Première approche de la méliponiculture et des mélipones de Guyane

Première approche de la méliponiculture et des mélipones de Guyane Première approche de la méliponiculture et des mélipones de Guyane
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Grajales C. J., Rincon R. M., Vandame R., Santiesteban N. A. & Guzman A.2001 - Caracteristicas físicas, químicas y efecto microbiológico de mieles de meliponineos y Apismellifera de la region Soconusco, Chiapas in Memórias del II seminário Mexicano sobre Abejassin Aguijón.Mérida, Yucatán, México, 61-66.HHari A. G. & Ratnieks F. L. W.2002 - Task-partitioned nectar transfer in stingless bees: work organisation in a phylogenetic context.Ecological Entomology, 27 : 163-168.Heard T. A.1999 - The role of stingless bees in crop pollination.Annual Review of Entomology, 44 : 183-206.Henigman J. F.1975 - The bionomics, economics and pest management of neotropical stingless bees (Apidae,Meliponini).ThèseHilário S. D., Imperatriz-Fonseca V. L. & Kleinert A. de M. P.2000 - Flight activity and colony strength in the stingless bee Melipona bicolor bicolor (Apidae,Meliponinae).Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 60 : 299-306.2001 - Responses to climatic factors by foragers of Plebeia pugnax Moure (in litt.) (Apidae,Meliponinae).Revista Brasileira de Zoologia, 61 : 191-196.Hrncir M., Jarau S., Zucchi R. & Barth F. G.2000 - Recruitment behavior in stingless bees, Melipona scutellaris and M. quadrifasciata. II. Possiblesmechanisms of communication.Apidologie, 31 : 93-113.2004 - On the origin and properties of scent marks deposited at the food source by a stingless bee,Melipona seminigra.Apidologie, 35 : 3-13.Hubbell S. P. & Johnson L. K.1978 - Comparative foraging behavior of six stingless bee species exploiting a standardized resource,Ecology, 59 : 1123-1136.Ihering H. von1902 - As abelhas sociaes do Brasil e suas denominações tupis.Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico de São Paulo, 8 : 377-388.1930 - Biologia das abelhas melíferas do Brasil.Boletim de Agricultura, São Paulo, 31 (1, 2) : 435-506, 649-714.Imperatriz-Fonseca V. L. I., Matos E. T., Ferreira F. & Velthuis H. H. W.1998 - A case of multiple mating in stingless bees (Meliponinae).Insectes Sociaux, 45 : 231-233.IPremière approche de la méliponiculture et des mélipones de Guyane / Programme Oyana – 2011 – Cronosservices Page 77 sur 123

Imperatriz-Fonseca V. L. I. & Zucchi R.1995 - Virgin queens in stingless bee (Apidae, Meliponinae) colonies: a review.Apidologie, 26 : 231-244.Jarau S., Dambacher J., Twele R., Aguilar I., Francke W. & Ayasse M.2010 - The trail pheromone of a stingless bee, Trigona corniva (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini),varies between populations.Chemical Senses, 9 pp.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Zucchi R. & Barth F.G.2000 - Recruitment behavior in stingless bee, Melipona Recruitment communication in stingless bees179 scutellaris and M. quadrifasciata. I. Foraging at food sources differing in direction anddistance.Apidologie, 31 : 81-91.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Schmidt V. M., Zucchi R. & Barth F. G.2003 - Effectiveness of recruitment behavior in stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini).Insectes Sociaux, 50 : 365-374.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Zucchi R., Barth F. G.2004 - A stingless bee uses labial gland secretions for scent trail communication (Trigona recursaSmith 1863).Journal of Comparative Physiology, (3) : 233-239.Johnson L. K.1980 - Foraging strategies and the structure of stingless bee communities in Costa Jaisson P. (Ed.), Proc 1st Int. Symp.organized by the IUSSI and the Sociedad Mexicana deEntomologia, Vol 2. Centre Régional de Publications de la 5e Circonscription du C.N.R.S.,Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico, pp. 31-58.1981 - Effect of flower clumping on defense of artificial flowers by aggressive stingless bees.Biotropica, 13 : 151-157.1983 - Foraging strategies and the structure of stingless bee communities in Costa Jaisson P. (Ed.), Social Insects in the tropics, Vol. 2, Univ. de Paris-Nord, pp. 31-58.1987 - Communication of food source location by the Stingless bee Trigona Eder J., Rembold H. (Eds.), Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects,Verlag J. Peperny,München, pp. 698–699.Johnson L. K. & Hubbell S. P.1974 - Aggression and competition among stingless bees: field studies.Ecology, 55 : 120-127.1987 - Defense of food supply by eusocial colonies.American Zoologist, 27 : 347-358.Johnson L. K., Haynes L. W., Carlson M. A., Fortnum H. A. & Gorgas D. L.1985 - Alarm substances of the stingless bee, Trigona silvestriana.Journal of Chemical Ecology, 11 : 409-416.Jong H. J.1999 - The land of Corn and Honey. The Keeping of stingless bees (Meliponiculture) in the etnoecologicalenvironment of Yucatan (México) and El Salvador.Thesis, Utrecht University, 424 pp.JPremière approche de la méliponiculture et des mélipones de Guyane / Programme Oyana – 2011 – Cronosservices Page 78 sur 123

