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Faire travailler les finances - Social Watch

Faire travailler les finances - Social Watch


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• République de Moldavie :National Women’s Studies andInformation Centre “Partnership forDevelopment”, cpd@progen.md, www.progen.md• République démocratique duCongo :Centre Africain d’Echange Culturel,b.schombe@gmail.com, www.societecivile.cd• République tchèque :Ecumenical Academy Prague, tozicka@ceskoprotichudobe.cz, ekumakad@volny.cz, www.ekumakad.cz ;Advanced Development Technologies ;Centre of Global Studies ; GenderStudies, o.p.s. ; Forum 50%• République-Unie de Tanzanie :Southern Africa Human Rights NGONetwork (SAHRiNGON)-TanzaniaChapter, sahringontz@yahoo.com,rshilamba@yahoo.com ;The Legal and Human Rights Centre(LHRC), National Legal Assistance(NOLA), Taaluma Women Group(TWG), Journalists’ EnvironmentalAssociation of Tanzania (JET), Womenin Law and Development in Africa(WILDAF), Women’s Legal Aid Centre(WLAC), Children Education Society(CHESO), Disabled Organization forLegal Affairs and <strong>Social</strong> EconomicDevelopment (DOLASED), ChamaCha Walemavu Tanzania (CHAWATA),Action for Relief and DevelopmentAssistance (AFREDA), Environmentaland Human Rights Organization(ENVIHURO), Tanzania Volunteer WomenAssociation (TAWOVA), Associationfor the Prevention of Torture (APT),Tanzania Media Women’s Association(TAMWA), Tanzania Gender NetworkingProgramme (TGNP), Tanzania HomeEconomics Association (TAHEA),Environmental Human Rights Care andGender Organization (ENVIROCARE),Women Advancement Trust (WAT),United Nations Association of Tanzania(UNA-Tanzania), Women’s Research andDocumentation Programme, TanzaniaYouth Awareness Trust Fund (TAYOA),Walio Katika Mapambano Na AidsTanzania (WAMATA), Development Peaceand Human Rights Centre (DPHRC),Lumbesa Group, Economic, Healthand <strong>Social</strong> Development Association,Hakielimu, Tanzania Women and ChildrenWelfare Centre (TWCWC), TanzaniaWomen Lawyers’ Association (TAWLA),The Leadership Forum, The HumanRights Centre for Disabled Persons(HRCDP), PCNW, Environmental andHuman Rights Organization (ENVIHURO),Upendo Women’s Group, TanzaniaYouth Association, Campaign for GoodGovernance (CGG), Centre for HumanRights Promotion (CHRP), Kagera Groupfor Development (KADGE), WomenEconomic Group Co-ordinating Council,Tanzania Mineworkers DevelopmentOrganization (TMDO), Mbozi Biogas andEnvironmental Protection Association(MBEPA), Kilimanjaro WomenInformation Exchange and ConsultancyCompany Limited (KWIECO), Centrefor <strong>Social</strong> Ethics, Morogoro ParelegalCentre, Mwanza Women DevelopmentAssociation (MWDA), Kivulini Women’sRights Organization, Kuleana Centerfor Children’s Rights Profile, YouthPartnership Countrywide (YPC), WazeeNa Ukimwi Singida (WAUSI), ParalegalAid Scheme for Women and Children,Mategemeo Group Mlalo (MGM), TangaAids Working Group (TAWG), ZanzibarLegal Services Centre, Umoja WaWalemavu Zanzibar• Roumanie :Civil Society Development Foundation(FDSC), fdsc@fdsc.ro, valentin.burada@fdsc.ro, www.fdsc.ro ;Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Organizatiei(SAH ROM) ; Asociatia Specialistilor inResurse Umane (AUR) ; ConfederatiaCaritas Romania• Royaume-Uni :Oxfam GB for UK Coalition againstPoverty, eileen.devaney@ukcap.org,cecily.craven@ukcap.org, www.oxfam.org.uk ;Anti Poverty Network Cymru (APNC),Wa<strong>les</strong> ; European Anti Poverty Network,England ; Northern Ireland Anti PovertyNetwork (NIAPN) ; Poverty Alliance(PA),Scotland ; Trades Union Congressof the UK (TUC)• Sénégal :Association pour le DéveloppementÉconomique <strong>Social</strong> Environnemental duNord (ADESEN), adesen@yahoo.com ;ACAPES ; ENDA Tiers-Monde• Serbie :Association Technology and Society,dana@eunet.rs, mirad@eunet.rs,www.eccf.su.ac.yu/tid/english.htm ;Victimology Society of Serbia vds@eunet.rs, www.vds.org.yu, Group 484ms@grupa484.org.rs www.grupa484.org.rs• Slovaquie :Slovak-European Cultural Association(FEMAN), daniel.klimovsky@upjs.sk ;University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik inKošice• Slovénie :Humanitas, info@humanitas.si, www.humanitas.si• Somalie :Somali Organization for