3-4/2005 UINL - Notarius International

3-4/2005 UINL - Notarius International 3-4/2005 UINL - Notarius International


NOTARIUS INTERNATIONAL 3–4/2005 journal of UINL – Union Internationale du Notariat Latin Articles 141 La tutela degli acquirenti di immobili da costruire: La nuova disciplina italiana 148 Protection of the Purchaser of Immovables to be built: The new Italian Law 154 La tutelle des acquéreurs d'immeubles à constuire: La nouvelle loi italienne 159 Erwerberschutz im Bauträgervertrag : Das neue italienische Gesetz 165 La tutela de los adquirentes de inmuebles a construir: La nueva ley italiana David Ockl 171 Acquisition of Real Estate in Poland by Foreigners after the Adoption of the Accession Treaty (Selected problems) 177 Acquisition d’immeubles par des étrangers en Pologne après la signature du Traité d’adhésion (problèmes choisis) 180 Grundstückserwerb durch Ausländer in Polen nach dem EU-Beitritt Acquisizione di immobili da stranieri in Polonia dopo la firma del Trattato di adesione (problemi scelti) Adquisición de inmuebles por estranjeros in Polonia después de la firma del Tratado de adhésion Adam Kucharski National Report 183 Informe Nacional México 200 National Report Mexico 216 Rapport National Mexique 232 Länderbericht Mexiko 250 Rapporto Nazionale Messico José Antonio Márquez González Legal Developments 266 Flash annulments (Flitsscheidingen) in the Netherlands 267 "Divorces éclair" (Flitsscheidingen) aux Pays-Bas 268 "Blitzscheidungen" (Flitsscheidingen) in den Niederlanden 270 "Divorzi lampo" (Flitsscheidingen) nei Paesi Bassi 271 "Divorcios express" (Flitsscheidingen) en Holanda Michiel Tomlow Comparative Law 272 Le Droit de Rétractation et la Fonction Notariale 278 The Right of Withdrawal and Function of the Notary 283 Verbraucherwiderrufsrecht und notarielle Beurkundung Il diritto di recesso e la funzione notarile 288 El derecho de retracto y la función notarial Enrique Brancós Núñez Practical Case 293 Notas sobre la Recepción en España de Poderes Extranjeros no formalizados en Escritura Pública Recognition of foreign powers of attorney in Spain La reconnaissance de procurations étrangères en Espagne Anerkennung ausländischer Vollmachten in Spanien Il riconoscimento di procure straniere in Spagna Rafael Rivas Andrés Last Pages World Map: Conflict of Laws in Successions Mappemonde du rattachement en matière successorale Impressum Notarius International is a journal of the Union Internationale du Notariat (UINL), the world-wide association of notaries. Notarius International aims to provide a forum that facilitates the international aspects of notarial work. Comparative work in any field of law dealt with by notaries is welcomed. By providing this platform for international exchanges of views and news, the Union Internationale du Notariat (UINL) aims to support notarial practioners in solving international law problems arising from their work as well as to facilitate research by scholars in comparative law in these legal fields. The UINL further aims to strengthen relations with its members, including both institutional and, in particular, individual members, as well as with the numerous international and supranational organisations to which the UINL is affiliated. Notarius International is published in five languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Editorial Board Editor: Peter Limmer (Germany); Assistant Editor: Christian Hertel (Germany). Wolfgang Baumann (Germany); Jean-Paul Decorps (France), João Figueiredo Ferreira (Brazil); Federico Guasti (Italy); José Antonio Márquez González (Mexico); Hugo Pérez Montero (Uruguay); Jeffrey Talpis (Canada); Salvador Torres Escámez (Spain); Ahmadou Touré (Mali); Sinishi Tsuchiya (Japan); Robert A. D. Urquhart (United Kingdom); Luc Weyts (Belgium). Honorary Board Francisco S. Arias (Mexico, honorary president of the UINL); Gilles Demers (Canada, honorary president of the UINL); Helmut Fessler (Germany, honorary president of the UINL); Giancarlo Laurini (Italy, president of the UINL); Hugo Pérez Montero (Uruguay, honorary president of the UINL); André Schwachtgen (Luxemburg, honorary president of the UINL). Editorial Office and Subscriptions Notarius International is published quarterly by : Deutsches Notarinstitut (DNotI), Gerberstr. 19, 97070 Würzburg, Germany, Tel. (+49) (931) 35 57 60, Fax (+49) (931) 35 57 62 25, e-mail: notarius@dnoti.de The present annual subscription price (Volume 10, 2005) is Euro 100.00 / US $ 120.00 - plus 7 % VAT, payable in advance - net of charges and bank commissions. Citation Notarius International may be cited as follows: Author, Title of Article, Notar. Int'l Year, Initial Page (Volume and Number) – or short: Author, Notar. Int'l Year, Initial Page. Thus e.g.: R. Urquhart, Quelques aspects de la vente d'un bien immobilier en France par un mineur anglais, Notar. Int'l 1996, p. 11 (vol. 1 no. 1) – or short: Urquhart, Notar. Int'l 1996, 11. Copyright © 2006 Deutsches Notarinstitut (DNotI), Germany, on behalf of the Union Internationale du Notariat (UINL). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher or of the UINL. notarius@dnoti.de ISSN 1385 - 1209

