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23Martinez, C., C.A. Lévesque, R.R. Bélanger, & R. JTwed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2005. Evaluation of fungici<strong>de</strong>s for the control ofcarrot cavity spot. Pest Managem<strong>en</strong>t Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 61: 767-771.McQue<strong>en</strong>, D.A.R., A. Far<strong>en</strong>horst, S.E. Allaire, & A.J.Cessna. 2007. Automation and evaluation of three pestici<strong>de</strong>fate mo<strong>de</strong>ls for a national analysis of leaching risk in Canada.Canadian Journal of Soil Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 87: 203-212.Mecteau, M.R., J. Arul, & R.J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2008. Effect ofdiffer<strong>en</strong>t salts on the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of Fusarium solani var.coeruleum, a causal ag<strong>en</strong>t of potato dry rot. Phytoprotection(Sous Presse).Meloche, F., M. Rhainds, M. Roy, & J. Bro<strong>de</strong>ur. 2005.Distribution of western and northern corn rootworms(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Québec, Canada. TheCanadian Entomologist 137: 226-229.Ménard, C., M. Dorais, T. Hovi, & A. Gosselin. 2006.Developm<strong>en</strong>tal and Physiological responses of tomato andcucumber to additional blue light. Acta Horticulturae 711: 291-296.Michaud, D. 2005. Impact <strong>en</strong>vironnem<strong>en</strong>tal <strong>de</strong>s culturestransgéniques. I. La migration <strong>de</strong>s transgènes. Phytoprotection86: 93-105.Michaud, D. 2005. Impact <strong>en</strong>vironnem<strong>en</strong>tal <strong>de</strong>s culturestransgéniques. II. L’impact <strong>de</strong>s caractères recombinants.Phytoprotection 86: 107-124.Michel, J.C., R. Naasz, S. Charp<strong>en</strong>tier, & J. Caron. 2008.Water repell<strong>en</strong>cy of organic growing media and itsconsequ<strong>en</strong>ce on their hydraulic properties. Acta Horticulturae779: 121-129.Mignault, M.P., M. Rhainds, M. Roy, & J. Bro<strong>de</strong>ur. 2007.Toward managem<strong>en</strong>t gui<strong>de</strong>lines for soybean aphid, Aphisglycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), in Québec. I.Feeding damage in relationship with seasonality of infestationand inci<strong>de</strong>nce of native predators. Canadian Entomologist 137:728-741.Mignault, M.-P. M. Roy, & J. Bro<strong>de</strong>ur. 2006. Soybean aphidpredators in Québec and the suitability of Aphis glycines a preyfor three Coccinellidae. BioControl 51: 89-106.Mimee, B., R. Pelletier, & R.R. Bélanger. In vitro antibacterialactivity and antifungal mo<strong>de</strong> of action of flocculosin, amembrane-active cellobiose lipid. Journal of AppliedMicrobiology. (Sous Presse)Mimee, B., C. Labbé, & R.R. Bélanger. Catabolism offloculosin, an antimicrobial metabolite produced byPseudozyma flocculosa. Glycobiology. (Sous Presse)Naasz, R., J. Caron, J. Legault, & A. Pichette. 2008.Effici<strong>en</strong>cy factors for bark substrates: biostability, aeration orphytotoxicity. Soil Sci<strong>en</strong>ce Society of America Journal. (Souspresse).Neveu, B., F. Belzile, & R.R Bélanger. 2007. Cloning of theglyceral<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong>-3-phosphate <strong>de</strong>hydrog<strong>en</strong>ase g<strong>en</strong>e fromPseudozyma flocculosa and functionality of its promoter in twoPseudozyma species. Antonie van Leeuw<strong>en</strong>hoek 92: 245-255.Neveu, B., C. Labbé, & R.R. Bélanger. 2007. GFP technologyfor the study of biocontrol ag<strong>en</strong>ts in tritrophic interactions: Acase study with Pseudozyma flocculosa. Journal ofMicrobiological Methods 68: 275-281.Neveu, B., M. Michaud, F. Belzile, & R.R. Bélanger. 2007.The Pseudozyma flocculosa actin promoter allows strongexpression of a recombinant protein in Pseudozyma species.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 74: 1300-1307.Ngo-Duy, C.-C., F. Destaillats, M. Keskitalo, J. Arul, & P.Angers. 2009. Triacylglycerol of Apiaceæ seed oils:composition and regiodistribution of fatty acids. EuropeanJournal of Lipid Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology 111: 164-169.Nguy<strong>en</strong>, T.T.A, D. Michaud, & C. Cloutier. 2008. A proteomicanalysis of the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae un<strong>de</strong>r heat andradiation stress. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2008.09.014 (Sous presse).Nguy<strong>en</strong>, T.T.A., S. Boudreault, D. Michaud, & C. Cloutier.2008. Proteomic analysis of aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae)resistance and susceptibility to differ<strong>en</strong>tly compatibleparasitoids. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 38:730-739.Nguy<strong>en</strong>, T.T.A., S. Boudreault, D. Michaud, & C. Cloutier.2008. Proteomes of the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae in itsresistance and susceptibility responses to differ<strong>en</strong>tlycompatible parasitoids. Insect Biochemistry and MolecularBiology 38: 730–739.Nguy<strong>en</strong>, T.T.A., D. Michaud, & C. Cloutier. 2007. Proteomicprofiling of aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae responses to hostplant-mediated stress induced by <strong>de</strong>foliation and water <strong>de</strong>ficit.Journal of Insect Physiology 53(6): 601-611.Nkongolo, N.S., & J. Caron. 2006. Pore space organizationand plant response in peat substrates: I. Prunus x cist<strong>en</strong>a andSpiraea japonica. Sci<strong>en</strong>tific Research and Essay 1: 77-89.Nkongolo, N.S., & J. Caron. 2006. Pore space organizationand plant response in peat substrates: II. D<strong>en</strong>drathemummorifolium Ramat. Sci<strong>en</strong>tific Research and Essay 1: 93-102.Oulé, M.K, K. Tano, A.-M. Bernier, & J. Arul. 2006. Escherichiacoli inactivation mechanism by pressurized CO 2. CanadianJournal of Microbiology 52(12): 1208-1217.Pacheco-Sanchez, M., Y. Boutin, P. Angers, A. Gosselin, &R.J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2006. Inhibitory effect of CDP, apolysacchari<strong>de</strong> extracted from the mushroom Collybiadryophila, on nitric oxi<strong>de</strong> synthase expression and nitric oxi<strong>de</strong>production in macrophages. European Journal ofPharmacology 555: 61-66.Pacheco-Sanchez, M., Y. Boutin, P. Angers, A. Gosselin, &R. J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2006. A bio-active (1→3)-, (1→4)-β-D-glucanfrom Collybia dryophila and other mushrooms. Mycologia 98:180-185.Par<strong>en</strong>t, A.C., M.C. Bélanger, L.-É. Par<strong>en</strong>t, R. Santerre, A.A.Viau, F. Anctil, M.A. Bolin<strong>de</strong>r, & C. Tremblay. 2008. Soil andtopographical factors affecting corn yield un<strong>de</strong>r wet springconditions. Biosystems Engineering 99(1): 134-144.Par<strong>en</strong>t, A.C., F. Anctil, & L.-É. Par<strong>en</strong>t. 2005. Characterizationof temporal variability in near-surface soil moisture at scalesfrom one hour to two weeks. 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