Optimiser l'impact nutritiOnnel des interventiOns sécurité alimentaire ...

Optimiser l'impact nutritiOnnel des interventiOns sécurité alimentaire ...

Optimiser l'impact nutritiOnnel des interventiOns sécurité alimentaire ...


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Lectures additionnelles<br />

• AED and FAO. Deepening the Dialogue: Agriculture and Nutrition Collaboration to<br />

Enhance Global Food Security Summary Report from the Open Forum Held on November<br />

1, 2010.Washington, DC: AED, 2011 à www.aed.org.<br />

• FAO, 2010, Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies: Food-based Approaches, edited by<br />

Brian Thompson and Leslie Amoroso, FAO, Rome.<br />

• FAO and Bioversity, 2010, Biodiversity and Nutrition a common path, FAO, Rome à<br />

http://www.fao.org/infoods/biodiversity/index_en.stm<br />

• FAO, UNICEF and Food and Nutrition Council, 2009, Healthy Harvest, a training manual<br />

for community workers in good nutrition, and in the growing, preparing, and processing a<br />

healthy food, Food and Nutrition Council, Harare.<br />

• FAO,1997, La Nutrition dans les Pays en Développement, Food and Nutrition series No29,<br />

• FAO, Rome, Disponible à http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/004/W0073F/W0073F00.HTM<br />

• UNSCN, 2010, Policy Brief on Climate change and Nutrition Security at<br />

http://www.unscn.org/en/announcements/nutrition_informations_resources/id=389<br />

• USAID et IYCN, 2011, Nutrition and Food Security Impacts of Agriculture Projects, a<br />

review of experience, IYCN, Washington, DC à<br />

http://www.iycn.org/files/FINALIYCNReviewofExperience020911.pdf<br />

• USAID and IYCN, 2011, Nutritional Impact Assessment, Tool & Guidance, IYCN,<br />

Washington, DC<br />

Sites internet<br />

• HKI Homestead Food Production à<br />

http://www.hki.org/reducing-malnutrition/homestead-food-production/<br />

• Agroécologie et Droit à l’Alimentation, Rapport présenté à la 16ème session du Conseil<br />

<strong>des</strong> droits de l’homme de l’ONU [A/HRC/16/49] à http://www.srfood.org/<br />

Centres de recherche<br />

• Africa Rice Center<br />

• Bioversity International<br />

• CGIAR – Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research<br />

• CIAT – International Center for Tropical Agriculture<br />

• CIFOR – Center for International Forestry Research<br />

• CIMMYT – International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center<br />

• HarvestPlus<br />

• ICARDA – International Center for Agricultural Research in the dry Areas<br />

• ICRISAT – International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics<br />

• IFPRI – International Food Policy Research Institute<br />

• IITA – International Institute of Tropical Agriculture<br />

• IIRI – International Rice Research Institute<br />

• IWMI – International Water Management Institute<br />

• ICRAF - World Agroforestry Centre<br />

• World Vegetable Center<br />

<strong>Optimiser</strong> l’impact nutritionnel <strong>des</strong> interventions <strong>sécurité</strong> <strong>alimentaire</strong> et moyens d’existence 61

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