Mephisto Chess Explorer -

Mephisto Chess Explorer - Mephisto Chess Explorer -


c. Silent Mode (Square C1)On:+SIL Off:-SILNormally, the computer always beeps when it has found its move. Forcompletely silent operation, turn on Silent Mode.d. Ticking Clock (Square D1)On:+tICk Off:-tICkWhen you turn this option on, you activate a ticking sound that makesthe computer’s clock sound like a real chess clock! Just imagine—youcan create the atmosphere of a championship chess tournament inyour own living room!e. Countdown Clock (Square E1)On:+cdn Off:-cdnTurning this option on causes the computer to display the countdowntime instead of the elapsed time. Note that this option is only availablein combination with the Tournament and Blitz Levels.f. System Test (Square F1)On:+tESt Off:-tEStThe System Test is included primarily as a troubleshooting tool. Afteractivating this option by selecting +tESt, pressing BLACK/> repeatedlywill cycle through all the segments in the LCD display. To exit thetest, press CLEAR and ENTER together to reset the computer.CAUTION: Be careful not to activate this option during a game, sinceresetting the computer is the only way to exit the test, and your currentgame will be lost.g. Auto Power Down (Square G1)On:+aPd Off:-aPdThe Auto Power Down option is a battery-saving feature! With thisoption activated, the computer will automatically turn itself off if nokeypresses or moves are made for about 15 minutes. To continue thegame where you left off, press GO/STOP to turn the computer back on.Note that the computer will not turn itself off while it is thinking.h. Play White from the Top (Square H1)On:+tOP Off:-tOPWant to depart from the usual standard and let the computer play theWhite pieces from the top of the board? Then try out this interestingoption! Choose +tOP at the beginning of a new game, and set up theboard with the Black pieces closest to you, as shown in the diagram inthis section. Then, press ENTER to start the game. Watch as thecomputer makes the first move for White from the top of the board!See “TRY BLACK FROM THE BOTTOM: HERE’S THE POSI-TION” for the correct board set-up when using this option.When the computer plays White from the top, board notation isautomatically reversed. Additionally, this option will go back to its defaultsetting of OFF when you start a new game.5.2 Playing Mode Options (Squares A2-H2)These options affect how the computer selects its moves.Press OPTION twice to select the Playing Mode Options. Thenuse the BLACK/> and WHITE/< keys to select options within thisgroup, and press ENTER to turn options on (+) or off (–). Or, simplypress the option squares to turn options on or off.a. Selective Search (Square A2)On:+SEL Off:-SELThe program in this chess computer normally uses a SelectiveSearch algorithm. This allows the computer to see combinations thatwould otherwise take much longer to compute. Turning this option off bychoosing -SEL makes the program switch to a powerful Brute Forcealgorithm. This search method minimizes the risk of an occasionaloversight.Note that the Mate Search Levels always use the Brute Forcemethod.b. Easy Mode (Square B2)On:+EASy Off:-EASyWant to win more games against the computer? Try turning on EasyMode, which prevents the computer from thinking on your time! Thisweakens all the playing levels without affecting the computer’s timecontrols. Normally, as described in Section 2.8, the computer thinks onyour time, using the time you are contemplating your next move to thinkahead and plan its strategies. This is part of what makes your computersuch a tough opponent! By using Easy Mode to make all the levelsweaker, you effectively have many more levels to choose from.14

1. Press OPTION repeatedly toselect a Mode.2. Next, select your option(s), usingthe Option Chart below. There aretwo ways to do this.• Cycle through the options withinthat mode:• Press BLACK/> to cycle >forward.• Press WHITE/< to cycle

c. Silent Mode (Square C1)On:+SIL Off:-SILNormally, the <strong>com</strong>puter always beeps when it has found its move. For<strong>com</strong>pletely silent operation, turn on Silent Mode.d. Ticking Clock (Square D1)On:+tICk Off:-tICkWhen you turn this option on, you activate a ticking sound that makesthe <strong>com</strong>puter’s clock sound like a real chess clock! Just imagine—youcan create the atmosphere of a championship chess tournament inyour own living room!e. Countdown Clock (Square E1)On:+cdn Off:-cdnTurning this option on causes the <strong>com</strong>puter to display the countdowntime instead of the elapsed time. Note that this option is only availablein <strong>com</strong>bination with the Tournament and Blitz Levels.f. System Test (Square F1)On:+tESt Off:-tEStThe System Test is included primarily as a troubleshooting tool. Afteractivating this option by selecting +tESt, pressing BLACK/> repeatedlywill cycle through all the segments in the LCD display. To exit thetest, press CLEAR and ENTER together to reset the <strong>com</strong>puter.CAUTION: Be careful not to activate this option during a game, sinceresetting the <strong>com</strong>puter is the only way to exit the test, and your currentgame will be lost.g. Auto Power Down (Square G1)On:+aPd Off:-aPdThe Auto Power Down option is a battery-saving feature! With thisoption activated, the <strong>com</strong>puter will automatically turn itself off if nokeypresses or moves are made for about 15 minutes. To continue thegame where you left off, press GO/STOP to turn the <strong>com</strong>puter back on.Note that the <strong>com</strong>puter will not turn itself off while it is thinking.h. Play White from the Top (Square H1)On:+tOP Off:-tOPWant to depart from the usual standard and let the <strong>com</strong>puter play theWhite pieces from the top of the board? Then try out this interestingoption! Choose +tOP at the beginning of a new game, and set up theboard with the Black pieces closest to you, as shown in the diagram inthis section. Then, press ENTER to start the game. Watch as the<strong>com</strong>puter makes the first move for White from the top of the board!See “TRY BLACK FROM THE BOTTOM: HERE’S THE POSI-TION” for the correct board set-up when using this option.When the <strong>com</strong>puter plays White from the top, board notation isautomatically reversed. Additionally, this option will go back to its defaultsetting of OFF when you start a new game.5.2 Playing Mode Options (Squares A2-H2)These options affect how the <strong>com</strong>puter selects its moves.Press OPTION twice to select the Playing Mode Options. Thenuse the BLACK/> and WHITE/< keys to select options within thisgroup, and press ENTER to turn options on (+) or off (–). Or, simplypress the option squares to turn options on or off.a. Selective Search (Square A2)On:+SEL Off:-SELThe program in this chess <strong>com</strong>puter normally uses a SelectiveSearch algorithm. This allows the <strong>com</strong>puter to see <strong>com</strong>binations thatwould otherwise take much longer to <strong>com</strong>pute. Turning this option off bychoosing -SEL makes the program switch to a powerful Brute Forcealgorithm. This search method minimizes the risk of an occasionaloversight.Note that the Mate Search Levels always use the Brute Forcemethod.b. Easy Mode (Square B2)On:+EASy Off:-EASyWant to win more games against the <strong>com</strong>puter? Try turning on EasyMode, which prevents the <strong>com</strong>puter from thinking on your time! Thisweakens all the playing levels without affecting the <strong>com</strong>puter’s timecontrols. Normally, as described in Section 2.8, the <strong>com</strong>puter thinks onyour time, using the time you are contemplating your next move to thinkahead and plan its strategies. This is part of what makes your <strong>com</strong>putersuch a tough opponent! By using Easy Mode to make all the levelsweaker, you effectively have many more levels to choose from.14

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