THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev

THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev THESE UNIQUE El Hassane Kéhien-Piho TOU - Nutridev


Résultats et discussions Article 1: Study through surveys and fermentation kinetics of the traditional processing of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) into ben–saalga, a fermented gruel from Burkina Faso Table 1. Mass balance of the ben-saalga processing in 24 TPUs Table 2. pH, titratable acidity and temperature of the products during the fermentation steps in 24 TPUs Table 3. Main biochemical characteristics of products during the processing of pearl millet into ben-saalga in 24 TPUs (results are mean values in g/100 g DM with standard deviation) Table 4.Counts of the aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in the unfermented wet flour and fermented paste in 12 TPUs Article 2 (projet d’article): Preliminary characterization of lactic acid bacteria from pearl millet fermented pastes used for the preparation of ben-saalga, a traditional burkinabe gruel used as complementary food for young children Table1. Results from morphological observations, Gram reaction, catalase activity and API 50 CHL tests Article 4: Effect of different process combinations on the fermentation kinetics, microflora and energy density of ben-saalga, a fermented gruel from Burkina Faso Table 1. Changes in microbial counts during the fermentation step of the control process and of the different process combinations Article 5: Improving the nutritional quality of ben-saalga, a traditional fermented milletbased gruel, by co-fermenting millet with groundnut and modifying the processing method. Table 1. Formulation of gruels (millet co-fermented with groundnuts) taking into account 15 % of added sugar, and estimation of their final protein and lipid contents Table 2. Changes in microbial counts in MG-T and MG-CMI pastes during fermentation Table 3. Proximate composition and phytate content of raw materials and fermented gruels (results are expressed for 100 g of dry matter) iv


Résultats et discussions<br />

Article 1: Study through surveys and fermentation kinetics of the traditional processing of<br />

pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) into ben–saalga, a fermented gruel from Burkina Faso<br />

Table 1. Mass balance of the ben-saalga processing in 24 TPUs<br />

Table 2. pH, titratable acidity and temperature of the products during the fermentation steps<br />

in 24 TPUs<br />

Table 3. Main biochemical characteristics of products during the processing of pearl millet<br />

into ben-saalga in 24 TPUs (results are mean values in g/100 g DM with standard<br />

deviation)<br />

Table 4.Counts of the aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in the<br />

unfermented wet flour and fermented paste in 12 TPUs<br />

Article 2 (projet d’article): Preliminary characterization of lactic acid bacteria from pearl<br />

millet fermented pastes used for the preparation of ben-saalga, a traditional burkinabe gruel<br />

used as complementary food for young children<br />

Table1. Results from morphological observations, Gram reaction, catalase activity and API<br />

50 CHL tests<br />

Article 4: Effect of different process combinations on the fermentation kinetics, microflora<br />

and energy density of ben-saalga, a fermented gruel from Burkina Faso<br />

Table 1. Changes in microbial counts during the fermentation step of the control process and<br />

of the different process combinations<br />

Article 5: Improving the nutritional quality of ben-saalga, a traditional fermented milletbased<br />

gruel, by co-fermenting millet with groundnut and modifying the processing method.<br />

Table 1. Formulation of gruels (millet co-fermented with groundnuts) taking into account<br />

15 % of added sugar, and estimation of their final protein and lipid contents<br />

Table 2. Changes in microbial counts in MG-T and MG-CMI pastes during fermentation<br />

Table 3. Proximate composition and phytate content of raw materials and fermented gruels<br />

(results are expressed for 100 g of dry matter)<br />


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