Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat

Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres bois en ... - Prebat


PUCA - Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres en fin de viePARTIE 1[1.36]Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs116

PUCA - Réemploi et reconfiguration thermique des fenêtres en fin de viePARTIE 12.18 – AUFSÄTZE ZU IHRER SUCHANFRAGE: "THERMAL AND ACOUSTIC REHABILITATION" (1) :(ROUMANIE)A bridge between old and new - Thermal window refurbishment of the dwellings in RomaniaDabija, Ana-Maria;From the climatic point of view, Romania is a central - eastern European country, with an excessivecontinental temperate climate, characterized by very cold, snowy winters (with temperatures of -12to -21 degree celsius) and hot, dry summers (temperatures over +30 degree celsius). Therefore, theproblems of thermal protection, in winter as well as in summer, are taken into consideration, by theauthorities as well as by the end-users. The built heritage of Romania is dominated, at the beginningof the XXIst Century, by the existence of an important percentage of dwellings, with initial lowthermal performances, way below the current national and international standards. Romania has astock of over 8 million dwellings. Most of them are located in blocks of flats (over 83,799 blocks).52.5 per cent of the dwellings are built in urban areas. Among them 15.3 per cent were built before1944, about 76 per cent between 1944 and 1990, and the remaining of 8.7 per cent after 1990.The higher established exigencies, due to the need to reduce the use of traditional fuels, to diminishpolluting emissivities and global changes, to increase and diversify comfort requests, as well as to thenecessity of ranging to the international norms, lead to the need of upgrading the thermalperformance of the envelope of the building. While most preoccupations focus on the thermalimprovement of the opaque component of the envelope, it is known that the glazed parts of thevertical envelope are responsible for the most important heat loss. Therefore, the hygro-thermal(and implicitly the acoustic) behavior of the glazed component of the envelope of the buildings (newor existent) is an object of study of acute necessity. The paper aims to make an analysis of the typesof joineries that have been used in the dwellings in Romania, and to present solutions, currently orpossibly to be used for the existing buildings. The measures that can be taken when refurbishing awindow, aim to decrease the thermal loss through the glazed surfaces of the envelope. Briefly theyconsist in: - the improvement of the performances of the existing joineries - the replacement of thejoineries, with new, performant ones, should it prove to be necessary.Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs117

PUCA - Réemploi <strong>et</strong> <strong>reconfiguration</strong> <strong>thermique</strong> <strong>des</strong> f<strong>en</strong>êtres <strong>en</strong> fin de viePARTIE 1[1.36]Juin 2012Les Bâtisseurs d’Emmaüs116

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