Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM


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PERKINS, Theodore, McGill Centre for Bioinformatics,Université McGill, Montréal, QuébecRABASA-LHORET, Rémi, Département de Nutrition del’Université de Montréal, Centre de recherche du CHUM,Montréal, QuébecQuantitative expression analysis: From single gene towhole genomeDoes some obese patient present a low metabolic riskcondition? The Metabolically Healthy but Obese (MHO)conceptMarsLÉCUYER, Éric, Donnelly Centre for Cellular andBiomolecular Research, Université de Toronto, Toronto,OntarioTOUYZ, Rhian M., Senior Scientist, Ottawa Health ResearchInstitute, Ottawa, OntarioUnravelling the mRNA localization codeVascular biology of TRPM7 chanzymes – implications inhypertensionAvrilGAUTIER, Jean, Columbia University Medical Center,Institute for Cancer Genetics, Irving Cancer Research Center,New York, New YorkLAMB, Richard, Cancer Research UK, Centre of Cell andMolecular Biology, Institute of Cancer Research, London,United KingdomPARIZEAU, Marie-Hélène, Faculté de philosophie, UniversitéLaval, Québec, QuébecMaintenance of genome integrity during S-phaseNutrient signaling to cell growth and immunityL’éthique de la recherche, la génétique et lesnanotechnologiesMaiATWEH, George F., Chief, Division of Hematology andMedical Oncology, Mount Sinai School of medicine, New York,New YorkRole of epigenetic modification in fetal hemoglobininductionERNST, Patricia, Department of Genetics, Dartmouth MedicalSchool, Hanover, New HampshireMACDONALD, Mary Ellen, Palliative Care Program, MontrealChildren’s Hospital, McGill University, Montréal, QuébecOZDEMIR, Vural, Bioethics Programs, Université deMontréal, Montréal, QuébecRoles of the MLL proto-oncogene in sustaining adulthematopoiesisSocial science and bioethics: A framework forresearching moral problems in end-of-life careFusion of therapeutics and diagnostics as“Theragnostics”: A new paradigm for bioethics andclinical researchJuinPOWERS, Thomas M., University of Delaware, Newark,DelawareREHMANN-SUTTER, Christoph, Unit for Ethics in theBiosciences, University of Basel, SuisseSHIMOGORI, Tomomi, Unit Leader, RIKEN Brain ScienceInstitute, Tokyo, JaponNeuroimaging and philosophical moral psychologyDoing the Genes: How genomics rewrites human natureFGF controls regional identity in the developingthalamusConférence Boehringer IngelheimTitre de conférenceOctobreBRUGGE, Joan S., Chair of the Department of Cell Biology,Harvard Medical School, Boston, MassachusettsMultiple death mechanisms regulate morphogenesis andoncogenesis in breast epithelial cells80

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