demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951


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DEATHS<br />

23. Deaths by cause, age and sex (continued)<br />

[See headnote on page 420.]<br />

EUROPE (continued)<br />

ltaly-1948<br />

I<br />

Mole - Sexe masculin<br />

.; Cause of death<br />

z.<br />

~<br />

(Abridged International List, Fifth Revision, 1938. All ages Under I 65 and over Unknown<br />

Detailed List numbers are shown in parentheses) Tous ages Moinsde 1 1-4 5-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65 et plus Inconny<br />

All causes.••••••.•.•••••••••.•.•.•.••...... *247816 39843 10968 5373 8757 22143 49865 110799 68<br />

1 Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers (l, 2) ••••.•.....•. 1402 12 89 269 504 317 158 53 -<br />

2 Plague (3) ....••••.•.•.•.•.••.••.•.•.•......•. - - - - - - - 3 Scarlet fever (8) •••.••.•••••........•..•....... 25 3 10 6 3 2 1 4 Whooping cough (9) •••..•.••.•................. 362 268 87 4 2 - - 1 5 Diphtheria (10)...•...•...........•.•.•.•...•.• 586 113 411 39 8 6 6 3 -<br />

6 Tuberculosis of the respiratory system (l3).......... 12982 76 188 121 1 904 5714 4178 801 -<br />

7 All other forms of tuberculosis (14-22).......•.•...• 2981 177 537 497 573 649 387 161 -<br />

8 Malaria (28) ••••••••....•....•......•......•.• 121 5 16 8 7 30 28 27 -<br />

9 Syphilis (30)•.••.•.••••.•••...•.•.•.•••.•.•.•.• 1758 384 43 7 25 223 771 305 10 Influenza (33)....••••.....•.•••••........••••.• 2510 499 181 65 79 105 320 1 261 -<br />

- - - 1 -<br />

11 Smallpox (34) ....•.•..••••.•.••••.•.•.•.•.••.• 1 - -<br />

12 Measles (35)•.•..••••••••..•.•...•..•......... 197 60 119 2 1 - - -<br />

1~ I<br />

13 Typhus fever and typhus-like diseases [Rickettsioses]<br />

(39) .•.•.•.••.•.•.••••••..••.•.••.......•.. 2 - - - - 1 - 1 -<br />

14 Other infectious or parasitic diseases (4-7, 11, 12,<br />

23-27,29,31,32,36-38,40-44).............. 3206 489 426 353 257 481 667 532 1<br />

15 Cancer and other malignant tumors (45-55).•..••••. 22302 23 71 92 159 1 550 8928 11478 1<br />

16 Nonmalignant tumors or tumors of unspecified nature<br />

(56,57)•••.••••••••••••.•.•••.••••.•••.•••• 944 8 25 57 56 199 396 203 -<br />

17 Chronic rheumatism and gout (59,60)•••••••.•..... 205 - - 2 6 9 36 152 -<br />

18 Diabetes mellitus (61) .....•..••••.•..•••.•...... 1 265 - 3 16 32 85 377 752 -<br />

19 Chronic or acute alcoholism (77)•..•••.•.•.•.•..... 269 - - - 2 66 131 70 -<br />

20 Avitaminoses, other general diseases, diseases of the<br />

blood and chronic poisonings (58, 62-76, 78, 79) •• 3272 418 460 440 306 490 648 510 -<br />

21 Meningitis (nonmeningococcal) and diseases of the<br />

spinal cord (81, 82)........................... 1 510 340 235 131 145 180 274 205 -<br />

22 Intracranial lesions of vascular origin (83)..•...•.••• 26551 12 15 25 68 501 5419, 20511 -<br />

I<br />

23 Other diseases of the nervous system and sense organs<br />

(80, 84-89).•.•••......•.•.•.•••••.•.•.•••.. 3450 1 283 456 171 214 429. 481 416 -<br />

24 Diseases of the heart (90-95).•.••.••••.•.•....•.• 38490 103 95 355 ! 639 I 2239 9236 25819 4<br />

25 Other diseases of the circulatory system (96-103) ..•. 5001 14 13 7 16 88 615 4247 1<br />

26 Bronchitis (106) •.•••••••••••.••.•.•.•.•.•..•.•. 3522 790 189 25 33 105 457 1 922 . 1<br />

27 Pneumonia and bronchopneumonia (107-109)........ 24859 7847 2692 525 443 950 3046 9355 1<br />

28 Other diseases of the respiratory system (104, 105,<br />

110-114)................................... 5185 145 136 58 128 570 1 939 2208 1<br />

29 Diarrhea and enteritis (119, 120).••••••..•.•.•••• 12907 9134 2657 95 39 114 224 643 1<br />

30 Appendicitis (121).............................. 1 136 5, 26 170 264 303 235 133 -<br />

31 Diseases of the liver and biliary passages (124-127) •. 4266 24 . 54 56 86 470 1 962 1 613 1<br />

32 Other diseases of the digestive system (115-118,<br />

6779 295 I 196 207 339 1 401 2123 2218 -<br />

6338 284 183 197 600 1 555 3335 1<br />

33<br />

122,123,128,129)..•••.•..•.•........•...•<br />

Nephritis (130-132).•.••.••.•..•.•.•..........•. 183<br />

34 Other diseases of the urinary and genital systems<br />

35<br />

(133-139)....•••..••••.•••••..•.••...•••••. 3632 27 I<br />

Puerperal infection (140, 147)...•.•.•.••••.•....• I<br />

42 9 35 142 522 2855 -<br />

36 Other diseases of pregnancy, childbirth and the<br />

puerperium (141-146, 148·150)...............<br />

37 Diseases of the skin, cellular tissue, bones and organs<br />

of movement (151-156).•.•.•..•••.•........•• 744 145 i 58 51 38 75 154 223 -<br />

38 Congenital malformations and debility, premature<br />

birth and diseases peculiar to the first year of life<br />

(157-161)•••.••....••.....•.•.•.••.......•• 16892 16654 127 55 33 13 5 5 -<br />

39 Senility, old age (162) ••.•....••.•••••.......•.• 14944 - - - - - - 14944 -<br />

40 Suicide (163, 164)....•.•.•..•.•••••..•.•.•.•.• 2070 - - 11 271 647 752 386 3<br />

41 Homicide (165-168)........••.•......•..•.....• 867 23 3 27 180 397 190 45 2<br />

42 Automobile accidents (all motor-driven road vehicles)<br />

(170).••.•............•.......•.•••.•.•..•. 2213 1 56 234 377 743 531 269 2<br />

43 Other violent or accidental deaths (suicide, homicide<br />

and automobile accidents excepted) (169, 171-198). 8204 71 777 939 1 182 1 900 1 914<br />

1 410 I<br />

11<br />

44- Causes of death iII-defined, unknown or unspecified<br />

(199,200).................................. 3866 212 191 48 105 348 1 200 I 1 725 37<br />

I<br />

I<br />


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