Coopérer avec la Tunisie - Projet IRZOD - Réseau Leader

Coopérer avec la Tunisie - Projet IRZOD - Réseau Leader

Coopérer avec la Tunisie - Projet IRZOD - Réseau Leader


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Then we define aggregate demand Q t as the sum of Q bkt over all customer c<strong>la</strong>sses andbilling cycles. Recall that one fifth of the popu<strong>la</strong>tion is on each billing cycle:Q t =KX 4XKXQ bkt = A + ·k=1 b=0k=14XB k ∆P k bt + ε t . (6)b=0Given N t customers at time t, the average demand equation per consumer (q t ≡ Q t /N t )is a function of 5K price deviations:KXq t = α + ·k=14Xβ k ∆P k bt + ξ t , (7)b=0where ξ t may depend on shocks to the economy, weather, etc. Demand is normalized bythe number of customers so we can compare SDG&E with our control group in section 4.This can be further simplified. As noted above, the changes in rates were roughlycommon across customers and rate c<strong>la</strong>sses: ∆P k bt = ∆P bt for all k. Let ∆P bt be the(unweighted) average of the wholesale price shocks (∆P wt+b+l−4) overthefive weeks from4Xl =0to 4: ∆P bt = 1 ∆P5 wt+b+l−4. We can write the model as:l=0Ã K!ÃX 4X!q t = α +k=1β k ∆P bt + ξ t (8)b=0Ã!14X 4X= α + β ∆P wt +b+l−4 + ξ t .5b=0 l=0Aggregate demand depends on four <strong>la</strong>gged prices, the current price, and four forwardprices. We further simplify the model by looking at how aggregate consumption respondsto an average price. This price shock differs slightly from the true price each customerpays.We estimated a model with the five distinct price averages as implied by (7). The dataare highly corre<strong>la</strong>ted; the corre<strong>la</strong>tion between this week’s PX price and <strong>la</strong>st week’s is 0.82and the corre<strong>la</strong>tion among bills is even greater. Due to the high degree of multi-collinearity,none of the coefficients were significant. For this reason, we use a single price measure inthe model. Therefore, we model (8) as:q t = α + βP t + ξ t , (9)where P t is a weighted average of price calcu<strong>la</strong>ted four separate ways as described in thetext.21

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