2007 - Pinguely Haulotte

2007 - Pinguely Haulotte

2007 - Pinguely Haulotte


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<strong>2007</strong><br />

annual report # p107-108<br />

Consolidated financial statements of December 31st, <strong>2007</strong><br />

to the total refinancing amount for capital lease agreements (note 3.7).<br />

Note 32 - General and administrative expenses<br />

31/12/<strong>2007</strong> 31/12/2006<br />

Administrative expenses 33 254 27 208<br />

Management expenses 11 142 7 946<br />

Miscellaneous 4 902 4 162<br />

Total 49 298 39 316<br />

Note 33 - Research and development expenditure<br />

31/12/<strong>2007</strong> 31/12/2006<br />

Development expenditures recognized as intangible assets 533 892<br />

Amortization of development expenditures (1 171) (832)<br />

Research tax credit 296 923<br />

Development expenditures recognized as expenses (6 768) (7 068)<br />

Total (7 110) (6 085)<br />

Note 34 - Exchange gains and losses<br />

31/12/<strong>2007</strong> 31/12/2006<br />

Currency losses (13 002) (4 063)<br />

Currency gains 10 778 4 562<br />

Total (2 224) 498<br />

Realized and unrealized currency gains and losses from commercial transactions in foreign currencies presented above are recognized<br />

under the operating margin.<br />

In 2006 translation differences from hedging transactions for an amount of K€468 (currency gains) were recognized under financial<br />

income and expenses (note 38).<br />

Changes in this item consequently reflect the current account balance in pound sterling with the UK subsidiaries and unfavourable<br />

foreign exchange trends for the US dollar and pound sterling over the period.<br />

Note 35 - Expenses by nature in current operating income<br />

The following recurring expenses included in the current operating income are allocated to the appropriate income statement headings<br />

by function.<br />

31/12/<strong>2007</strong> 31/12/2006<br />

Raw materials and other consumables and changes in finished products (317 638) (251 645)<br />

External charges (119 823) (89 642)<br />

Taxes and related items (7 341) (5 376)<br />

Staff costs (64 730) (53 881)<br />

Net depreciation and impairment (21 332) (21 572)<br />

Currency gains and losses (2 224) 498<br />

Other operating expenses and income (1 378) (2 651)<br />

Total expenses by nature (534 467) (424 269)<br />

Note 36 - Staff costs<br />

31/12/<strong>2007</strong> 31/12/2006<br />

Salaries and wages 45 697 37 729<br />

Social security and related expenses 16 263 12 904<br />

Employee profit-sharing 2 396 2 781<br />

Retirement indemnities 374 467<br />

Total 64 730 53 881<br />

Staff costs are allocated to the appropriate accounts of the income statement by function.

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