CommunityDevelopment Activities (SOCDA), socda@socda.org, socda@globalsom.com ;Afgoi Agricultural DevelopmentOrganization (AADO) ; Afgoi Center forEducation and Community Development(ACECOD) ; Banadir University ;Baniadam Relief and DevelopmentOrganization ; Civil Society in Action ;Coalition of Grassroots WomenOrganization (COGWO) ; CommunityOrganization for Relief and Development(CORD) ; Dr. Ismael Jumale HumanRights Organization (DIJHRO) ; ElmanPeace and Human Rights ; HamarUniversity Islamic University ; HINNA ;Horn Relief ; Humanitarian Agency forRelief & Development (HARDO) ; IidaWomen Development Organization ;Iiman Women DevelopmentOrganization ; Indian Ocean University ;Iniskoy Human Rights Organization ;Isha Human Rights Organization ;Kalsan Voluntary Organization forWomen (Kalsan) ; Mogadishu StandardNewspaper (Independent newspaper) ;Mogadishu University ; Muslim Aid ;Network for Somali NGOs (NETSON) ;Network in Somalia (FPENS) ; Northand South Somali Women WidowsGroup ; Peace Action Society forSomalia (PASS) ; Peace and HumanRights Network (PHRN) ; Pen Network ;Private Formal Education ; ResourceManagement Somali Network (RMSN) ;Saacid Voluntary Organization ; SchoolAssociation for Formal Education (SAFE) ;Sifa Women Voluntary Organization ;SIRWA ; Somali Business WomenAssociation (SBWA) ; Somali ConsultantAssociation (SOCA) ; Somali EngineeringUnion ; Somali Health Care Organization(SHCO) ; Somali IndependentNewspaper Association (SOINA) ;Somali Institute of Management &Administration Development (SIMAD) ;Somali Journalists Network (SOJON) ;Somali Law Society ; Somali NationalNetwork of AIDS Service Organization(SONNASO) ; Somali Peaceline ; SomaliRehabilitation Relief and DevelopmentOrganization (SORRDO) ; SomaliScout Organization (SSO) ; SomaliWomen Journalist (SOWJA) ; SomaliYoung Women Activist (SOYWA) ;Somali Youth Council ; SomalinkRelief and Development Organization ;SSWC ; Subiye Development VolunteerOrganization ; Tadamun <strong>Social</strong> Society(TASS) ; Talowadaag Network ; UmmuRuman Women Organization ; UmulKheyr ; Wanle Weyn Human Rights andDevelopment Organization ; We AreWomen Activists (WAWA) ; WomenCare Organization (WOCA) ; Youth AntiHIV/AIDS (YAA) ; Youth Movement forDemocracy• Soudan :National Civic Forum, h_abdelati@hotmail.com, hassan.abdelati@usa.net ;Al Amal <strong>Social</strong> Association• Sri Lanka :Movement for National Land andAgricultural Reform (MONLAR),monlar@sltnet.lk, www.geocities.com/monlarslk ;Law & Society Trust (LST)• Suisse :Alliance Sud–Swiss Alliance ofDevelopment Organisations, pepo.hofstetter@alliancesud.ch, www.alliancesud.ch ;Bread for All ; Caritas ; Catholic LentenFund ; Helvetas ; Interchurch Aid ;Swissaid• Thaïlande :<strong>Social</strong> Agenda Working Group (<strong>Social</strong><strong>Watch</strong>, Thailand), suiranee@yahoo.com ;Arom Pongpangan Foundation ;Centre for <strong>Social</strong> Development Study ;Chulalongkorn University ResearchInstitute ; Drug Study Group ; Focus onthe Global South Thailand ; Foundationfor Children’s Development ; Foundationfor Women ; Peace and Conflict StudyCentre ; Peace and Culture Foundation ;Political Economy Centre ; ThaiDevelopment Support Committee ;Women Network for the Advancementand Peace• Tunisie :Tunisian League for Human Rights,sjourshi@voila.fr ; Tunisian Associationfor Democratic Women, bochra.bhhavocate@voila.fr• Ukraine :Liberal Society Institute, okisselyova@voliacable.com ; okisselyova@yahoo.com• Union européenne :European Solidarity Towards EqualParticipation of People (EUROSTEP),admin@eurostep.org, sstocker@eurostep.org, www.eurostep.org• Uruguay :<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Watch</strong> Secretariat, socwatch@socialwatch.org, www.socialwatch.org ;CNS Mujeres por Democracia, Equidad yCiudadanía ; Instituto del Tercer Mundo• Venezuela :PROVEA, provea@derechos.org.ve,www.derechos.org.ve• Viet Nam :VUFO-NGO Resource Centre (NGO RC),director@ngocentre.org.vn, www.ngocentre.org.vn• Yémen :Human Rights Information and TrainingCenter, hritc@y.net.ye• Zambie :Women for Change (WFC), wfc@zamnet.zm, www.wfc.org.zmX<strong>Social</strong> <strong>Watch</strong>

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