Notarius International 3-4/2005 D. Ockl, Tutela degli acquirenti di immobili da costruire in Italia 141 ARTICLES AND NOTES La tutela degli acquirenti di immobili da costruire: La nuova disciplina italiana Protection of the Purchaser of Immovables to be built: The new Italian Law La tutelle des acquéreurs d'immeubles à constuire: La nouvelle loi italienne Erwerberschutz im Bauträgervertrag : Das neue italienische Gesetz La tutela de los adquirentes de inmuebles a construir: La nueva ley italiana DAVID OCKL, notaio a Lana, (BZ), Italia Articulo/Traduzioni pagina Articulo in italiano 143 English translation 148 Traduction en français 154 Deutsche Übersetzung 159 Traducción en español 165 Summary Up until now purchaser protection in building contracts in Italy has been inadequate. The purchaser as a rule made unsecured payments on account. It is true that after 1996 some possibility of protection existed through registration of the preliminary contract in the land register. However, this only applied in respect of preliminary contracts that were notarially recorded or in relation to which there was at least attestation of signature, whereas the majority of preliminary contracts relating to building contracts were only drawn up as private instruments. It is estimated that since 1995 around 200.000 families have been affected as purchasers by the approximately 9,000 insolvencies of building firms. Statutory Order No. 122 of 20th June 2005 (legislative decree – decreto legislativo) has now, for the first time, introduced protection provisions for purchasers under building contracts (vendita di immobili da costruire) in Italy. Mandatory provisions of the new law include: - Statutorily prescribed minimum information in the contract (e.g. building specifications, completion date); - Advance payment guarantee for payments on account by the purchaser; - Undertaking guaranteeing deletion or apportionment of the construction mortgage; - Insurance against destruction or serious construction defects; - Right of pre-emption in the forced sale by the construction mortgage creditor in the case of an owner-occupied dwelling (and exclusion of rescission by the insolvency administrator in respect of this); - Establishment of a solidarity fund for old cases. OCKL describes the new building contracts law in detail. Sommaire La protection de l’acquéreur dans le contrat de construction en Italie était insuffisante jusqu’à présent. En toute règle, l’acquéreur avait payé des acomptes non garanties. Depuis 1996, il existait une certaine protection grâce à l’inscription du contrat préliminaire dans le livre foncier. Cependant cela ne valait que pour les contrats préliminaires authentifiés par le notaire ou celles dont la signature était légalisée par le notaire, tandis que la plupart des contrats préliminaires faisaient l’objet d’un acte sous seing privé. On estime que, depuis 1995, environ 200.000 familles ayant acquis des immeubles étaient concernées par les 9.000 insolvabilités des constructeurs. Dorénavant, le décret législatif (decreto legislativo) n o 122 du 20 juin 2005 a introduit pour la première fois des règles protectrices de l’acquéreur d’immeubles à construire (vendita di immobili da costruire) en Italie. La nouvelle loi prévoit comme règles impératives, notamment: - des informations minimales devant être contenues dans le contrat (p.e. la description de la construction, la date de l’achèvement des travaux), - le cautionnement pour les acomptes de l’acquéreur, - l’obligation de la radiation ou du fractionnement de l’hypothèque, - l’assurance contre la destruction ou les graves vices de construction, - le droit de préemption dans l’exécution forcée exercée par le créancier de l’hypothèque dans le cas d’un immeuble utilisé à des fins privés (ainsi que l’exclusion de l’action en inopposabilité), - est créé un fonds de solidariété pour les vieux cas. OCKL décrit le nouveau droit de construction en détail. Zusammenfassung Der Erwerberschutz im Bauträgervertrag war in Italien bisher unzureichend. Der Erwerber erbrachte i.d.R. ungesicherte Anzahlungen. Seit 1996 bestand zwar eine gewisse Schutzmöglichkeit durch Grundbucheintragung des Vorvertrages. Dies galt aber nur für notariell beurkundete oder zumindest unterschriftsbeglaubigte Vorverträge, während die Mehrzahl der Vorverträge beim Bauträgervertrag nur privatschriftlich abgeschlossen wurde. Man schätzt, dass seit



