Mephisto Chess Explorer - Saitek.com

Mephisto Chess Explorer - Saitek.com

Mephisto Chess Explorer - Saitek.com


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USE THIS CHART TO SELECT A PLAYING LEVEL!ENGLISH1. Press LEVEL to enterLevel Mode.level2. Next, select your level, using theLevel Chart. There are two waysto do this.• Cycle through the levels untilyour level is displayed:• Press BLACK/> toincrease > levels by one.• Press WHITE/< todecrease < levels by one.• Press LEVEL to increase> levels by eight.• OR, simply locate your levelsquare and press one of thepegged chess pieces down intothe hole to display that level.3. Finally, press ENTER toexit Level Mode, usingyour new level!enterTRAININGLEVELSMATESEARCHLEVELSBEGINNERLEVELSBLITZLEVELSTOURNAMENTLEVELSNORMALPLAYINGLEVELS +INFINITELEVELA8A7A6A5A2A19 plysearchPLY:91 plysearchPLY:1Mate in1 move=in:11 sec.per movebEG:15 min.per gamebL: 5B8B7B6B5B2B1C8C7C6C5C2C1D8D7D6D5A440 movesB435 movesC440 movesD435 movesE440 movesF445 movesG450 movesH440 movesin 1:30 in 1:45 in 1:45 in 1:30 in 2:00 in 2:30 in 2:00 in 3:00tr40 tr35 tr40 tr35 tr40 tr45 tr50 tr401:30:00 1:45:00 1:45:00 1:30:00 2:00:00 2:30:00 2:00:00 3:00:00A3B3C3D3E3F3G3H345 sec.per moveL0:451 sec.per moveL0:0110 plysearchPLY:102 plysearchPLY:2Mate in2 moves=in:22 sec.per movebEG:210 min.per gamebL:101 min.per moveL1:002 sec.per moveL0:0211 plysearchPLY:113 plysearchPLY:3Mate in3 moves=in:33 sec.per movebEG:315 min.per gamebL:151.5 min.per moveL1:303 sec.per moveL0:0312 plysearchPLY:122 min.per moveL2:00D2D14 plysearchPLY:4Mate in4 moves=in:44 sec.per movebEG:420 min.per gamebL:205 sec.per moveL0:0513 plysearchPLY:13E8E7E6E53 min.per moveL3:00E2E15 plysearchPLY:5Mate in5 moves=in:55 sec.per movebEG:530 min.per gamebL:3010 sec.per moveL0:1014 plysearchPLY:14F8F7F66 sec.per movebEG:6F545 min.per gamebL:455 min.per moveL5:00F2F16 plysearchPLY:6Mate in6 moves=in:615 sec.per moveL0:1515 plysearchPLY:15G8G7Mate in7 moves=in:7G67 sec.per movebEG:7G560 min.per gamebL:6010 min.per moveL10:00G2G17 plysearchPLY:720 sec.per moveL0:2016 plysearchPLY:16H8H7Mate in8 moves=in:8H68 sec.per movebEG:8H590 min.per gamebL:90InfiniteLevel9:99:99H2H18 plysearchPLY:830 sec.per moveL0:30For more details, see Section 3.9

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