2011-2012 - IRCM

2011-2012 - IRCM

2011-2012 - IRCM


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Chercheurs de l’<strong>IRCM</strong> invités à<br />

prononcer une conférence dans le<br />

cadre de congrès<br />

Jacques ARCHAMBAULT<br />

Inhibition of HPV DNA replication by an E1-derived,<br />

p80/UAF1-binding peptide, 8 th Cancer Colloquium, St.<br />

Andrews, Écosse, Royaume-Uni<br />

Human papillomavirus genome replication: host factors<br />

and candidate antiviral targets, Viruses, Genes and<br />

Cancer International Workshop, Istituto Veneto di<br />

Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venise, Italie<br />

Michel CAYOUETTE<br />

Essential role of Numb in protein sorting in mouse<br />

photoreceptor cells, ARVO-International Society for<br />

Ocular Cell Biology, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique<br />

Cell lineage and temporal identity in retinal development,<br />

HHMI Symposium on the Control of Neuronal Identity,<br />

Janelia Farm Campus, Ashburn, Virginia<br />

The editorial process at Stem Cells, “The publishable<br />

paper” workshop, The Stem Cell Network Annual<br />

Meeting, Montréal, Québec<br />

Cell lineage and temporal identity in the developing mouse<br />

retina, 4 th International Congress on Stem Cells and<br />

Tissue Formation, Dresden, Allemagne<br />

Président de session “Signaling and Transcription in<br />

Retinal Development”, Gordon Research Conference on<br />

Visual Systems Development,Colby-Sawyer College,<br />

New London, New Hampshire<br />

Frédéric CHARRON<br />

Shh signaling and medulloblastoma tumor progression,<br />

19 th International Brain Tumor Research and Therapy<br />

Conference (Asilomar Meeting), Niagara Falls, Ontario<br />

A high thoughput microfluidic gradient assay for studying<br />

growth cone response to multiple guidance cues, Imperial<br />

College NeuroEngineering Workshop, Londres,<br />

Royaume Uni<br />

Shh signaling and medulloblastoma tumor progression,<br />

Hedgehog <strong>2012</strong> – Hedgehog Signaling in Development,<br />

Evolution and Disease, Biopolis, Singapore<br />

Wiring the brain: Hedgehog signaling and axon guidance,<br />

6 th Biennial Canadian Developmental Biology Meeting,<br />

Banff, Alberta<br />

EphB and Shh signalling-dependent segregation of<br />

ipsilateral retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm is<br />

required for binocular vision, Cold Spring Harbor-Asia<br />

Conference: Assembly, Plasticity, Dysfunction &<br />

Repair of Neural Circuits, Suzhou, Chine<br />

Éric A. COHEN<br />

Mécanismes de contrôle du VIH et comment utiliser ces<br />

mécanismes pour avancer la réponse clinique, Journées<br />

Québécoises VIH, Montréal, Québec<br />

Novel Insights into HIV-1-host interactions governing HIV-1<br />

release and transmission, Biotech City 10 th Anniversary<br />

Symposium, Université de Montréal, Campus Laval,<br />

Laval, Québec<br />

HIV-1 release and transmission: the critical interplay<br />

between BST-2/Tetherin and Viral protein U (Vpu), Li Ka<br />

Shing Gairdner Symposium on Virology, University of<br />

Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta<br />

Jean-François CÔTÉ<br />

Rôle du complexe ELMO/DOCK180 dans l'invasion<br />

tumorale et le développement de la glande mammaire, VII e<br />

Colloque “Petites Protéines G”, Poitiers, France<br />

Régulation de la voie Rac par le complexe<br />

ELMO/DOCK180 dans la migration et l'invasion cellulaire,<br />

Signalisation Québec <strong>2012</strong>, Bécancour, Québec<br />

Jean DAVIGNON<br />

Potatoes and heart healthy nutrition, 8 th Metabolic<br />

Syndrome, Type II Diabetes and Atherosclerosis<br />

Congress (MSDA), Marrakesh, Maroc<br />

Christian F. DESCHEPPER<br />

Genetic Determinants of Hypertension and Cardiovascular<br />

Diseases, 44 th Annual Meeting of the American Society<br />

of Nephrology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

Javier Marcelo DI NOIA<br />

Functional domains of activation induced deaminase to<br />

optimize mutation, 3 rd Eerling Seeberg Symposium in<br />

DNA repair, Trondheim, Norvège<br />

AID regulation, Keystone symposium on Mutations,<br />

Malignancy and Memory, Boston, Massachusetts<br />


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