3–4/<strong>2005</strong><br />

journal of <strong>UINL</strong> – Union <strong>International</strong>e du Notariat Latin<br />

Articles<br />

141 La tutela degli acquirenti di immobili da costruire: La<br />

nuova disciplina italiana<br />

148 Protection of the Purchaser of Immovables to be built: The new<br />

Italian Law<br />

154 La tutelle des acquéreurs d'immeubles à constuire: La nouvelle loi<br />

italienne<br />

159 Erwerberschutz im Bauträgervertrag : Das neue italienische Gesetz<br />

165 La tutela de los adquirentes de inmuebles a construir: La nueva ley<br />

italiana<br />

David Ockl<br />

171 Acquisition of Real Estate in Poland by Foreigners after<br />

the Adoption of the Accession Treaty (Selected problems)<br />

177 Acquisition d’immeubles par des étrangers en Pologne après la<br />

signature du Traité d’adhésion (problèmes choisis)<br />

180 Grundstückserwerb durch Ausländer in Polen nach dem EU-Beitritt<br />

Acquisizione di immobili da stranieri in Polonia dopo la firma del<br />

Trattato di adesione (problemi scelti)<br />

Adquisición de inmuebles por estranjeros in Polonia después de la<br />

firma del Tratado de adhésion<br />

Adam Kucharski<br />

National Report<br />

183 Informe Nacional México<br />

200 National Report Mexico<br />

216 Rapport National Mexique<br />

232 Länderbericht Mexiko<br />

250 Rapporto Nazionale Messico<br />

José Antonio Márquez González<br />

Legal Developments<br />

266 Flash annulments (Flitsscheidingen) in the Netherlands<br />

267 "Divorces éclair" (Flitsscheidingen) aux Pays-Bas<br />

268 "Blitzscheidungen" (Flitsscheidingen) in den Niederlanden<br />

270 "Divorzi lampo" (Flitsscheidingen) nei Paesi Bassi<br />

271 "Divorcios express" (Flitsscheidingen) en Holanda<br />

Michiel Tomlow<br />

Comparative Law<br />

272 Le Droit de Rétractation et la Fonction Notariale<br />

278 The Right of Withdrawal and Function of the Notary<br />

283 Verbraucherwiderrufsrecht und notarielle Beurkundung<br />

Il diritto di recesso e la funzione notarile<br />

288 El derecho de retracto y la función notarial<br />

Enrique Brancós Núñez<br />

Practical Case<br />

293 Notas sobre la Recepción en España de Poderes<br />

Extranjeros no formalizados en Escritura Pública<br />

Recognition of foreign powers of attorney in Spain<br />

La reconnaissance de procurations étrangères en Espagne<br />

Anerkennung ausländischer Vollmachten in Spanien<br />

Il riconoscimento di procure straniere in Spagna<br />

Rafael Rivas Andrés<br />

Last Pages<br />

World Map: Conflict of Laws in Successions<br />

Mappemonde du rattachement en matière successorale<br />

Impressum<br />

<strong>Notarius</strong> <strong>International</strong> is a journal of the Union <strong>International</strong>e<br />

du Notariat (<strong>UINL</strong>), the world-wide association of notaries.<br />

