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18Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., & D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux. 2009. Cryoconc<strong>en</strong>trationtechnology in the bio-food industry: Principles and applications.LWT - Food Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology 42(3): 679-685.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & I. Melnikova. 2008. Gravitationaland microwave-assisted thawing during milk wheycryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration. Journal of Food Engineering 88(3): 373-380.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., & D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux. 2008. Passive and microwaveassistedthawing in maple sap cryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration technology.Journal of Food Engineering 85(1): 65-72.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & L. Bazinet. 2008. Pot<strong>en</strong>tial ofcontinuous electrophoresis without and with porousmembranes (CEPM) in the bio-food industry: review. Tr<strong>en</strong>ds inFood Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, & Technology 19(7): 351-362.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., & D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux. 2008. Production of conc<strong>en</strong>tratedcherry and apricot juices by cryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration technology.LWT - Food Sci<strong>en</strong>ce and Technology 41(10): 1768-1775.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, K. Belkacemi, & S. Brunet. 2007.Contribution to the improvem<strong>en</strong>t of maple sugar production.Journal of Food Engineering 80(3): 798-804.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & K. Belkacemi. 2007. Productionof granulated sugar from maple syrup with high cont<strong>en</strong>t ofinverted sugar. Journal of Food Engineering 80(3): 791-797.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & A. Akbache. 2007. Wheycryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration and impact on its composition. Journal ofFood Engineering 82(1): 92-102.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & I. Melnikova. 2007. Skim milkwhey cryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration and impact on the composition of theconc<strong>en</strong>trated and ice fractions. Food and BioprocessTechnology 2: 80-88.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux, & I. Melnikova. 2007. Passive andmicrowave-assisted thawing during skim milk wheycryoconc<strong>en</strong>tration. Dairy Industry Journal 40: 46-50.Aï<strong>de</strong>r, M., & D. <strong>de</strong> Halleux. 2007. Isomerization of lactose andlactulose production: review. Tr<strong>en</strong>ds in Food Sci<strong>en</strong>ce, &Technology 18(7): 356-364.Alikhani, H.A., N. Saleh-Rastin, & H. Antoun. 2006.Phosphate solubilization activity of rhizobia native to Iraniansoils. Plant and Soil 287: 35-41.Allaire, S.E., C. Dufour-L’Arrivée, J. Lafond, R. Lalancette,& J. Bro<strong>de</strong>ur. 2008. CO 2 emissions by urban turfgrass areas.Canadian Journal of Soil Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 88(4): 529-532.Allaire, S.E., J. Lafond, A. Cabral, & S.F. Lange. 2008.Measurem<strong>en</strong>t of gas diffusion through soils: Comparison oflaboratory methods. Journal of Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Monitoring10(11): 1326-1336.Allaire, S.E., J. Del Castillo, & V. Juneau. 2006. Sorptionkinetics of chlortetracyline and tylosin on sandy loam andheavy clay soils. Journal of Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Quality 35: 969-972.Allaire, S.E., & E. van Bochove. 2006. Collecting large soilmonoliths. Canadian Journal of Soil Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 86: 885-896.Allaire, S.E., J. Caron, C. Ménard, & M. Dorais. 2005.Pot<strong>en</strong>tial replacem<strong>en</strong>ts for rockwool as growing substrate forgre<strong>en</strong>house tomato. Canadian Journal of Soil Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 85(1):67-74.Allaire, S.E., S.R. Yates, P. Zhang, & F. Ernst. 