LTO rapport Tihange Versie 2 dd 30.06.2012

LTO rapport Tihange Versie 2 dd 30.06.2012 LTO rapport Tihange Versie 2 dd 30.06.2012


Références 107 7 Références No. Titre [1] Note stratégique “Long term operation” des centrales nucléaires belges : Doel 1&2 et Tihange 1 (008-194 révision 2, AFCN, septembre 2009) ( [1bis] Rapport d’évaluation des rapports LTO – Mars 2012 (Révision 1 d’Avril 2012 intégrant les avis du Conseil Scientifique) [2] Requirements for renewal of operating licenses for Nuclear Power Plants (10 CFR part 54, Codes and standards, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and records Administration, 2005) [3] Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (Rev.1, September 2005, NUREG – 1801, volume 1 and 2) [4] Centrale Nucléaire de Tihange – Rapport des tests de résistance – Évaluation complémentaire de la sûreté des installations nucléaires (Electrabel, 28 octobre 2011) ( [5] Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Guide N°NS-G-2.10, August 2003) [6] Directives Techniques pour la conception et la construction de la prochaine génération de réacteurs nucléaires à eau sous pression (adoptées pendant les réunions plénières du GPR et des experts Allemands les 19 et 26 octobre 2000) [7] WENRA Belgian Action Plan ( [8] IAEA, the nuclear power industry’s ageing workforce; transfer of knowledge to the next generation, IAEA-TECDOC-1399, 2004 [9] Risk Management of Knowledge Loss in Nuclear Industry Organizations (IAEA, STI/PUB/1248, 2006) [10] IAEA, Managing Nuclear Knowledge: Strategies and Human Resource Development, Summary of an International Conference, Vienna 2004 [11] Safe Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Reports Series N° 57, October 2008) [12] Appendix A to 10 CFR part 50, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants [13] SALTO Guidelines - Guidelines for peer review of long term operation and ageing management of nuclear power plants (IAEA Services Series 17, December 2008) [14] Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation of Water Moderated Reactors (IAEA-EBP- SALTO, July 2007) [15] Plant Life Management for LTO of Light Water Reactor (IAEA Technical Report Series N°448, December 2006) [16] OSART Guidelines for Long Term Operation (U.S.NRC, draft rev. 2, May 2009) [17] Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear Power Plants (NUREG – 1800, Rev. 1, September 2005) [18] Industry Guideline for Implementing the Requirements of 10 CFR part 54 – The License Renewal Rule (NEI 95-10, Rev.6, June 2005) [19] Plant Support Engineering: License Renewal Electrical Handbook (EPRI report 1003057 Rev. 1, January 2005) [20] Non-Class 1 Mechanical Implementation guideline and Mechanical Tools (EPRI 1010639 Revision 4, January 2006) [21] Ageing Identification and Assessment Checklist. Civil and Structural Components—Final Report, (EPRI 1011224, February 2007) [22] Ageing management for Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.12, January 2009) [23] Basic Safety Principles for Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA INSAG Series N° 12, 75- Rapport LTO – version 2.0 – 30 juin 2012

Références 108 No. Titre INSAG-3 rev1, Dec. 1999) [24] Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements (NUREG – 0737, Final report, October 30, 1980) [25] AIEA NS-R-1 : « Safety of Nuclear Power Plants : Design » [26] Norme IEEE 323-74 [27] R.G. 1.89 [28] IAEA OSART Guidelines Services Series No 12, Edition 2005 [29] Knowledge Management for Nuclear Industry Operating Organizations (IAEA, IAEA-TECDOC-1510, October 2006) [30] ONDRAF/NIRAS, Plan Déchets pour la gestion à long terme des déchets radioactifs conditionnés de haute activité et/ou de longue durée de vie et aperçu de questions connexes, rapport NIROND 2011-02 F, 2011 Rapport LTO – version 2.0 – 30 juin 2012

Références<br />

107<br />

7 Références<br />

No. Titre<br />

[1] Note stratégique “Long term operation” des centrales nucléaires belges : Doel<br />

1&2 et <strong>Tihange</strong> 1 (008-194 révision 2, AFCN, septembre 2009)<br />

(<br />

[1bis] Rapport d’évaluation des <strong>rapport</strong>s <strong>LTO</strong> – Mars 2012 (Révision 1 d’Avril 2012<br />

intégrant les avis du Conseil Scientifique)<br />

[2] Requirements for renewal of operating licenses for Nuclear Power Plants (10 CFR<br />

part 54, Codes and standards, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives<br />

and records Administration, 2005)<br />

[3] Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (GALL) Report (Rev.1, September 2005, NUREG<br />

– 1801, volume 1 and 2)<br />

[4] Centrale Nucléaire de <strong>Tihange</strong> – Rapport des tests de résistance – Évaluation<br />

complémentaire de la sûreté des installations nucléaires<br />

(Electrabel, 28 octobre 2011) (<br />

[5] Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Guide N°NS-G-2.10,<br />

August 2003)<br />

[6] Directives Techniques pour la conception et la construction de la prochaine<br />

génération de réacteurs nucléaires à eau sous pression (adoptées pendant les<br />

réunions plénières du GPR et des experts Allemands les 19 et 26 octobre 2000)<br />

[7] WENRA Belgian Action Plan (<br />

[8] IAEA, the nuclear power industry’s ageing workforce; transfer of knowledge to<br />

the next generation, IAEA-TECDOC-1399, 2004<br />

[9] Risk Management of Knowledge Loss in Nuclear Industry Organizations (IAEA,<br />

STI/PUB/1248, 2006)<br />

[10] IAEA, Managing Nuclear Knowledge: Strategies and Human Resource<br />

Development, Summary of an International Conference, Vienna 2004<br />

[11] Safe Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Reports Series<br />

N° 57, October 2008)<br />

[12] Appendix A to 10 CFR part 50, General Design Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants<br />

[13] SA<strong>LTO</strong> Guidelines - Guidelines for peer review of long term operation and ageing<br />

management of nuclear power plants (IAEA Services Series 17, December 2008)<br />

[14] Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation of Water Moderated Reactors (IAEA-EBP-<br />

SA<strong>LTO</strong>, July 2007)<br />

[15] Plant Life Management for <strong>LTO</strong> of Light Water Reactor (IAEA Technical Report<br />

Series N°448, December 2006)<br />

[16] OSART Guidelines for Long Term Operation (U.S.NRC, draft rev. 2, May 2009)<br />

[17] Standard Review Plan for Review of License Renewal Applications for Nuclear<br />

Power Plants (NUREG – 1800, Rev. 1, September 2005)<br />

[18] Industry Guideline for Implementing the Requirements of 10 CFR part 54 – The<br />

License Renewal Rule (NEI 95-10, Rev.6, June 2005)<br />

[19] Plant Support Engineering: License Renewal Electrical Handbook (EPRI report<br />

1003057 Rev. 1, January 2005)<br />

[20] Non-Class 1 Mechanical Implementation guideline and Mechanical Tools (EPRI<br />

1010639 Revision 4, January 2006)<br />

[21] Ageing Identification and Assessment Checklist. Civil and Structural<br />

Components—Final Report, (EPRI 1011224, February 2007)<br />

[22] Ageing management for Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA Safety Guide NS-G-2.12,<br />

January 2009)<br />

[23] Basic Safety Principles for Nuclear Power Plants (IAEA INSAG Series N° 12, 75-<br />

Rapport <strong>LTO</strong> – version 2.0 – 30 juin 2012

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