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20fruit. IV. Biochemical modification of structural barriers.Postharvest Biology and Technology 47: 41-53.Charles, M.T., N. B<strong>en</strong>hamou, & J. Arul. 2008. Physiologicalbasis of UV-C induced resistance to Botrytis cinerea in tomatofruit. III. Ultrastructural modifications and their impact on fungalcolonization. Postharvest Biology and Technology 47: 27-40.Charles, M.T., J. Makhlouf, & J. Arul. 2008. Physiologicalbasis of UV-C induced resistance to Botrytis cinerea in tomatofruit. II. Modification of fruit surface and changes in fungalcolonization. Postharvest Biology and Technology 47: 21-26.Charles, M.T., J. Mercier, J. Makhlouf, & J. Arul. 2008.Physiological basis of UV-C induced resistance to Botrytiscinerea in tomato fruit. I. Role of pre- and post-chall<strong>en</strong>geaccumulation of the phytoalexin-rishitin. Postharvest Biologyand Technology 47: 10-20.Charles, M.T., S. Kalantari, R. Corcuff, & J. Arul. 2005. Postharvestquality and s<strong>en</strong>sory evaluation of UV-treated tomato fruit.Acta Horticulturae 682: 537-542.Charest, M.-H., C.J. Beauchamp, & H. Antoun. 2005. Effectsof the humic substances of <strong>de</strong>-inking paper sludge on theantagonism betwe<strong>en</strong> two compost bacteria and Pythiumultimum. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 52: 219-227.Ch<strong>en</strong>g, Y.L., T.J. Avis, S. Bolduc, Y.Y. Zhao, R. Angu<strong>en</strong>ot,B. Neveu, C. Labbé, F. Belzile, & R.R. Bélanger. 2008.Recombinant protein secretion in Pseudozyma flocculosa andPseudozyma antarctica with a novel signal pepti<strong>de</strong>.Biosci<strong>en</strong>ce, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 72: 3158-3166.Chévillat, V.S., R.T.W. Siegwolf, S. Pépin, & Ch. Körner.2005. Tissue-specific variation of 13 C in mature canopy trees ina temperate forest in c<strong>en</strong>tral Europe. Basic and AppliedEcology 6: 519–534.Chouinard, G., S. Bellerose, M. Roy, & C. Vinc<strong>en</strong>t. 2006. Anote on the activity and species composition of sesiids[Lepidoptera: Sesiidae] as measured by pheromone traps andtrunk samplings in apple orchards of southwestern Quebec.Phytoprotection 187: 31-34.Clark, K., M.A. Chantigny, D.A. Angers, P. Rochette, & L.-É.Par<strong>en</strong>t. 2008. Nitrog<strong>en</strong> transformations in cold and froz<strong>en</strong>agricultural soils following organic am<strong>en</strong>dm<strong>en</strong>ts. Soil Biologyand Biochemistry. (Sous presse).Clém<strong>en</strong>t, A., M. Dorais, & M. Vernon. 2008. Multivariateapproach to the measurem<strong>en</strong>t of tomato maturity and gustatoryattributes and their rapid assessm<strong>en</strong>t by Vis-NIR spectroscopy.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56: 1538-1544.Clém<strong>en</strong>t, A., M. Dorais, & M. Vernon. 2008. Non<strong>de</strong>structivemeasurem<strong>en</strong>t of fresh tomato lycop<strong>en</strong>e cont<strong>en</strong>t and otherphysicochemical characteristics using visible-NIRspectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56:9813-9818.Clém<strong>en</strong>t-Mathieu, G., F. Chain, G. Marchand, R.R.Bélanger. 2008. Leaf and pow<strong>de</strong>ry mil<strong>de</strong>w colonization byglycolipid-producing Pseudozyma species. Fungal Ecology 1:69-77.Clém<strong>en</strong>t-Mathieu, G., F. Chain, G. Marchand, & R.R.Bélanger. 2008. Glycolipid production and ecology ofPseudozyma spp. Fungal Ecology 1: 69-77.Cloutier C., S. Boudreault, & D. Michaud. 2008. Impact <strong>de</strong>pommes <strong>de</strong> terre résistantes au doryphore sur les arthropo<strong>de</strong>snon visés: une méta-analyse <strong>de</strong>s facteurs possiblem<strong>en</strong>t <strong>en</strong>cause dans l’échec d’une plante transgénique Bt. Cahiers <strong>de</strong>l’Agriculture 17: 388-394.Colinet, H., T.T.A. Nguy<strong>en</strong>, C. Cloutier, D. Michaud, & T.Hance. 