Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat

Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat


PUCA - Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres en fin de viePARTIE 1The replacement sash remained operable despite the central hvac. To solve the problem of balancingthe heavier glazing, the upper sash were fixed in place, and the lower sash were doublycounterweighted in both pockets. All missing hardware was replaced with replicas.POWER HOUSE ELLIS ISLAND NATIONAL MONUMENT NEW YORK CITYUnlike the Main Building to the south, the windows of the more modest Power House, which werenot stabilized in the 1970s, were determined to be beyond repair. All windows in the building, mostlydouble-hung including the most minor casements and a group of horizontal pivot sash, werereplaced brick to brick with new operable units. As in the Main Building, the objectives of exteriorrestoration were balanced with interior use. Most windows did not require insulated glazing and,apart from the introduction of vinyl weatherstripping, matched the original millwork exactly. Severalunits in spaces planned for office use were equipped with insulated glass, requiring an enlargementof the center muntin from I-in. to 1 1/2-in., a modification that is visible upon close inspection. Agreater visual impact, however, resulted from the substitution of the original clear plate glass withobscure glass in windows where the incinerator storage was housed. By introducing a nonuniformpattern of glazing, the effect, whether· intentional or not, softened the hard edge of the newwindows in this otherwise weathered building.Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs48

PUCA - Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres en fin de viePARTIE 1[1.11]1.11 – MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR WINDOWS FOR THE RENOVATION OF OLD BUILDINGS(ALLEMAGNE)Analysis and implementation of alternative ventilation systems for windows, focusing on thermalrenovation of old buildings. The investigated ventilation systems were presented to an expert group.The aim was to discuss ventilation technologies with the help of different aspects and to develop aSWOT analysis.Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs49

PUCA - Réemploi <strong>et</strong> <strong>reconfiguration</strong> <strong>thermique</strong> <strong>des</strong> f<strong>en</strong>êtres <strong>en</strong> fin de viePARTIE 1[1.11]1.11 – MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEM FOR WINDOWS FOR THE RENOVATION OF OLD BUILDINGS(ALLEMAGNE)Analysis and implem<strong>en</strong>tation of alternative v<strong>en</strong>tilation systems for windows, focusing on thermalr<strong>en</strong>ovation of old buildings. The investigated v<strong>en</strong>tilation systems were pres<strong>en</strong>ted to an expert group.The aim was to discuss v<strong>en</strong>tilation technologies with the help of differ<strong>en</strong>t aspects and to develop aSWOT analysis.Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs49

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