demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951


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DEATHS<br />

18. Infant deaths (continued)<br />

[See headnote on poge 320.]<br />

Country Code 1 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941<br />

AMERICA, NORTH (continued)<br />

OTHER AREAS (continued)<br />

British Honduras••.•••.•.•••••.•...•.•. ·.. 354 287 230 256 269 283 264<br />

Canal Zone [U.S.] ••.•.•......•.•.•...• ... 24 26 32 18 32 36 44<br />

Jamoica ex. dep. [U.K.] ........•....... ·.. S 1.44 4781 4190 4905 4521 4073 3932<br />

leeward Islands [U.K.] ........••...•... ...<br />

16 166<br />

16<br />

175<br />

16<br />

235<br />

16<br />

224<br />

16<br />

275<br />

16<br />

244 17 522<br />

Netherlands Antilles.•••.......•...•.•.• U .. . ... ... 214 261 340 277<br />

Puerto Rico [U.S.] .••.••••.....••...•.• ... 7760 8844 9361 8448 8224 8221 8846<br />

St. Pierre and Miquelon [fr.]...........•• U .. . .. . .. . .. . ... ... ...<br />

Trinidad and Tobago [U.K.]..••....••... ·.. 1427 1416 1714 1 488 1 505 1756 1797<br />

Virgin Islands [U.S.] .•.•.•••.•.•••••...• ... 112 70 90 93 80 103 93<br />

Windward Islands [U.K.] .•.•.••.•..••... ... 840 912 986 951 909 978 968<br />


Argentina.•••••.•.••••••••.•••••.•••• U .0 34016 30653 30429<br />

21<br />

30726 21 27 278 2. 26 491 " 25 116<br />

Bolivia •••••...•.•....•••...•...•••.• U .6 ... ...<br />

24<br />

4762 .. 3 889 24<br />

5 897 24 3941 24 10377<br />

Chile••...•............•....••...•.• C 38432 39569 36914 36512 36736 36190 33033<br />

Colombia••...•.....•.....••..•.•.•.• ... 2. 38561 37839 39418 43809 45423 41 226 45680<br />

Ecuador 27 ••••• '" ••••••••• " •••••••• U 14361 16592 17375 16038 18400 18539 16203<br />

Paraguay•.....•.•.•..........•...•.• U 1 723 1 945 2718 3414 2794 2950 2822<br />

Peru 28 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U " . .. . .. . .. . ... 21 235 20850<br />

Uruguoy•.•.........•..•...•..•...... ... 4224 3735 3978 4121 3522 3710 3666<br />

Venezuela 15••••••••••••••••••••••••• C" 12629 14268 15508 16429 17058 16234 162118,<br />


British Guiana •••••••••••••••••••••••• C 29 1 372 1 414 1 359 1 661 1 148 1 254 1 057<br />

Surinam 30 [Neth.].••••••••••.••••••••. ... 277 287 274 265 295 324 305<br />

ASIA<br />

Burma 31 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . 74375 81 022 84889 93170 87194 ... ...<br />

Ceylon••••••.•••••••••...•.•.•••.•.• C<br />

32 50733 31789 34180 33630 35174 31719 28461<br />

China:<br />

Taiwan (formosa) 33 ••••••••••••••••• ·.. 33118 32648 34325 34361 34153 33427 29738<br />

India 34•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• U 1 513827 1 539794 1 518 569 1 570196 1 454678 1 483338 1 489283<br />

Indonesia:<br />

Europeans 36 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . 359 312 330 273 301 304 .,.<br />

Israel 37••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C 633 758 589 618 534 639 540<br />

Japan 39•••••••••••• " •••••••••• " •• C 232821 244558 229911 219943 201 291 189809 190780<br />

Korea•••••••...••.......••••.•.••..• ... 51 509 49635 45537 80086 84697 78615 73704<br />

Philippines•••....•.•• " ..•••....••.•. U 70793 64999 70515 71 239 ... 72 647 ...<br />

Syria•••.•...•.••••••...•.•.•.•..••.• .. . . , . ... .. . .. . .. . ... ...<br />

Thailand••....•.•.•. , •.•.•••.•..••... ·.. 49621 45127 53688 46300 54345 57677 56457<br />

1 Data stated to be complete or virtually complete are coded "C"; those<br />

stated to be affected by irregularities in registration or incomplete<br />

coverage are coded "U".<br />

14 Coverage notably incomplete in earlier years.<br />

15 Excluding deaths of tribal Indians.<br />

16 Excluding Virgin Islands (U.K.) and St. Kills-Nevis and Anguilla.<br />

17 Excluding Virgin Islands (U.K.).<br />

18 Excluding Virgin Islands (U.K.) and Antigua.<br />

19 Excluding Dominica.<br />

20 Registration incomplete outside federal Capital and principal cities.<br />

21 Excluding province of Santa fe.<br />

22 Excluding provinces of Santa fe and Corrientes.<br />

23 Excluding province of Corrientes.<br />

24 Excluding deaths occurring within 24 hours after birth.<br />

25 Compulsory registration initiated in 1940.<br />

26 Data based on burial permits.<br />

27 Excluding the Eastern Provinces and Galapagos Islands. Excluding<br />

deaths occurring within 24 hours after birth.<br />

28 Excluding deaths of jungle inhabitants.<br />

29 Data for aborigines, representing approximately one-tenth of total<br />

population are unreliable.<br />

30 Excluding deaths of Bushnegroes and aboriginal Indians.<br />

31 Registration area only, representing 82.5 per cent of total population at<br />

1931 Census.<br />

32 large number of deaths allributable to malaria epidemic.<br />

33 Deaths of native-born formosans excluding tribal aborigines.<br />

34 1935-1946: registration area of former British Provinces, representing<br />

approximately 75 per cent of former India not including Burma. Beginning<br />

1947, registration area of Republic of India.<br />

35 Excluding East Bengal.<br />

36 1935-1940: including Netherlands New Guinea.<br />

37 Deaths among Jewish population. Prior 10 1948 dala refer 10 Jewish<br />

population of Palestine.<br />

38 Excluding war casualties.<br />

39 Deaths of Japanese nationals in Japan.<br />


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