2007. Proteomic profiling of a parasitic wasp exposedto constant and fluctuating cold exposure. Insect Biochemistryand Molecular Biology 37: 1177-1188.<strong>de</strong> Halleux, D., J. Vill<strong>en</strong>euve, A. Gosselin, M. Dorais, & D.Amar. 2005. Concept of dynamic liquid foam insulation and theassessm<strong>en</strong>t of its <strong>en</strong>ergy consumption and agronomicperformances. Acta Horticulturae 691: 605-610.<strong>de</strong> Halleux, D., G. Piette, M. Dostie, & M.L. Buteau. 2005.Ohmic Cooking of Processed Meats – Energy Evaluation andFood Safety Consi<strong>de</strong>rations. Canadian BiosystemsEngineering 47: 41-47.<strong>de</strong> León, J.H., V. Fournier, J.R. Hagler, & K.M. Daane. 2006.Developm<strong>en</strong>t of molecular diagnostic markers for the glassywingedsharpshooter Homalodisca coagulata (Homoptera:Cica<strong>de</strong>llidae) for use in predator gut cont<strong>en</strong>t examinations.Entomologia Experim<strong>en</strong>talis et Applicata 119: 109-119.<strong>de</strong>-Bashan, L.E., H. Antoun, & Y. Bashan. 2008. Involvem<strong>en</strong>tof indole-3-acetic-acid produced by the microalgae growthpromotingbacterium Azospirillum spp. in growth promotion ofChlorella vulgaris. Journal of Phycology 44: 938-947.<strong>de</strong>-Bashan, L.E., P. Magallon, H. Antoun, H, & Y. Bashan.2008. Role of glutamate <strong>de</strong>hydrog<strong>en</strong>ase and glutaminesynthetase in Chlorella vulgaris during assimilation ofammonium wh<strong>en</strong> jointly immobilized with the microalgaegrowthpromoting bacterium Azospirillum brasil<strong>en</strong>se. Journal ofPhycology 44: 1188-1196.<strong>de</strong>-Bashan, L.E., H. Antoun, & Y. Bashan. 2005. Cultivationfactors and population size control the uptake of nitrog<strong>en</strong> bythe microalgae Chlorella vulgaris wh<strong>en</strong> interacting with themicroalgae growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillumbrasil<strong>en</strong>se. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 54: 197-203.Demers, D.-A., M. Dorais, & A.P. Papadopoulos. 2007. Yieldand russeting of gre<strong>en</strong>house tomato as influ<strong>en</strong>ced by leaf-tofruitratio and relative humidity. Hortsci<strong>en</strong>ce 42: 503-507.Desbi<strong>en</strong>s, M.C., P. Bussières, J. Caron, R. Besson, J.Haydu, J. Boudreau, & D.E. Elrick. 2008. Improved watersaving in nursery production using sphagnum peat. ActaHorticulturae 779: 407-413.Desjardins, Y. 2007. How “ micropropagation-omics” cancontribute to a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of ph<strong>en</strong>om<strong>en</strong>on takingplace in plant tissue culture. Acta Horticulturae 748: 39-54.Dorais, M., D.L. Ehret, & A.P. Papadopoulos. 2008. Tomatoquality and healthy-compon<strong>en</strong>ts. Dans: BioactivePhytochemicals: connecting farm and health. PhytochemicalReview 7: 231-250.Dorais, M. 2007. Organic production of vegetables: State ofthe art and chall<strong>en</strong>ges. Canadian Journal of Plant Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 87:1055–1066.Dorais, M., G. Bégin, & C. Ménard. 2007. Risk of phytotoxicityof sawdust substrates for gre<strong>en</strong>house vegetables. ActaHorticulturae 761: 589-595.Dorais, M. 2007. Effect of Cultural Managem<strong>en</strong>t on TomatoFruit Health Qualities. Acta Horticulturae 744: 279-293.Dorais M. 2007. Organic production of vegetables: State of theart and chall<strong>en</strong>ges. Canadian Journal of Plant Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 87:1055–1066.

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