Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...

Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ... Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...
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tel-00435843, version 1 - 24 Nov 2009 Sjaastad, M. D. and W. J. Nelson (1997). "Integrin-mediated calcium signaling and regulation of cell adhesion by intracellular calcium." Bioessays 19(1): 47-55. Smilenov, L. B., A. Mikhailov, et al. (1999). "Focal adhesion motility revealed in stationary fibroblasts." Science 286(5442): 1172-4. Springer, T. A. (2002). "Predicted and experimental structures of integrins and beta-propellers." Curr Opin Struct Biol 12(6): 802-13. Springer, T. A. and J. H. Wang (2004). "The three-dimensional structure of integrins and their ligands, and conformational regulation of cell adhesion." Adv Protein Chem 68: 29-63. Stefansson, A., A. Armulik, et al. (2004). "Determination of N- and C-terminal borders of the transmembrane domain of integrin subunits." J Biol Chem 279(20): 21200-5. Stoker, M., C. O'Neill, et al. (1968). "Anchorage and growth regulation in normal and virustransformed cells." Int J Cancer 3(5): 683-93. Stroeken, P. J., B. Alvarez, et al. (2006). "Integrin cytoplasmic domain-associated protein-1 (ICAP-1) interacts with the ROCK-I kinase at the plasma membrane." J Cell Physiol 208(3): 620-8. Stupack, D. G. and D. A. Cheresh (2002). "Get a ligand, get a life: integrins, signaling and cell survival." J Cell Sci 115(Pt 19): 3729-38. Sugden, P. H. (2003). "Ras, Akt, and mechanotransduction in the cardiac myocyte." Circ Res 93(12): 1179-92. Suzuki, K. and K. Takahashi (2003). "Reduced cell adhesion during mitosis by threonine phosphorylation of beta1 integrin." J Cell Physiol 197(2): 297-305. Szabo, E., T. Feng, et al. (2009). "Cell Adhesion and Spreading Affect Adipogenesis From ES Cells: The Role of Calreticulin." Stem Cells. Szabo, E., S. Papp, et al. (2007). "Differential calreticulin expression affects focal contacts via the calmodulin/CaMK II pathway." J Cell Physiol 213(1): 269-77. Taddei, I., M. A. Deugnier, et al. (2008). "Beta1 integrin deletion from the basal compartment of the mammary epithelium affects stem cells." Nat Cell Biol 10(6): 716-22. Tadokoro, S., S. J. Shattil, et al. (2003). "Talin binding to integrin beta tails: a final common step in integrin activation." Science 302(5642): 103-6. Takada, Y., X. Ye, et al. (2007). "The integrins." Genome Biol 8(5): 215. Takagi, J., H. P. Erickson, et al. (2001). "C-terminal opening mimics 'inside-out' activation of integrin alpha5beta1." Nat Struct Biol 8(5): 412-6. Takagi, J., B. M. Petre, et al. (2002). "Global conformational rearrangements in integrin extracellular domains in outside-in and inside-out signaling." Cell 110(5): 599-11. Takagi, J., K. Strokovich, et al. (2003). "Structure of integrin alpha5beta1 in complex with fibronectin." EMBO J 22(18): 4607-15. Takahashi, K. (2001). "The linkage between beta1 integrin and the actin cytoskeleton is differentially regulated by tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphorylation of beta1 integrin in normal and cancerous human breast cells." BMC Cell Biol 2: 23. Takahashi, M. and B. C. Berk (1996). "Mitogen-activated protein kinase (ERK1/2) activation by shear stress and adhesion in endothelial cells. Essential role for a herbimycin-sensitive kinase." J Clin Invest 98(11): 2623-31. Takaishi, K., T. Sasaki, et al. (1995). "Translocation of activated Rho from the cytoplasm to membrane ruffling area, cell-cell adhesion sites and cleavage furrows." Oncogene 11(1): 39- 48. Tamura, M., J. Gu, et al. (1998). "Inhibition of cell migration, spreading, and focal adhesions by tumor suppressor PTEN." Science 280(5369): 1614-7. Tan, K., J. M. Casasnovas, et al. (1998). "The structure of immunoglobulin superfamily domains 1 and 2 of MAdCAM-1 reveals novel features important for integrin recognition." Structure 6(6): 793-801. Tanentzapf, G. and N. H. Brown (2006). "An interaction between integrin and the talin FERM domain mediates integrin activation but not linkage to the cytoskeleton." Nat Cell Biol 8(6): 601-6. Tanentzapf, G., D. Devenport, et al. (2007). "Integrin-dependent anchoring of a stem-cell niche." Nat Cell Biol 9(12): 1413-8. Bibliographie 141

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Bibliographie 141

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