<strong>Notarius</strong> <strong>International</strong> aims to provide a forum that facilitates<br />

the international aspects of notarial work. Comparative work<br />

in any field of law dealt with by notaries is welcomed. By providing<br />

this platform for international exchanges of views and<br />

news, the Union <strong>International</strong>e du Notariat (<strong>UINL</strong>) aims to<br />

support notarial practioners in solving international law<br />

problems arising from their work as well as to facilitate<br />

research by scholars in comparative law in these legal fields.<br />

The <strong>UINL</strong> further aims to strengthen relations with its members,<br />

including both institutional and, in particular, individual<br />

members, as well as with the numerous international and<br />

supranational organisations to which the <strong>UINL</strong> is affiliated.<br />

<strong>Notarius</strong> <strong>International</strong> is published in five languages: English,<br />

French, German, Italian and Spanish.<br />

Editorial Board<br />

Editor: Peter Limmer (Germany); Assistant Editor: Christian<br />

Hertel (Germany).<br />

Wolfgang Baumann (Germany); Jean-Paul Decorps (France),<br />

João Figueiredo Ferreira (Brazil); Federico Guasti (Italy); José<br />

Antonio Márquez González (Mexico); Hugo Pérez Montero<br />

(Uruguay); Jeffrey Talpis (Canada); Salvador Torres Escámez<br />

(Spain); Ahmadou Touré (Mali); Sinishi Tsuchiya (Japan); Robert<br />

A. D. Urquhart (United Kingdom); Luc Weyts (Belgium).<br />

Honorary Board<br />

Francisco S. Arias (Mexico, honorary president of the <strong>UINL</strong>);<br />

Gilles Demers (Canada, honorary president of the <strong>UINL</strong>);<br />

Helmut Fessler (Germany, honorary president of the <strong>UINL</strong>);<br />

Giancarlo Laurini (Italy, president of the <strong>UINL</strong>); Hugo Pérez<br />

Montero (Uruguay, honorary president of the <strong>UINL</strong>); André<br />

Schwachtgen (Luxemburg, honorary president of the <strong>UINL</strong>).<br />

Editorial Office and Subscriptions<br />

<strong>Notarius</strong> <strong>International</strong> is published quarterly by :<br />

Deutsches Notarinstitut (DNotI), Gerberstr. 19,<br />

97070 Würzburg, Germany,<br />

Tel. (+49) (931) 35 57 60, Fax (+49) (931) 35 57 62 25,<br />

e-mail: notarius@dnoti.de<br />

The present annual subscription price (Volume 10, <strong>2005</strong>) is<br />

Euro 100.00 / US $ 120.00 - plus 7 % VAT, payable in advance<br />

- net of charges and bank commissions.<br />

Citation<br />

<strong>Notarius</strong> <strong>International</strong> may be cited as follows: Author, Title<br />

of Article, Notar. Int'l Year, Initial Page (Volume and Number)<br />

– or short: Author, Notar. Int'l Year, Initial Page. Thus e.g.: R.<br />

Urquhart, Quelques aspects de la vente d'un bien immobilier en<br />

France par un mineur anglais, Notar. Int'l 1996, p. 11 (vol. 1 no.<br />

1) – or short: Urquhart, Notar. Int'l 1996, 11.<br />

Copyright<br />

© 2006 Deutsches Notarinstitut (DNotI), Germany, on behalf<br />

of the Union <strong>International</strong>e du Notariat (<strong>UINL</strong>). All rights<br />

reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced,<br />

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any<br />

means, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,<br />

without prior permission of the publisher or of the <strong>UINL</strong>.<br />

notarius@dnoti.de<br />

ISSN 1385 - 1209

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