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Small Enterprise Education and<br />

Promotion (SEEP) Network. Microfinance<br />

and Non-Financial Services For Very Poor<br />

People: Digging Deeper to Find Keys to<br />

Success. Studies and reports, 2006,<br />

32 p.<br />

Langue : Anglais<br />

http://communities.seepnetwork.<strong>org</strong>/<br />

node/313<br />

MERSLAND Roy / Atlas Alliance.<br />

Microcredit for self-employed disabled<br />

persons in developing countries: Input<br />

to donors, microfinance institutions,<br />

disabled people’s <strong>org</strong>anizations and<br />

advocates interested in increasing the<br />

outreach of sustainable microcredit<br />

to disabled self-employed persons in<br />

developing countries. Studies and reports,<br />

2005, 62 p.<br />

Langue : Anglais<br />

http://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/2068/1/<br />

MPRA_paper_2068.pdf<br />

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor<br />

(CGAP). Principes clés de la microfinance.<br />

Outils pratiques, 2004, 2 p.<br />

Langues : Anglais, Français, Espagnol<br />

http://www.cgap.<strong>org</strong>/gm/document-1.9.2750/<br />

KeyPrincMicrofinance_fre.pdf<br />

Consultative Group to Assist the Poor<br />

(CGAP) / PARKER Joan / PEARCE Doug.<br />

Microfinance, subventions et instruments<br />

non financiers dans le cadre de la<br />

réduction de la pauvreté : quel est le<br />

rôle du microcrédit ? (Note focus n°20).<br />

Documents de positionnement, 2002, 14 p.<br />

Langues : Anglais, Français, Espagnol<br />

http://www.lamicrofinance.<strong>org</strong>/content/<br />

article/detail/15192<br />

MARTIN Imran. Managing Scaling Up<br />

Challenges of a Program for the Poorest:<br />

Case Study of BRAC’s IGVGD Program. In<br />

“Scaling up poverty reduction : case studies<br />

in Microfinance”. Studies and reports, 2004,<br />

18 p.<br />

Langue : Anglais<br />

http://www.bracresearch.<strong>org</strong>/publications/<br />

managing_igvgd_scaleup_challenges_full.<br />

pdf<br />

United Nations Capital Development<br />

Fund / Special Unit for Microfinance.<br />

Supporting women’s livelihoods:<br />

Microfinance that works for the majority:<br />

A guide to best practices. Practical tools,<br />

2002, 48 p.<br />

Langue : Anglais<br />

http://www.microfinancegateway.<strong>org</strong>/gm/<br />

document-1.9.29086/29664_file_women.pdf<br />

Emploi salarié<br />

International Labour Office (ILO).<br />

Employability: a resource guide on<br />

disability for employers in Asia and the<br />

Pacific. Practical tools, 2007, 140 p.<br />

Langue : Anglais<br />

http://www.ilo.<strong>org</strong>/wcmsp5/groups/public/--<br />

-asia/---ro-bangkok/documents/publication/<br />

wcms_bk_pb_98_en.pdf<br />

Organisation Internationale du Travail<br />

(OIT). Le placement des demandeurs<br />

d’emploi handicapés : éléments pour un<br />

service efficace (édition Afrique). Etudes<br />

et rapports, 2007, 87 p.<br />

Langues : Anglais, Français, Espagnol<br />

http://www.ilo.<strong>org</strong>/public/libdoc/<br />

ilo/2007/107B09_261_fren.pdf<br />

Annexes.<br />


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