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Several prestigious awards for Edouard.Founder and artistic director of La La La Human Steps, Edouard Lock has had his workrewarded three times this spring. He received the highest honor in his field in Canada,the Governor General’s Award for the Performing Arts, <strong>du</strong>ring a gala at the National ArtsCentre in Ottawa on May 1, 2010.The Canada Council for the Arts also recently announced that Lock had won the MolsonPrize in recognition of his “outstanding lifetime achievements” and for his contribution tothe “cultural and intellectual life of Canada”. This prize will be awarded in May, 2011. atthe Ottawa premiere of the new creation from La La La Human Steps.Finally, the Universite <strong>du</strong> Quebec a Montreal has names Edouard Lock doctor honoriscausa to acknowledge the originality of his artistic process and his international impact,and to highlight the variety of discipline in which he excels: dance, film, music andopera.Below is a text Edouard wrote about his collaboration with Diana Vishneva:I like to create detailed structures and Diana’s impeccable technique permitsher to carry these details with perfect clarity. Her artistry also permits herto carry a narrative while still maintaining the colder, structural aspects ofthe choreography. Finally I’ve always found memory fascinating. By memory Imean the intangible and unpredictable associations that an audience brings withthem to a performance. Some of these memories have to do with the subjectmatter or theme being explored in the work, some have to do with recognitioninherent in the deconstruction or reference to an existing work.There is however another origin to a memory. That which the performer brings.Diana’s classicism and her powerful embodiment of those roles most central toclassical ballet will bring memories of other stories onto the stage. Theunpredictable interaction between the narrative of those memories and thenarrative of the work is something that I have experienced in the past and thatI enjoy.Media Text:Text:Ballet technique, rushed, precise and at the service of a narrativedeconstructed from two iconic operas.Two tragic love stories awash in a Gavin Bryars score. Complex dance timed tomicro moments uniting two operas into one seamless ode. Two operas whosestoriesand music are known enough to audiences that the pull and push of their ownmemories will create new and unpredictable stories.A romantic and technically challenging new work to mark the 30th anniversary ofLa La La Human Steps.

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