MR thèse 2006-21 - Bibliothèque Ecole Centrale Lyon

MR thèse 2006-21 - Bibliothèque Ecole Centrale Lyon

MR thèse 2006-21 - Bibliothèque Ecole Centrale Lyon


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Chapitre V – Interface BSA/métal<br />

KARLSSON, C.A.-C., WAHLGREN, M.C. and TRÄGARDH, A.C. (1996). Beta-lactoglobulin fouling and<br />

its removal upon rinsing and by SDS as influenced by surface characteristics, temperature and adsorption<br />

time. Journal of Food Engineering. 30: 43-60<br />

KARLSSON, C.A.-C., WAHLGREN, M.C., OLSSON, C.-O.A. and TRÄGARDH, A.C. (1999). Detergentinduced<br />

removal of β-lactoglobulin from stainless steel surfaces as influenced by surface pretreatment.<br />

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 220: 471-473<br />

KIDOAKI, S. and MATSUDA, T. (2002). Mechanistic aspects of protein/material interactions probed by<br />

atomistic formce microscopy. Colloid and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 23: 153-163<br />

KROZER, A. and RODAHL, M. (1997). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of UV/ozone oxidation of<br />

Au under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Journal of Vacuum Science Technology A. 15: 1704-1709<br />

LACHKAR, A., SELMANI, A., SACHER, E., LECLERC, M. and MOKHLISS, R. (1994). Metallization of<br />

polythiophenes. I. Interaction of vapor-deposited Cu, Ag and Au with poly(3-hexylthiophene). Synthetic<br />

Metals. 66: 209-<strong>21</strong>5<br />

LACHKAR, A., SELMANI, A. and SACHER, E. (1995). Metallization of polythiophenes<br />

II. Interaction of vapor-deposited Cr, V and Ti with poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT). Synthetic Metals.<br />

72: 73-80<br />

LANGEL, W. and MENKEN, L. (2003). Simulation of the interface between titanium oxide and amino<br />

acids in solution by first principles MD. Surface Science. 538: 1-9<br />

LEBUGLE, A., SUBIRADE, M. and GUEGUEN, J. (1995). Structural characteristics of a globular protein<br />

investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: comparaison between a legumin film and a powdered<br />

legumin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 1248: 107-114<br />

LEBUGLE, A., SUBIRADE, M. and GUEGUEN, J. (1995). Structural characteristics of a globular protein<br />

investigated by XPS: comparison between legumin film ans a powdered legumin. Biochimica et<br />

Biophysica Acta. 1248: 107-114<br />

LHOEST, J.-B., DETRAIT, E., VAN DEN BOSCH DE AGUILAR, P. and BERTRAND, P. (1998). Fibronectin<br />

adsorption, conformation, and orientation on polystyrene substrates studied by radiolabeling, XPS and<br />

ToF-SIMS. Journal of Biomedical and Materials Research. 41: 95-103<br />

LIEDBERG, B., LUNDSTRÖM, I., WU, C.R. and SALANECK, W.R. (1985). Adsorption of glycine on<br />

hydrophilic gold. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 108:<br />

MARCUS, P. and GALTAYRIES, A. (2003). XPS et surfaces métalliques: surfaces d'alliages, oxydation,<br />

corrosion et traitements de surface. Le Vide. 308: 230-255<br />

MILOSEV, I. and STREHBLOW, H.H. (2003). The composition of the surface passive film formed on<br />

CoCrMo alloy in simulated physiological solution. Electrochimica Acta. 48: 2767-2774<br />

MURRAY, B.S. and DESHAIRES, C. (2000). Monitoring protein fouling of metal surface via a quartz<br />

crystal microbalance. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 227: 32-41<br />

NGUYEN, T.P. and DEVOS, S.A. (1996). Interfacial effects in poly (p-phenylene-vinylene)-metal systems.<br />

Vacuum. 47: 1153-1158<br />

NORDE, W. (1995). Adsorption of proteins at solid-liquid interfaces. Cells and Materials. 5: 97-112<br />

PETORAL, R.M. and UVDAL, K. (2002). Asg-Cys and Arg-cysteamine adsorbed on gold and the G-<br />

protein-adsorbate interaction. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 25: 335-346<br />

PRADIER, C.M., COSTA, D., RUBIO, C., COMPÈRE, C. and MARCUS, P. (2002). Role of salts on BSA<br />

adsorption on stainless steel in aqueous solutions. I. FT-IRRAS and XSP characterization. Surface and<br />

Interface Analysis. 34: 50-54<br />

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