expresses its message for the churchtoday.The seminar will focus on the l<strong>et</strong>ter of 1Thessalonians. This brief l<strong>et</strong>ter deals withimportant subjects such as the second coming ofChrist, the sanctity of sex, comfort concerningbelievers who have passed away, models ofbehaviour for church leaders, and much more. Theseminar examines the historical context, epistolarystructure and text of this important epistle of Paul,all with the larger goal of helping pastors writesermons that make this l<strong>et</strong>ter relevant for acontemporary audience.The workshop will be led by Dr. Jeffrey A.D.Weima, who is Professor of New Testament atCalvin Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids,Michigan). Dr. Weima has taught at Calvin since1992, is the author of numerous articles, twobooks, and is currently writing a commentary on I& II Thessalonians for Baker Books. He frequentlylectures throughout North America and overseas,leads tours on Paul's Missionary Journeys andpreaches widely in the Christian Reformed Church.SCHEDULEMonday, September 24, 20078:00 am Registration & Continental breakfast8:30 am Devotions9:00 am Session #1: The Thanksgiving: A Previewof Coming Attractions (1 Thess. 1:2-10)10:35 am Break11:00 am Session 2: Infants, Nursing Mother, andFather: Paul’s Portrayal of a Pastor andParishioners (1 Thess. 2:1-16)12:30 pm Lunch1:30 pm Session 3: Increasing in Conduct thatPleases God: The Sanctity of Sex andLoving Fellow Christians(1 Thess. 4:1-12)2:45 pm Break3:15 pm Session 4: Jesus is Coming Again! AWord of Comfort about DeceasedChristians at Christ’s R<strong>et</strong>urn(1 Thess. 4:13-18)5:00 pm Dinner at local restaurant (optional)Tuesday, September 25, 20078:30 am Devotions9:00 am Session 5: Jesus is Coming Again! AWord of Comfort about Living Christiansat Christ’s R<strong>et</strong>urn (1 Thess. 5:1-11)10:30 am Break11:00 am Session 6: Parting Shots onCongregational Life & Worship(1 Thess. 5:12-22)12:30 pm Lunch1:30 pm Sermon writing groups (optional)REGISTRATION$50 - Registration by September 7, 2007$65 - Registration after September 7, 2007Registration fee includes all seminar materials,continental breakfasts, refreshments and lunches.Accommodation: is available through The King’sUniversity College ($60 per night, plus taxes). Formore information please contact:Erin Walton, The King’s Conference Services• 1-800-661-8582, or 780-465-8323• conferenceservices@kingsu.ca.Name: ____________________________________Church: ___________________________________Address: __________________________________Phone Number: ____________________________E-mail: ___________________________________To register:E-mail Karen Dykshoorn (Karen@b<strong>et</strong>helcrc.ca) toconfirm registration and bring payment (cash orcheque) to the conference.ORMail registration form and check payable to:B<strong>et</strong>hel Community Church14204 - 25 Stre<strong>et</strong>Edmonton, AB, Canada, T5Y 1G5Event Location:King’s University College9125 - 50 Stre<strong>et</strong>Edmonton, Alberta, T6B 2H3(780) 465-3500

