Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...

Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...

Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...


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tel-00435843, version 1 - 24 Nov 2009<br />


ADMIDAS : Adjacent M<strong>et</strong>al Ion-Depen<strong>de</strong>nt Adhesion Site<br />

CCM : Cerebral Cavernous Malformation<br />

Cdk : Cyclin <strong>de</strong>pendant kinase<br />

Dok1 : Downstream of kinase signalling protein-1<br />

EGF : Epi<strong>de</strong>rmal Growth Factor<br />

EGFP : Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein<br />

ELISA : Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay<br />

FACS : Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting<br />

FAK : Focal Adhesion Kinase<br />

FERM : band 4.1, Ezrin, Radixin, Moesin<br />

FLIM : Fluorescence Lif<strong>et</strong>ime IMaging<br />

FRAP : Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching<br />

FRET : Förster Resonance Energy Transfer<br />

GAPs : GTPase Activating Proteins<br />

GDIs : GDP Dissociation Inhibitors<br />

GDP : Guanosine DiPhosphate<br />

GEF : Guanine nucleoti<strong>de</strong> Exchange Factor<br />

GTP : Guanosine TriPhosphate<br />

HAX-1 : HS1-Associated protein X-1<br />

ILK : Integrin Linked Kinase<br />

LAD-I, -II, -III: Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency type-I, -II, -III<br />

LFA-1 : Lymphocyte Function-Associated antigen-1<br />

MEC : Matrice Extracellu<strong>la</strong>ire<br />

MEF : Murine Embryonic Fibrob<strong>la</strong>st<br />

MIDAS : M<strong>et</strong>al Ion-Depen<strong>de</strong>nt Adhesion Site<br />

mRFP : monomeric Red Fluorescent Protein<br />

MLC : Myosin Light Chain<br />

MLCK : Myosin Light Chain Kinase<br />

MLCP : Myosin Light Chain Phosphastase<br />

NTP : Nucleosi<strong>de</strong>s TriPhosphate<br />

p130Cas : p130Crk-associated substrate<br />

PH : Pleckstrin Homology<br />

PI4,5P(2) ; PhosphatidylInositol 4,5 biPhosphate<br />

PIPKIγ : PhosphatidylInositol Phosphate Kinase type Iγ<br />

PP2A : Protein Phosphatase 2A<br />

CaMKII : Calcium/calmodulin <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt protein Kinase II<br />

PTB : PhosphoTyrosine Binding domain<br />

RGD : Arginine-Glycine-Aci<strong>de</strong> aspartique<br />

RIAM : Rap1A-GTP-Interacting Adaptor Molecule<br />

RTK : Receptor Tyrosine Kinase<br />

SH2 : Src Homology 2 domain<br />

TAP-20 : Th<strong>et</strong>a-Associated Protein-20<br />

uPAR : urokinase-type P<strong>la</strong>sminogen Activator Receptor<br />

VASP : VAsodi<strong>la</strong>tator Stimu<strong>la</strong>ted Phosphoprotein<br />

VLA-4 : Very Late Antigen-4

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