Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM

Table des matières 2007-2008 - IRCM


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Publications de nos chercheursrépertoriées par axe de rechercheBIOLOGIE INTÉGRATIVE DESSYSTÈMES ET CHIMIE MÉDICINALE1. Audet, N., Galés, C., Archer-Lahlou, É., Vallières, M.,Schiller, P.W., Bouvier, M., Pineyro, G."Bioluminescence resonance energy transferassays reveal ligand-specific conformationalchanges within preformed signaling complexescontaining δ-opioid receptors and heterotrimeric Gproteins". Journal of Biological Chemistry,283(22): 15078-15088, <strong>2008</strong>.2. Ballet, S., Misicka, A., Kosson, P., Lemieux, C., Chung,N.N., Schiller, P.W., Lipkowski, A.W., Tourwé, D."Blood-brain barrier penetration by twodermorphin tetrapeptide analogues: Role oflipophilicity vs structural flexibility". Journal ofMedicinal Chemistry, 51(8): 2571-2574, <strong>2008</strong>.3. Coulombe, B., Blanchette, M., Jeronimo, C. "Stepstowards a repertoire of comprehensive maps ofhuman protein interaction networks: the HumanProteotheque Initiative (HuPI)". Biochemistryand cell biology = Biochimie et biologiecellulaire, 86(2): 149-156, <strong>2008</strong>.4. Di Lello, P., Miller Jenkins, L.M., Mas, C., Langlois, C.,Malitskaya, E., Fradet-Turcotte, A., Archambault,J., Legault, P., Omichinski, J.G. "p53 and TFIIEαshare a common binding site on the Tfb1/p62subunit of TFIIH". Proceedings of the NationalAcademy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica, 105(1): 106-111, <strong>2008</strong>.5. Domecq, C.V., Trinh, V., Langelier, M.F., Archambault,J., Coulombe, B. "Inhibitors of multisubunit RNApolymerases as tools to study transcriptionalmechanisms in prokaryotes and eukaryotes ".Current Chemical Biology, 2(1): 20-31, <strong>2008</strong>.6. Fichna, J., do-Rego, J.-C., Chung, N.N., Costentin, J.,Schiller, P.W., Janecka, A. "[Dmt 1 , D-1-Nal 3 ]morphiceptin, a novel opioid peptide analogwith high analgesic activity". Pepti<strong>des</strong>, 29(4):633-638, <strong>2008</strong>.7. Fichna, J., do-Rego, J.-C., Janecki, T., Staniszewska,R., Poels, J., Broeck, J.V., Costentin, J., Schiller,P.W., Janecka, A. "Novel highly potent μ-opioidreceptor antagonist based on endomorphin-2structure". Bioorganic and Medicinal ChemistryLetters, 18(4): 1350-1353, <strong>2008</strong>.opioid peptide derived antagonists containing(2S)-2-Methyl-3-(2,6-dimethyl-4-carbamoylphenyl)propanoic acid [(2S)-Mdcp]".Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 51(18): 5866-5870, <strong>2008</strong>.9. Harada, R., Vadnais, C., Sansregret, L., Leduy, L.,Bérubé, G., Robert, F., Nepveu, A. "Genomewidelocation analysis and expression studiesreveal a role for p110 CUX1 in the activation ofDNA replication genes". Nucleic AcidsResearch, 36(1): 189-202, <strong>2008</strong>.10. Krueger, B.J., Jeronimo, C., Roy, B.B., Bouchard, A.,Barrandon, C., Byers, S.A., Searcey, C.E.,Cooper, J.J., Bensaude, O., Cohen, É.A.,Coulombe, B., Price, D.H. "LARP7 is a stablecomponent of the 7SK snRNP while P-TEFb,HEXIM1 and hnRNP A1 are reversiblyassociated". Nucleic Acids Research, 36(7):2219-2229, <strong>2008</strong>.11. Moody, C.A., Fradet-Turcotte, A., Archambault, J.,Laimins, L.A. "Human papillomaviruses activatecaspases upon epithelial differentiation to induceviral genome amplification". Proceedings of theNational Academy of Sciences of the UnitedStates of America, 104(49): 19541-19546, <strong>2007</strong>.12. Parat, M., McNicoll, N., Wilkes, B., Fournier, A., DeLéan, A. "Role of extracellular domaindimerization in agonist-induced activation ofnatriuretic peptide receptor A". MolecularPharmacology, 73(2): 431-440, <strong>2008</strong>.13. Truscott, M., Harada, R., Vadnais, C., Robert, F.,Nepveu, A. "p110 CUX1 cooperates with E2Ftranscription factors in the transcriptionalactivation of cell cycle-regulated genes".Molecular and Cellular Biology, 28(10): 3127-3138, <strong>2008</strong>.14. Zieleniak, A., Rodziewicz-Motowidlo, S., Rusak, L.,Chung, N.N., Czaplewski, C., Witkowska, E.,Schiller, P.W., Ciarkowski, J., Izdebski, J."Deltorphin analogs restricted via a urea bridge:Structure and opioid activity". Journal of PeptideScience, 14(7): 830-837, <strong>2008</strong>.15. Znaidi, S., Weber, S., Al-Abdin, O.Z., Bomme, P.,Saidane, S., Drouin, S., Lemieux, S., De Deken,X., Robert, F., Raymond, M. "Genomewidelocation analysis of Candida albicans Upc2p, aregulator of sterol metabolism and azole drugresistance". Eukaryotic Cell, 7(5): 836-847,<strong>2008</strong>.8. Ghosh, A., Luo, J., Liu, C., Weltrowska, G., Lemieux,C., Chung, N.N., Lu, Y., Schiller, P.W. "Novel47

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