DRAC PACA-SDAP13ENSEMBLES & RESIDENCES A MARSEILLE <strong>1955</strong>-<strong>1975</strong>Dates Scène nationale Architecture, urbanisme Scène locale Architecture, urbanisme Ensembles <strong>et</strong> résidences1962 1° &2°gouv. PompidouJ Maziol M ConstructionMalraux M E CultureRéférendum AlgérieLoi Malraux :Sect SauvegLOF/ POS<strong>ensembles</strong> pavillonnairesRéferendum : 28Octobre : vote négatifRapatriésPrise du Syndicat :Graveleau, Dabat343 000 logements1963 Fin des LOGECOPSD spéciaux différésPSI Spéciaux immédiat.377000 logementsMission d’aménagementtouristique LanguedocRoussillon1964 Commission d’inventairegénéralConcours Habitat IndividuelReg ParisienneDATARMort de Le Corbusier430 000 logements1965 PSR O% 53 ansHLMO 3,6% 40 ansILN 5% 25ansHLM Acc 5% 25 ans440 000 logementsSDAU R.Parisienne1966 2° mandat Ch de Gaulle Création de l’Equipement3°gouv. PompidouE. Pisani M Equipement 425 000 logem entsMalraux M E Culture Maison de la Cultured’Amiens1967 4°gouv. Pompidoudem de E. Pisani remplFX.d’Ortoli M Equipement ,LogementMalraux M E CultureA Chalandon M Industrie1968 Gouv. Couve de MurvilleA Chalandon MEquipement <strong>et</strong> logementMalraux M E Culture1969 Dem de Ch de GaullePompidou Président1°gouv. Chaban DelmasA Chalandon MEquipement <strong>et</strong>- logementE. Michel<strong>et</strong> M E Culture1970 Mort de Ch de GaulleMort de E. Michel<strong>et</strong>1971 2°gouv. Chaban DelmasR. Poujade M del’EnvironnementA Chalandon MEquipementJ. Duhamel M affairesculturellesVote de la LOF : SDAU,POS, ZACProgramme spécial derésorption des bidonvilles.435 000 logementsPLR Loyer Réduit ex PSR434 000 logementsFin du Prix de RomeRévision des Plansd’Epargne LogementV.M.C499 000 logementsProgramme coup de poing,concours 15 000lgts /anRapport ConsignyVilles Nouvelles481 000 logementsAide au log soc ALSLoi tours <strong>et</strong> barresP Delouvrier : PlanConstruction :.PAN,Modèles innovation516 000 logementsPiano Rodgers BeaubourgDémolition des HallesLa grande BorneLa BourseLa VisteLes Vieux CyprèsLe Parc SévignéEsplanade TelèneZUP St Bart. PiconDir 13 MC Rudeau ZUP 1 concession La RouvièreRésidence PlombièreLa SauvagèreRue AugerParc CorotLa Rose le ClosDir 13 MTP A. PontonCollège des architectesarchi conseilGaston Defferrecandidat à laprésidenceDir 13 Lgt A. Pontonjusqu’en <strong>1975</strong>ZUP 2ZUP 3 ChrysocherisZAD TimoneCHU La TimoneRevue Prado N°11964-1967 Tunnel Vx Port889 000 habitants 55-68 Le Jarr<strong>et</strong>57-68 La CornicheEcole d’ArtGaston Defferrecandidat à laprésidenceDir 13 Eq A. PontonCréation de l’AGAML GallasMarseille- information4° mandatGaston DefferreSDAU AMMZac de BonneveinneViaduc de PlombièreViaduc Gal FerrierFouilles de La BourseLe FrioulLe CorderieZac de la BourseAutoroute à la porte d’AixLa RévolutionLa Gde. CornicheSt AnneMich. MazarguesLe MarceauRés. ConsolatCité Paul ArèneFrais VallonParc Maurel<strong>et</strong>teSt ThysLes AygaladesLa VisitationBel OmbreLe CastellasZUP Les LauriersChâteau SecLe ClaryLes Lierres,L’AméricaineLa CayolleLe BraziliaValmanteLa Timone (Devin)M Pagnol (Egger)La BastideLes PlatanesLe Cap Jan<strong>et</strong>Le ParisLa Brun<strong>et</strong>teRoi d’EspagneEcole InfirmièreZUP :Les Oliviers APaul Tromp<strong>et</strong>teLes CyprèsLe Pharo ( Logier)Horizons des collinesLa ComtesseLes BorelsLa CastellaneZUPMassalia JauresLe MéditerrannéeLa Valbarelle HeckelLes BalustresLivon- CharrasMichel<strong>et</strong> St AnnePlan d’AouZUPLes IrisLes MimosasLes GenêtsLes LavandesLes Bleu<strong>et</strong>sLes Eglantiers….E R M / T D 2005 - 3

DRAC PACA-SDAP13ENSEMBLES & RESIDENCES A MARSEILLE <strong>1955</strong>-<strong>1975</strong>Dates Scène nationale Architecture, urbanisme Scène locale Architecture, urbanisme Ensembles <strong>et</strong> résidences1972 1°gouv.P MessmerO. Guichard MEquipement logement <strong>et</strong>transportJ. Duhamel M affairesculturellesPompidou Déclaration surl’Art <strong>et</strong> l’Architecture dansle MondeConf de presse de A.Chalandon550 000 logementsAide au log Famillial ALFPrêt ImmobiliersConventionnés PICCrédit BancaireZac du Prado PlagesZac de la ValentineZac St BarbeZAD Panier66-72 plages duPradoBibliothèque St CharlesLe MINA55La CadenelleColl<strong>et</strong> des ComtesAir BelLa SimianeLes CréneauxLa BricardeZUPLes Flamants1973 2°gouv.P MessmerO. Guichard MAménagement du Terr.Equipement logement <strong>et</strong>tourismeM. Druon M affairesculturelles1974 2°gouv.P MessmerO. Guichard MAménagement du Terr.Equipement Logement <strong>et</strong>TourismeA.Peyrefitte M affairesculturellesMort de G. PompidouV. G d’Estaing Président1°gouv.J. ChiracR. Galley M EquipementM.Guy Secr.d’E CultureCirculaire Guichard visant àm<strong>et</strong>tre un terme aux grands<strong>ensembles</strong>ZAC de moins de 500 lgts,r<strong>et</strong>our au centre, villesmoyennes549 000 logementsR Bofill promotionde l’architectureExposition des ModèlesInnovation au Grand Palais542 000 logements1° crise pétrolière<strong>1975</strong> V. G d’Estaing entr<strong>et</strong>iensur l’architecturePan Portzamparc516 000 logements965 000 habitants Schéma de Secteur 1/5000°Parking La TimonePanier restaurationRevue Marseille N°100 Zac des Caillols :ZUP 3 AnnuléeCentre directionnelZAC Fondacle1977 Loi sur l’Architecture Pos de Marseille, métroVilla d’EsteLes ChartreuxC astelroc HautLa SavineZUPLes Oliviers B <strong>et</strong>cLes AlpillesLa SolidaritéSt Henri MerlinZUPLe MailLe Grand PavoisRoi D’Espagne Tours,Les CalanquesZUPLa BenausseE R M / T D 2005 - 4

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