2007 - Pinguely Haulotte

2007 - Pinguely Haulotte

2007 - Pinguely Haulotte


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Consolidated financial statements of December 31st, <strong>2007</strong><br />

(finance leases). The sale of the platform<br />

to the financial institution followed<br />

by a leaseback is only carried out if a<br />

sub-lessee or end user is found.<br />

The arrangements are considered as<br />

finance leases under IAS 17 and<br />

accounted for as follows:<br />

- The transfer of the equipment to a<br />

financial institution is treated as a<br />

guaranteed loan recognized as debt<br />

under liabilities in the balance sheet;<br />

- The lease payments to the financial<br />

institution under the lease are broken<br />

down between financial charges under<br />

"cost of goods sold" in the income<br />

statement and repayment of the capital<br />

(note 31);<br />

- The sale of the equipment is recognized<br />

under “sales and revenue” when the<br />

sublease agreement is concluded with<br />

the end user. This type of arrangement<br />

is treated as a finance lease;<br />

- A trade receivable payable by the end<br />

user is recognized under current assets<br />

for the portion payable within one year<br />

with the balance recognized under<br />

non-current assets;<br />

- Lease payments received are broken<br />

down between received investment<br />

income under “sales and revenue” of<br />

the income statement and repayment<br />

of the receivable.<br />

Following the global refinancing of lease<br />

agreements of the Group with financial<br />

institutions initiated in 2005 and finalized<br />

in 2006, receivables and payables in<br />

connection with back-to-back<br />

arrangements are no longer strictly<br />

matched.<br />

In consequence, payables to the finance<br />

lease company are replaced by debt<br />

obtained by the Group for refinancing<br />

while the repayment of this debt replaces<br />

the lease payments to the financial<br />

institution.<br />

Financial charges in connection with this<br />

debt are presented in the income<br />

statement under "cost of net financial debt".<br />

3.8 Borrowings<br />

Borrowings are initially recognized at fair<br />

value of the amount received less<br />

transaction costs. Borrowings are<br />

subsequently stated at amortized cost<br />

calculated according to the effective<br />

interest rate method.<br />

3.9 Employee benefits<br />

The Group records provisions for employee<br />

benefits and other employee-related<br />

obligations as well as long service awards.<br />

The <strong>Haulotte</strong> Group also has defined<br />

benefit plans. The corresponding<br />

obligations are measured according to<br />

the projected unit credit method for endof-career<br />

severance benefits. The<br />

calculation of this obligation takes into<br />

account the provisions of the laws and<br />

collective bargaining agreements and<br />

actuarial assumptions concerning notably<br />

staff turnover, mortality tables, salary<br />

increases and inflation. This calculation for<br />

defined benefit obligations for the period<br />

was performed by an independent<br />

actuary.<br />

Actuarial gains and losses from<br />

adjustments based on actual benefit rates<br />

and modifications of actuarial assumptions<br />

are recorded in the income statement in<br />

the period incurred.<br />

3.10 Provisions<br />

In general a provision is recorded when:<br />

- The Group has a present legal or<br />

constructive obligation as a result of a<br />

past event;<br />

- It is probable that an outflow of resources<br />

embodying economic benefits will be<br />

required to settle the obligation and;<br />

- A reliable estimate can be made of the<br />

amount of the obligation.<br />

Accordingly, the Group grants clients a<br />

manufacturer's warranty. The estimated<br />

cost of warranties on products already<br />

sold is covered by a provision statistically<br />

calculated on the basis of historical data.<br />

Other provisions are also recorded in<br />

accordance with the above principles to<br />

cover risks related to litigation, site closures,<br />

when applicable, or any other event<br />

meeting the definition of a liability. The<br />

amount recognized as a provision<br />

represents the best estimate of the<br />

expenditure required to settle the<br />

obligation.<br />

3.11 Deferred taxes<br />

Deferred taxes are recognized for all<br />

timing differences between the tax bases<br />

of assets and liabilities and their carrying<br />

amount in the consolidated financial<br />

statements, for adjustments to<br />

consolidated financial statements as<br />

well as tax loss carryforwards. They are<br />

calculated using the liability method by<br />

the company on the basis of tax rates of<br />

subsequent financial periods.<br />

Deferred income tax assets from timing<br />

differences or tax loss carryforwards are<br />

recognized if there exists a real probability<br />

they will be charged against future<br />

taxable profits within a foreseeable<br />

horizon.<br />

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset<br />

if the entities belong to the same tax<br />

group and are entitled to do so under<br />

enforceable provisions.<br />

3.12 Cash and cash equivalents<br />

Cash and cash equivalents includes cash<br />

in hand and other short-term investments.<br />

The latter consist primarily of money<br />

market funds and term deposits.<br />

Money market funds whose market value<br />

is close to the carrying value are recorded<br />

at purchase price. When the carrying<br />

value is lower than the stock market value,<br />

or failing this, the probable realizable<br />

value, a provision for impairment is<br />

recorded for the difference.<br />

Accrued interest has been calculated for<br />

term deposits for the short period from<br />

the date of subscription to the closing<br />

date.<br />


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