demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951

demographic yearbook annuaire demographique 1951


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5. Crude birth rates 1905 - 1930<br />

Taux bruts de natalite 1905 - 1930<br />

[Data extracted from the Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations (editions of 1928 ond 1942/44). Live births<br />

per 1 000 inhabitants. Data relate to the territory of 1937 unless otherwise noted.<br />

Extrait de l'Annuaire Statistique de /a Societe d\!s Nations (editions de 1928 et de 1942/44). Naissances vivantes<br />

pour 1 000 habitants. Les donnees se rapportent au territoire de 1937 sauf indication contraire.]<br />

Average rate-Taux moyen Average rate - Taux moyen<br />

1905- 1911- 1921- 1926- 1905- 1911- 1921- 1926-<br />

Country-Pays 1909 1913 1925 1930 Country-Pays 1909 1913 1925 1930<br />

EUROPE (continued -<br />

suite)<br />

I<br />



Ireland -Irlande.................. 14 23.4 22.6 20.3 20.1 Malta and Gozo [U.K.] - Malte et<br />

Italy-Italie...................... 12 32.6 12 31.7 29.8 26.8 Gozo [R.-U.].•.•.••••...••...... ... 33.1 34.9 32.5<br />

Luxembourg ••.••................. 29.9 26.8 I 20.4 21.0<br />

Netherlands - Pays-Bas............ 30.0 28.1 I 25.7 23.2<br />

Norway - Norvege..... " ......... 26.7 25.4 22.2 18.0 OCEANIA - OCEANIE<br />

Poland - Pologne•................ .-.<br />

15 37.8 34.7 32.2 Australia 16 - Australie 16 •••••••••••<br />

Portugal .••••••.•........•....... 33.5 35.3 33.2 31.2 New Zealand 11_ Nouvelle-<br />

26.6 28.0 23.9 21.0<br />

Romania - Roumanie.... " ......... 12 40.1 12 42.6 37.9 35.2 Zelande 11•••••••••••••••••••••• 27.3 26.2 22.2 19.7<br />

Spain - Espagne•...•••....•..•.•. 33.7 31.2 29.8 28.5<br />

Sweden - Suede•.•••............. 25.6 23.6 I 19.1 15.9 OTHER AREAS - AUTRES REGIONS<br />

Switzerland - Suisse •.••.•.•....... 26.4 23.8 19.5 17.6 Hawaii [U.S.] - Hawai [E.-U.] .•...•• ... ... 39.4 33.6<br />

United Kingdom - Royauroe-Uni•...•. ... 24.3 20.4 17.2<br />

England and Wales - Angleterre<br />

et Galles.•••••••••••••.•••... 26.7 24.1 19.9 16.5 USSR-URSS<br />

Northern Ireland -Irlande du Nord. ... 24.2 23.1 21.2<br />

'Scotland - Ecosse ••••••••••..•.. 28.1 25.7 23.0 20.0 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics-<br />

Yugoslavia - Yougoslavie..... _.•.•. ... ... 35.0 34.2 Union des Republiques Socialistes<br />

12 Territory as of period specified.<br />

13 Territory as of period specified, excluding Croatia-Slavonia.<br />

14 Territory as of period specified, i.e. including Northern Ireland.<br />

15 Rate for 1911.<br />

16 Excluding full-blooded aborigines.<br />

17 Excluding Maoris.<br />

18 Rale for period 1923-1925. Partial data referring to European territories<br />

of the RSFSR.<br />

19 Rate for period 1924-1925.<br />

20 Rate for period 1923-1925.<br />

i<br />

Sovietiques •••..•.•••••.•.••.••. 45.5 .. Byelorussian SSR - RSS de Bielorussie.. .. .. 19 40.6 ...<br />

Ukrainian SSR - RSS d'Ukraine•..•••• .. . .. . I<br />

20 39.2 ...<br />

I<br />

i<br />

18 44.1 ...<br />

12 Territoire a I'epoque indiquee.<br />

13 Territoire a I'epoque indiquee, non compris la Croatie-Slavonie.<br />

14 Territoire a I'epoque indiquee, c-a-d. y compris l'lrlande du Nord.<br />

15 Taux pour I'annee 1911.<br />

16 Non compris les purs aborigenes.<br />

17 Non compris les Maoris.<br />

18 Taux pour la periode 1923-1925. Donnees partielles pour les territoires<br />

europeens de la RSFSR.<br />

19 Taux pour la periode 1924-1925.<br />

20 Taux pour la periode 1923-1925.<br />

I<br />


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