Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ...

Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ... Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ...
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Bibliographie 1997 [72] X.SHU, X. XU, H. FA N, S. WANG, D. YAN, Application of TG–DTG analysis and centrifugal separation in the investigation of less combustible constituents in coals Thermochimica Acta 381, 1, 73-81,2002 [73] S. LEODAKIS, D BAKIRTZIS, A. DIMITRAKOPOULOS, Ignition characteristics of forest species in relation to thermal analysis data. Thermochimica Acta 390, 1- 2, 83-91, 2002 [74] N. BARROS, J. SALGADO, S. FEIJOO, Calorimetry and soil, Thermochimica Acta, 458, 11-17, 2007. [75] I. BISUTTI, I. HILKE, J. SCHUMACHER, M. RAESSLER, Anovel singleirun dual temperature combustion method for the determination of organic, in-organic and total carbon in soil samples, Talanta, 71 , 521-528, 2007]: [76] S. RIO, C. VERWILGHEN, J. RAMAROSON, A. NZIHOU, P. SHARROCK, Heavy metal vaporization and abatement during thermal treatment of modified wastes; Journal of Hazardous Materials, 148, (3), 30,521-528 2007 [77] S-Y. PARK, D-H. CHO, Effect of grain shape on grain growth behaviour of oxide ceramics during liquid phase sintering, Journal of materials science letters, 21, 1533- 1535, 2002 [78] D.KOCH, L. ANDRESEN, T. SCHMEDDERS, G. GRATHWOHL, Evolution of porosity by freeze casting and sintering of sol-gel derived ceramics, Journal of solgel science technology 26, 149-152, 2003 ; [79] C. FALAMAKI, M.S. AFARANI, A. AGHAIE. Initial sintering stage pore growth mechanism applied to the manufacture of ceramic membrane supports. Journal of Européan ceramic Soc.; 24,2285-2292, 2004 [80] S.N. MONTERIO, C.M.F. VIEIRA, Solid state sintering of red ceramics at lower temperature, Ceramics Intern. 30, 381-387, 2004 [81] S. MASCHIO, A. BACHIORRINI, E. LUCCHINI, S. BRUCKNER, Synthesis, sintering and thermal expansion of porous low expansion ceramics, Journal of European Ceramic Society, 24, 3535-3540, 2004 [82] G. BERNARD-GRANGER, N. MONCHALIN, C. GUIZARD, Sintering of ceramic powders : determination of the densification and grain growth mechanisms from the grain size/relative density“ trajectory. Acta Materialia Inc. 57 ,137-140, 2007 [83] B.P. POKHAREL, M.K. DATTA, D. PANDEY, Influence of calcinations and 175

Bibliographie<br />

1997<br />

[72] X.SHU, X. XU, H. FA N, S. WANG, D. YAN, Application of TG–DTG analysis<br />

and centrifugal separation in the investigation of less combustible constituents in<br />

coals Thermochimica Acta 381, 1, 73-81,2002<br />

[73] S. LEODAKIS, D BAKIRTZIS, A. DIMITRAKOPOULOS, Ignition characteristics<br />

of forest species in relation to thermal analysis data. Thermochimica Acta 390, 1-<br />

2, 83-91, 2002<br />

[74] N. BARROS, J. SALGADO, S. FEIJOO, Calorimetry and soil, Thermochimica<br />

Acta, 458, 11-17, 2007.<br />

[75] I. BISUTTI, I. HILKE, J. SCHUMACHER, M. RAESSLER, Anovel singleirun dual<br />

temperature combustion method for the <strong>de</strong>termination of organic, in-organic and<br />

total carbon in soil samples, Talanta, 71 , 521-528, 2007]:<br />


Heavy metal vaporization and abatement during thermal treatment of modified<br />

wastes; Journal of Hazardous Materials, 148, (3), 30,521-528 2007<br />

[77] S-Y. PARK, D-H. CHO, Effect of grain shape on grain growth behaviour of oxi<strong>de</strong><br />

ceramics during liquid phase sintering, Journal of materials science letters, 21,<br />

1533- 1535, 2002<br />

[78] D.KOCH, L. ANDRESEN, T. SCHMEDDERS, G. GRATHWOHL, Evolution of<br />

porosity by freeze casting and sintering of sol-gel <strong>de</strong>rived ceramics, Journal of solgel<br />

science technology 26, 149-152, 2003 ;<br />

[79] C. FALAMAKI, M.S. AFARANI, A. AGHAIE. Initial sintering stage pore growth<br />

mechanism applied to the manufacture of ceramic membrane supports. Journal of<br />

Européan ceramic Soc.; 24,2285-2292, 2004<br />

[80] S.N. MONTERIO, C.M.F. VIEIRA, Solid state sintering of red ceramics at lower<br />

temperature, Ceramics Intern. 30, 381-387, 2004<br />


sintering and thermal expansion of porous low expansion ceramics, Journal of<br />

European Ceramic Society, 24, 3535-3540, 2004<br />

[82] G. BERNARD-GRANGER, N. MONCHALIN, C. GUIZARD, Sintering of ceramic<br />

pow<strong>de</strong>rs : <strong>de</strong>termination of the <strong>de</strong>nsification and grain growth mechanisms from the<br />

grain size/relative <strong>de</strong>nsity“ trajectory. Acta Materialia Inc. 57 ,137-140, 2007<br />

[83] B.P. POKHAREL, M.K. DATTA, D. PANDEY, Influence of calcinations and<br />


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