demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951


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This bibliography presents citations to recent official<br />

publications containing census and other <strong>demographic</strong><br />

statistics of major political areas. It is a continuation of<br />

the bibliographies which have appeared in previous editions<br />

of the Demographic Yearbook. Only new titles which<br />

did not appear in last year's bibliography are included in<br />

this one, except for certain serial publications which have<br />

changed in some significant aspect in the intervening<br />

period (i.e., ceased publication, or resumed publication,<br />

or changed title etc.) or which have just come to the<br />

attention of the compiler. Therefore certain countries for<br />

which much new data are available are not included in<br />

this bibliography, or are represented by only one or two<br />

new titles; their major new statistical output has been<br />

published in regular periodical publications which were<br />

already listed in the previous bibliography. In the case<br />

of censuses, only new volumes are included; e.g., volume 1<br />

of the 1946 census of Norway was included in last year's<br />

bibliography, therefore only volumes 2, 3 and 4, which<br />

have appeared since, are included in this one. This means<br />

that the present bibliography must be used in conjunction<br />

with the previous one if a more complete listing of<br />

recent <strong>demographic</strong> publications is desired.<br />

This bibliography was prepared for the United Nations<br />

by the Census Library Project of the United States<br />

Library of Congress and the Bureau of the Census.<br />

Cette bibliographie donne des renseignements sur les<br />

publications officielles recentes relatives aux recensements<br />

et autres statistiques <strong>demographique</strong>s des grandes unites<br />

politiques. Elle constitue la suite de celles ayant parues<br />

dans les editions anterieures de l'Annuaire Dcmographique.<br />

Seuls, les titres d'ouvrages ou de revues n'ayant pas<br />

ete cites dans la bibliographie de l'an dernier sont indiques,<br />

exception faite pour certaines publications en series<br />

qui ont subi quelque modification pendant la periode<br />

intermediaire (c'est a dire, ont cesse de paraitre, ont repris<br />

leur publication, ont change de titre ... etc.), et pour<br />

celles qui viennent d'etre signalees a l'attention du compilateur.<br />

Par suite, certains pays pour lesquels un grand<br />

nombre de donnees recentes sont disponibles ne figurent<br />

pas dans cette bibliographie ou y sont representes par un<br />

ou deux titres a peine, leur principale production statistique<br />

recente ayant fait l'objet de publications periodiques,<br />

deja enumerees dans la bibliographie precedente.<br />

Dans Ie cas de recensements, les volumes nouvellement<br />

parus sont seuls mentionnes, c'est ainsi que Ie tome 1 du<br />

recensement en Norvege, ayant ete cite dans la bibliographie<br />

de l'annee passee, les tomes 2, 3 et 4 seulement sont<br />

signales dans celle-ci. Cela signifie que la presente bibliographie<br />

doit etre utilisee concurremment avec les preccdentes<br />

si l'on desire avoir une vue d'ensemble des dernieres<br />

publications <strong>demographique</strong>s.<br />

Cette bibliographie a ete preparee pour l'Organisation<br />

des Nations Unies par Ie "Census Library Project" de la<br />

bibliotheque du Congres et du Bureau des Recensements<br />

des Etats-Unis.<br />


Caribbean Commission<br />

Population movements in the Caribbean. By Malcolm<br />

J. Proudfoot. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, 1950. viii, 187 p.<br />

United Nations<br />

Non-self-governing territories. Summaries and analyses<br />

of information transmitted to the Secretary-General.<br />

1946-1949. Lake Success, New York, 1947-1950. Annual.<br />

ALGERIA -<br />


AFRICA -<br />

CENSUS OF 1948 - RECENSEMENT DE 1948<br />

Service de la Statistique Generale<br />

Resultats definitifs du denombrement de la population<br />

du 31 octobre 1948. Bulletin de statistique generale, Supplement.<br />

Alger, 1949. 15 p.<br />

See also France (Territories and Possessions).<br />



Civil Secretary's Department. Public Relations Office<br />

Sudan almanac, 1948. Compiled in the Public Relations<br />

United Nations. Statistical Office<br />

Statistical <strong>yearbook</strong>. 1948- . New York, 1949-<br />

World Health Organization<br />

Annual epidemiological and vital statistics. Part 1. Vital<br />

statistics and causes of death. 1939/46- . Geneva,<br />

<strong>1951</strong>- .<br />

[Continues the League of Nations, Health Organization,<br />

Annual epidemiological report, issued for 1922-1938]<br />


Office, Civil Secretary's Department, Khartoum. Astronomical<br />

calculations made in the Computation office of<br />

the Survey of Egypt, Egyptian Ministry of Finance. Published<br />

by the Sudan Government. Khartoum, 1948. 171 p.<br />

Department of Economics and Trade<br />

Foreign trade report (with some internal statistics),<br />

1947. [Egypt, no date] 194 p.<br />

Foreign trade and internal statistics. Khartoum,<br />

1950?- . Monthly.<br />

Governor General<br />

Report ... on the administration, finances and conditions<br />

of the Sudan. 1921- . London, 1923- .<br />


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