THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev

THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev


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Références Bibliographiques<br />

‘‘Burong Isda’’ and its amylolytic enzyme. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering,<br />

80, 124–130.<br />

OMS (1986). Besoins énergétiques et besoins en protéines. Séries de rapport technique n°<br />

724. Rapport d’une consultation conjointe d’experts FAO/OMS/UNU, 130-131.<br />

Onyango, C., Henle, T., Hofmann, T., & Bley, T. (2004). Production of high energy density<br />

fermented uji using a commercial alpha-amylase or by single-screw extrusion.<br />

Lebensmittel- Wissenschaft und –Technologie, 37, 401-407.<br />

Onyango, C., Noetzold, H., Ziems, A., Hofmann, T., Bley, T., & Henle, T. (2005).<br />

Digestibility and antinutrient properties of acidified and extruded maize-finger millet<br />

blend in the production of uji. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und –Technologie, 38(7), 697-<br />

707.<br />

Onyekwere, O. O., Akinrele, I. A., & Koleoso, O. A. O. In K. H. Steinkraus (1993). (Ed.),<br />

Handbook of indigenous fermented foods (pp. 212–222). New York: Marcel Dekker.<br />

Osungbaro, T.O., Esuoso, Y.A., Esuoso, K.O. (2000). Nutritional and textural qualities of<br />

Soy-Ogi (soy-maize porridge) and Agidi (fermented Soy-Ogi meal). Rivista Italiana delle<br />

Sostanze Grasse. 77(6), 499-502<br />

Oyewole, O.B. (1997). Lactic fermented foods in Africa and their benefits. Food Control 8,<br />

289-297.<br />

Oyeyiola, G. P. (1991). Fermentation of millet to produce kamu, a Nigerian starch-cake food.<br />

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 7, 196–201.<br />

Parker, M. L., Melaku, U., & Faulks, R. M. (1989). The contribution of flour components to<br />

the structure of injera, an Ethiopian fermented bread made from tef (Eragrostis tef).<br />

Journal of Cereal Science, 10, 93–104.<br />

Potus J., Drapron R. (1997). Les enzymes dans les industries de cuisson des céréales. In :<br />

Enzymes en Agro-alimentaire, Paris, Lavoisier, pp. 122-134.<br />

Prosky, L., Asp, N.G., Schweizer, T.F., Devries, J.W., Furda, I. (1988). Determination of<br />

insoluble, soluble, and total dietary fiber in foods and food products: interlaboratory<br />

study. Journal Association of Analyse Chemistry, 71(5), 1017-1023.<br />

Reddy, N.R., Salunkle D.K. (1980). Effects of fermentation on phytate phosphorus and<br />

mineral content in black gram, rice and black gram and rice blends. Journal of Food<br />

Science, 45: 1708-1712.<br />

Ribeiro, H. (2000). Diarrheal disease in a developing nation. American Journal of<br />

Gastroenterology, 95, S14–S15.<br />


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