2005. Thepot<strong>en</strong>tial effici<strong>en</strong>cy of irrigation managem<strong>en</strong>t and propargylbromi<strong>de</strong> in controlling three soil pests: Tyl<strong>en</strong>chulussemip<strong>en</strong>etrans, Fusarium oxysporum and Echinochloa crusgalli.Pest Managem<strong>en</strong>t Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 61(8): 799-808.Anctil, F., A. Pratte, L.-É. Par<strong>en</strong>t, & M.A. Bolin<strong>de</strong>r. 2008.Non-stationary temporal characterization of the temperatureprofile of a soil exposed to frost in southeastern Canada.Nonlinear Processes Geophysics 15: 409-416.Angu<strong>en</strong>ot, R., B. Nguy<strong>en</strong>-Quoc, S. Yelle, & D. Michaud.2006. Protein phosphorylation and membrane association ofsucrose synthase in <strong>de</strong>veloping tomato fruit. Plant Physiologyand Biochemistry 44: 294-300.Arodokoun, D.Y., M. Tamo, C. Cloutier, & J. Bro<strong>de</strong>ur. 2006.Larval parasitoids occurring on Maruca vitrata Fabricius(Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) in B<strong>en</strong>in, West Africa. AgricultureEcosystems, & Environm<strong>en</strong>t 113: 320-325.Avis, T.J., D. Rioux, M. Simard, M. Michaud, & R.J.Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2008. Ultrastructural alterations in Fusariumsambucinum and Heterobasidium annosum treated withaluminum chlori<strong>de</strong> and sodium metabisulfite. Phytopathology.(Sous presse).Avis, T.J., V. Gravel, H. Antoun, & R.J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2008.Multifaceted b<strong>en</strong>eficial effects of rhizosphere microorganismson plant health and productivity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry40: 1733-1740.Avis, T.J., R. Angu<strong>en</strong>ot, B. Neveu, S. Bolduc, Y.L. Ch<strong>en</strong>g,Y.Y. Zhao, C. Labbé, F. Belzile, & R.R. Bélanger. 2008.Usefulness of heterologous promoters in the Pseudozymaflocculosa g<strong>en</strong>e expression system. Biosci<strong>en</strong>ce, Biotechnologyand Biochemistry 72: 456-462.Avis, T.J. 2007. Antifungal compounds that target fungalmembranes: applications in plant disease control. CanadianJournal of Plant Pathology 29: 323-329.Avis, T.J., M. Michaud, & R.J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2007. Role of lipidcomposition and lipid peroxidation in the s<strong>en</strong>sitivity of fungalplant pathog<strong>en</strong>s to aluminum chlori<strong>de</strong> and sodiummetabisulfite. Applied and Environm<strong>en</strong>tal Microbiology 73:2820-2824.Avis, T.J., C. Martinez, & R.J. Twed<strong>de</strong>ll. 2006. Effect ofchlorine atmospheres on the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>t of <strong>de</strong>cay pathog<strong>en</strong>sand quality of stored strawberry fruit. Canadian Journal of PlantPathology 28: 526-532.Avis, T.J., Y.L Ch<strong>en</strong>g, Y.Y. Zhao, S. Bolduc, B. Neveu, R.Angu<strong>en</strong>ot, C. Labbé, F. Belzile, & R.R. Bélanger. 2005. Thepot<strong>en</strong>tial of Pseudozyma yeast-like epiphytes for theproduction of heterologous recombinant proteins. AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology 69: 304-311.Babana, A.H., & H. Antoun. 2006. Effect of Tilemsi phosphaterock-solubilizing microorganisms on phosphorus uptake andyield of field-grown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Mali. Plantand soil 287: 51-58.Babana, A.H., & H. Antoun. 2005. Biological system forimproving the availability of Tilemsi phosphate rock for wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) cultivated in Mali. Nutri<strong>en</strong>ts Cycling inAgroecosystems 72: 147-157.Badra, A.M., L.-É. Par<strong>en</strong>t, G. Allard, N. Tremblay, Y.Desjardins, & N. Morin. 2006. Effect of leaf nitrog<strong>en</strong>conc<strong>en</strong>tration versus CND nutritional balance on shoot <strong>de</strong>nsityand foliage color of an established K<strong>en</strong>tucky bluegrass (Poaprat<strong>en</strong>sis L.) turf. Canadian Journal of Plant Sci<strong>en</strong>ce 86: 1107-1118.

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