Fonction et régulation de la protéine ICAP-1alpha dans la ...

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tel-00435843, version 1 - 24 Nov 2009 Miyamoto, S., S. K. Akiyama, et al. (1995). "Synergistic roles for receptor occupancy and aggregation in integrin transmembrane function." Science 267(5199): 883-5. Monkley, S. J., C. A. Pritchard, et al. (2001). "Analysis of the mammalian talin2 gene TLN2." Biochem Biophys Res Commun 286(5): 880-5. Monkley, S. J., X. H. Zhou, et al. (2000). "Disruption of the talin gene arrests mouse development at the gastrulation stage." Dev Dyn 219(4): 560-74. Montanez, E., S. Ussar, et al. (2008). "Kindlin-2 controls bidirectional signaling of integrins." Genes Dev 22(10): 1325-30. Morgan, M. R., M. J. Humphries, et al. (2007). "Synergistic control of cell adhesion by integrins and syndecans." Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 8(12): 957-69. Moser, M., M. Bauer, et al. (2009). "Kindlin-3 is required for beta2 integrin-mediated leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells." Nat Med 15(3): 300-5. Moser, M., K. R. Legate, et al. (2009). "The tail of integrins, talin, and kindlins." Science 324(5929): 895-9. Moser, M., B. Nieswandt, et al. (2008). "Kindlin-3 is essential for integrin activation and platelet aggregation." Nat Med 14(3): 325-30. Mould, A. P. and M. J. Humphries (2004). "Regulation of integrin function through conformational complexity: not simply a knee-jerk reaction?" Curr Opin Cell Biol 16(5): 544-51. Moursi, A. M., R. K. Globus, et al. (1997). "Interactions between integrin receptors and fibronectin are required for calvarial osteoblast differentiation in vitro." J Cell Sci 110 ( Pt 18): 2187-96. Mukherji, S. and T. R. Soderling (1994). "Regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II by inter- and intrasubunit-catalyzed autophosphorylations." J Biol Chem 269(19): 13744-7. Munevar, S., Y. L. Wang, et al. (2001). "Distinct roles of frontal and rear cell-substrate adhesions in fibroblast migration." Mol Biol Cell 12(12): 3947-54. Nagai, T., N. Yamakawa, et al. (1991). "Monoclonal antibody characterization of two distant sites required for function of the central cell-binding domain of fibronectin in cell adhesion, cell migration, and matrix assembly." J Cell Biol 114(6): 1295-305. Nakamura, F., T. M. Osborn, et al. (2007). "Structural basis of filamin A functions." J Cell Biol 179(5): 1011-25. Neuhaus, J. M., M. Wanger, et al. (1983). "Treadmilling of actin." J Muscle Res Cell Motil 4(5): 507- 27. Newman, S. A. and W. D. Comper (1990). "'Generic' physical mechanisms of morphogenesis and pattern formation." Development 110(1): 1-18. Ng, T., D. Shima, et al. (1999). "PKCalpha regulates beta1 integrin-dependent cell motility through association and control of integrin traffic." EMBO J 18(14): 3909-23. Nieswandt, B., M. Moser, et al. (2007). "Loss of talin1 in platelets abrogates integrin activation, platelet aggregation, and thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo." J Exp Med 204(13): 3113- 8. Nilsson, S., D. Kaniowska, et al. (2006). "Threonine 788 in integrin subunit beta1 regulates integrin activation." Exp Cell Res 312(6): 844-53. Nishimura, T. and K. Kaibuchi (2007). "Numb controls integrin endocytosis for directional cell migration with aPKC and PAR-3." Dev Cell 13(1): 15-28. Nix, D. A. and M. C. Beckerle (1997). "Nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling of the focal contact protein, zyxin: a potential mechanism for communication between sites of cell adhesion and the nucleus." J Cell Biol 138(5): 1139-47. Nobes, C. D. and A. Hall (1995). "Rho, rac and cdc42 GTPases: regulators of actin structures, cell adhesion and motility." Biochem Soc Trans 23(3): 456-9. Nobes, C. D. and A. Hall (1995). "Rho, rac, and cdc42 GTPases regulate the assembly of multimolecular focal complexes associated with actin stress fibers, lamellipodia, and filopodia." Cell 81(1): 53-62. Nobes, C. D. and A. Hall (1999). "Rho GTPases control polarity, protrusion, and adhesion during cell movement." J Cell Biol 144(6): 1235-44. Oberhauser, A. F., C. Badilla-Fernandez, et al. (2002). "The mechanical hierarchies of fibronectin observed with single-molecule AFM." J Mol Biol 319(2): 433-47. Bibliographie 137

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Monkley, S. J., C. A. Pritchard, <strong>et</strong> al. (2001). "Analysis of the mammalian talin2 gene TLN2."<br />

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Monkley, S. J., X. H. Zhou, <strong>et</strong> al. (2000). "Disruption of the talin gene arrests mouse <strong>de</strong>velopment at<br />

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Bibliographie 137

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