Imperatriz-Fonseca V. L. I. & Zucchi R.1995 - Virgin queens in stingless bee (Apidae, Meliponinae) colonies: a review.Apidologie, 26 : 231-244.Jarau S., Dambacher J., Twele R., Agui<strong>la</strong>r I., Francke W. & Ayasse M.2010 - The trail pheromone of a stingless bee, Trigona corniva (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Meliponini),varies b<strong>et</strong>ween popu<strong>la</strong>tions.Chemical Senses, 9 pp.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Zucchi R. & Barth F.G.2000 - Recruitment behavior in stingless bee, Melipona Recruitment communication in stingless bees179 scutel<strong>la</strong>ris and M. quadrifasciata. I. Foraging at food sources differing in direction anddistance.Apidologie, 31 : 81-91.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Schmidt V. M., Zucchi R. & Barth F. G.2003 - Effectiveness of recruitment behavior in stingless bees (Apidae, Meliponini).Insectes Sociaux, 50 : 365-374.Jarau S., Hrncir M., Zucchi R., Barth F. G.2004 - A stingless bee uses <strong>la</strong>bial g<strong>la</strong>nd secr<strong>et</strong>ions for scent trail communication (Trigona recursaSmith 1863).Journal of Comparative Physiology, (3) : 233-239.Johnson L. K.1980 - Foraging strategies and the structure of stingless bee communities in Costa Jaisson P. (Ed.), Proc 1st Int. Symp.organized by the IUSSI and the Sociedad Mexicana <strong>de</strong>Entomologia, Vol 2. Centre Régional <strong>de</strong> Publications <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> 5e Circonscription du C.N.R.S.,Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico, pp. 31-58.1981 - Effect of flower clumping on <strong>de</strong>fense of artificial flowers by aggressive stingless bees.Biotropica, 13 : 151-157.1983 - Foraging strategies and the structure of stingless bee communities in Costa Jaisson P. (Ed.), Social Insects in the tropics, Vol. 2, Univ. <strong>de</strong> Paris-Nord, pp. 31-58.1987 - Communication of food source location by the Stingless bee Trigona E<strong>de</strong>r J., Rembold H. (Eds.), Chemistry and Biology of Social Insects,Ver<strong>la</strong>g J. Peperny,München, pp. 698–699.Johnson L. K. & Hubbell S. P.1974 - Aggression and comp<strong>et</strong>ition among stingless bees: field studies.Ecology, 55 : 120-127.1987 - Defense of food supply by eusocial colonies.American Zoologist, 27 : 347-358.Johnson L. K., Haynes L. W., Carlson M. A., Fortnum H. A. & Gorgas D. L.1985 - A<strong>la</strong>rm substances of the stingless bee, Trigona silvestriana.Journal of Chemical Ecology, 11 : 409-416.Jong H. J.1999 - The <strong>la</strong>nd of Corn and Honey. The Keeping of stingless bees (Meliponiculture) in the <strong>et</strong>noecologicalenvironment of Yucatan (México) and El Salvador.Thesis, Utrecht University, 424 pp.J<strong>Première</strong> <strong>approche</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>méliponiculture</strong> <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s <strong>mélipones</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Guyane</strong> / Programme Oyana – 2011 – Cronosservices Page 78 sur 123

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