THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev

THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev


Références Bibliographiques foods on growth and micronutrient status of Ghanaian infants from 6 to 12 mo of age. American Journal Clinical Nutrition, 70, 391-404. Lee, Y.C., Kim, K.T. (1990). Gelatinization and Liquefaction of Starch with a Heart stable α- Amylase. Journal of Food Science, 55(5), 1365-1372. Lei, V., Jakobsen, M. (2004). Microbiological characterization and probiotic potential of koko and koko sour water, African spontaneously fermented millet porridge and drink. Journal of Applied Microbiology , 96 (2), 384-397. Lestienne, I. (2005). Contribution à l’étude de la biodisponibilité du fer et du zinc dans le grain de mil et conditions d’amélioration dans les aliments de complément. Université Montpellier II, PhD thesis, 291p. Lestienne, I., Icard-Vernière, C., Mouquet, C., Picq, C., Trèche, S. (2005). Effect of soaking whole cereal and legume seeds on iron, zinc and phytate contents. Food Chemistry, 89, 421-425. Levine, H., Slade, L. (1992). Glass transitions in foods. In : Physical Chemistry of foods, ed. H. G. Shawartzberg et R. W. Hartel pp. 83-221. Marcel Dekker, New York. Lopez, Y., Gordon, D. T., & Fields, M. L. (1983). Release of phosphorous from phytate by natural lactic acid fermentation. Journal of Food Science, 48, 953-954. Lorri W., Svanberg U. (1993). Lactic acid-fermented cereal gruels : viscosity and flour concentration. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 44 : 207-213. Lorri, W., & Svanberg, U. (1994). An overview of the use of fermented foods for child feeding in Tanzania. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 34, 65 – 81. Lutter, C.K. (2000). Processed complementary foods: summary of nutritional characteristics, methods of production and distribution, and cost. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 21, 95- 100. Lutter, C.K. (2003). Macrolevel approaches to improve the availability of complementary foods. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 24(1), 83-103. Lutter, C.K., Dewey, K.G. (2003). Nutrient composition for fortified complementary foods: proposed nutrient composition for fortified complementary foods. Journal of Nutrition 133:3011S-3020S. Lutter, C.K., Mora, J.O., Habicht, J.P., Rasmussen, K.M., Robson, D.S., Herrera, M.G. (1990). Age-specific responsiveness of weight and length to nutritional supplementation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51, 359-364. Macro International Inc. (2000). Nutrition des jeunes enfants et des mères au Burkina Faso, 1999-99, in : Nutrition en Afrique, graphiques commentées. 139

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Références Bibliographiques<br />

foods on growth and micronutrient status of Ghanaian infants from 6 to 12 mo of age.<br />

American Journal Clinical Nutrition, 70, 391-404.<br />

Lee, Y.C., Kim, K.T. (1990). Gelatinization and Liquefaction of Starch with a Heart stable α-<br />

Amylase. Journal of Food Science, 55(5), 1365-1372.<br />

Lei, V., Jakobsen, M. (2004). Microbiological characterization and probiotic potential of koko<br />

and koko sour water, African spontaneously fermented millet porridge and drink. Journal<br />

of Applied Microbiology , 96 (2), 384-397.<br />

Lestienne, I. (2005). Contribution à l’étude de la biodisponibilité du fer et du zinc dans le<br />

grain de mil et conditions d’amélioration dans les aliments de complément. Université<br />

Montpellier II, PhD thesis, 291p.<br />

Lestienne, I., Icard-Vernière, C., Mouquet, C., Picq, C., Trèche, S. (2005). Effect of soaking<br />

whole cereal and legume seeds on iron, zinc and phytate contents. Food Chemistry, 89,<br />

421-425.<br />

Levine, H., Slade, L. (1992). Glass transitions in foods. In : Physical Chemistry of foods, ed.<br />

H. G. Shawartzberg et R. W. Hartel pp. 83-221. Marcel Dekker, New York.<br />

Lopez, Y., Gordon, D. T., & Fields, M. L. (1983). Release of phosphorous from phytate by<br />

natural lactic acid fermentation. Journal of Food Science, 48, 953-954.<br />

Lorri W., Svanberg U. (1993). Lactic acid-fermented cereal gruels : viscosity and flour<br />

concentration. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition 44 : 207-213.<br />

Lorri, W., & Svanberg, U. (1994). An overview of the use of fermented foods for child<br />

feeding in Tanzania. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 34, 65 – 81.<br />

Lutter, C.K. (2000). Processed complementary foods: summary of nutritional characteristics,<br />

methods of production and distribution, and cost. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 21, 95-<br />

100.<br />

Lutter, C.K. (2003). Macrolevel approaches to improve the availability of complementary<br />

foods. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 24(1), 83-103.<br />

Lutter, C.K., Dewey, K.G. (2003). Nutrient composition for fortified complementary foods:<br />

proposed nutrient composition for fortified complementary foods. Journal of Nutrition<br />

133:3011S-3020S.<br />

Lutter, C.K., Mora, J.O., Habicht, J.P., Rasmussen, K.M., Robson, D.S., Herrera, M.G.<br />

(1990). Age-specific responsiveness of weight and length to nutritional supplementation.<br />

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 51, 359-364.<br />

Macro International Inc. (2000). Nutrition des jeunes enfants et des mères au Burkina Faso,<br />

1999-99, in : Nutrition en Afrique, graphiques commentées.<br />


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