Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM


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cardio-endocriniennes, Stratégies cardio-endocriniennesvisant la prise en charge optimale d'une maladiemultifactorielle, Snell Communication Médicale Inc.,Montréal, QuébecHyperlipidémie – Traitement chez les personnes de plus de75 ans, Les journées de pharmacologie, Université deMontréal, Faculté de médecine, Montréal, QuébecRaphael GOTTARDOA flexible and powerful Bayesian hierarchical model forChIP-Chip experiments, Joint Statistical Meeting,Denver, ColoradoJean-Philippe GRATTONActivation d’eNOS par le VEGFR-2 : Mécanismes etconséquences, Signalisation Québec <strong>2008</strong>, UniversitéLaval, Québec, QuébecDéterminants moléculaires de la production endothéliale deNO stimulée par le récepteur-2 du VEGF, Département dephysiologie - GEPROM, Université de Montréal,Montréal, QuébecYvan GUINDONProtein-Protein interactions, Emory University, Atlanta,GeorgiaDavid R. HIPFNERConnecting growth and integrity of epithelial tissues,Retraite sur la recherche en biologie cellulaire, moléculaireet dévelopementale <strong>IRCM</strong> - Université McGill - IRIC,Sainte-Adèle, QuébecRegulation of ERM protein activation in Drosophila, Centrede recherche de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Québec,QuébecRegulation of ERM protein activtion in Drosophila, Institutde recherches en immunologie et cancer (IRIC),Montréal, QuébecRegulation of ERM protein activtion in Drosophila,Département de biologie, Université McGill, Montréal,QuébecMarko E. HORBGenomic analysis of dorsal and ventral pancreatic budsreveals distinct genetic pathways governing pancreatic cellfate specification and morphogenesis, MontrealChildren’s Hospital, Université McGill, Montréal,QuébecWhat is required to promote ectopic pancreatic cell fates inother organs? Département de pédiatrie, University ofWestern Ontario, London, OntarioIdentifying what is required to promote ectopic pancreaticcell fates in other organs, Centre de Recherche du CHUSainte-Justine, Montréal, QuébecFunctional differences between the embryonic dorsal andventral pancreatic buds, Département de génétiquemoléculaire, Ohio State University, Columbus, OhioArtur KANIADevelopment of the myotopic organisation of spinal motorneurons, Département de pharmacologie etthérapeutiques, Université McGill, Montréal,QuébecDevelopment of the myotopic organisation of spinal motorneurons, Neuroscience Research Institute, Universityof Ottawa, Ottawa, OntarioDevelopment of the myotopic organisation of spinal motorneurons , Department of Cell and Molecular Biology,Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SwedenDevelopment of the myotopic organisation of spinal motorneurons, Département de biologie dévelopmentale,Institut Jacques Monod, Paris, FranceDevelopment of the myotopic organisation of spinal motorneurons, Department of anatomy and DevelopmentalBiology, University College London, Londres, RoyaumeUniMarie KMITAThe role of Hox genes in limb morphogenesis,Developmental Biology meeting, Université McGill,Montréal, QuébecGenetic mechanisms underlying limb morphogenesis: Therole of Hox genes in outgrowth and patterning, SpringGenetics Colloquium, University of Wisconsin, Madison,WisconsinGenetic mechanisms underlying limb morphogenesis: Therole of Hox genes, Center for Advance Research inEnvironmental Genomics, Université d’Ottawa, Ottawa,OntarioGenetic mechanisms underlying limb morphogenesis: Therole of Hox genes in outgrowth and patterning, McGillCancer center, Université McGill, Montréal, Québec60

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