Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ...

Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ... Calcination des Sédiments de Dragage Contaminés - Thèses de l ...
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Bibliographie Geochemistry, Volume 21, 1900-1912, 2006 [35] D. LIDE, Handbook of chemistry and physics, CRC Press, 2002 [36] F. MAROT, Caractérisation et traitement des sédiments de dragage contenant des polluants métalliques. Paris : BRGM, 330p., 1998 ; [37] J. HARMSEN, Bioremediation of polluted sediments : a matter of time or effort Porcceedings of the Sixth International In situ and On site bioremediatioon symposium, 4-7 June 2001, San Diego, California, 5, 279-287,2001 [38] H. NAKATA, Y. SAKAI, T. MIYAWAKI, A. TAKEMURA, Bioaccumulation and toxic potencies of PCB and PAH in tidal flat and castal acosystems of the Ariake Sea, Japan, Environmental Science and Technology, 37(16), 3513-352, 2003 [39] C.N. MULLIGAN, R.N. YONG, B.F. GIBBS, Remediation technologies for metal- contaminated soils and groundwater: an evaluation. Engineering Geology, 6, (1-4), 193- 207, 2001 [40] EPA, 1993, Remediation technologies Screening Matrix and Reference guide, Office of solid Waste Emergency Response, EPA-542-B-93-005. EPA, Washington, DC, 1993 [41] R.E. ENNIS, S. O’BRIEN, R.P. TRAVER, Full scale soil/sediment washing systems for hazardous material waste minimization. 85 th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Kansan City, Missouri, June 21-26, 17p, 1992 [42] G. BARBERY, Flottation : Mécanismes et réactifs, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, A56-350, 16p, 1981 [43] D.M. MORTAZAVI, K. VOCLCHEK, G.E. CHORYHANNA , Treatment of soil contaminated with heavy metals, 85 th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Kansan City, Missouri, June 21-26, 17p, 1992 [44] G. GILLE, Séparation magnétique, Technique de l’Ingénieur, vol JP, A5220, 1991 [45] V.GOSSOW, P. ZARBOK, Treatment of contaminated soil - The application of soil washing technics and chemical leaching. Aufbereitungs Technik 33, (5), 248- 265, 1992. [46] J.W. ASSINK, Extractive methods for soils decontamination; a general survey review of operational treatment installations, TNO, Organisation Néerlandaise pour la recherché appliqué, Apeldoorn, Netherlands, 655-667, 1985 [57] L.S. BORMA, M.S.S. ALMEIDA, M.C. BARBOSA, Land disposal of river and lagoon dredged sediments .Engineering Geology, 60, (1-4) 21-30, 2003 172

Bibliographie [48] S.Y. CHEN, J.G. LIN, Factors affecting bioleaching of metal contaminated sediments with sulphur-oxiding bacteria. Water Sci. Techno. 41, 236-270, 2000 [49] H. SEIDEL, K. GORSCH, A. SCHUMICHEN, Effect of oxygen limitation on solidbed bioleaching of heavy metals from contaminated sediments. Chemosphere 65,(1) 102- 109, 2006 [50] W.H.O. ERNST, Decontamination or consolidation of metal-contaminated soils by biological means. Workshop surs la pollution par les métaux lourds dans les pays d’Europe Centrale, Tchécoslovaquie, Octobre 1992 [51] C. LORS, C. TIFFREAU, A. LABOUDIGUE, Effects of bacterial activities on the release of heavy metals from contaminated dredged sediments. Chemosphere, 56, 619-630, 2004 [52] AEAP, 1992-1995, Demonstration bulletin, Low Temperature thermal Aeration (LTTA) Process; Canonie Environmental services, Inc., US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/540/MR-93-504, 1993 [53] C. FERREIRA, A. RIBERIO, L. OTTOSEN, Possible applications for municipal solid waste fly ash , J Hazard Mater, B96, 201-216, 2003 [54] T. SHIOMITSU, A. HIRAYAMA, T. IWASAKI, T. AKASHI, Y. FUJISAWA, Volatilization and decomposition of dioxin in fly ash, NKK Technical Review, 85, 35-37, 2001 [55] M.B. CHANG, T.F. HUANG, The effects of temperature and oxygen content on the PCDD/PCDFs formation in MSW fly ash, Chemosphere,40, 159-164, 2000 [56] R. ADDINK, K. OLIE, Role of oxygen in formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins/dibenzofurans from carbon on ash fly, Environ Sci Technol, 29, 1586-1590 , 1995 [57] B. CALAMINUS, H. FIEDLER, R. STAHLBERG, Technological Measures to prevent formation of chloroorganics in thermal waste disposal, Organohalogen Compounds, 31, 354-359, 1997 [58] R.C. KISTLER, F. WIDMER, P.H. BRUNNER, Behavior of chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, mercury, and lead during the pyrolysis of sewage sludge, Environ Sci Technol, 21, 704-708, 1987 [59] J. RIENKS, Comparison of results for chemical and thermal treatment of contaminated dredged sediments. Water Science and Technology, 37, 6-7, 1998, [60] H.D.DETZNER,W. SCHRAMM, U. DORING, W. BODE, New technology of 173

Bibliographie<br />

[48] S.Y. CHEN, J.G. LIN, Factors affecting bioleaching of metal contaminated<br />

sediments with sulphur-oxiding bacteria. Water Sci. Techno. 41, 236-270, 2000<br />

[49] H. SEIDEL, K. GORSCH, A. SCHUMICHEN, Effect of oxygen limitation on solidbed<br />

bioleaching of heavy metals from contaminated sediments. Chemosphere 65,(1)<br />

102- 109, 2006<br />

[50] W.H.O. ERNST, Decontamination or consolidation of metal-contaminated soils by<br />

biological means. Workshop surs la pollution par les métaux lourds dans les pays<br />

d’Europe Centrale, Tchécoslovaquie, Octobre 1992<br />

[51] C. LORS, C. TIFFREAU, A. LABOUDIGUE, Effects of bacterial activities on the<br />

release of heavy metals from contaminated dredged sediments. Chemosphere, 56,<br />

619-630, 2004<br />

[52] AEAP, 1992-1995, Demonstration bulletin, Low Temperature thermal Aeration<br />

(LTTA) Process; Canonie Environmental services, Inc., US Environmental<br />

Protection Agency, EPA/540/MR-93-504, 1993<br />

[53] C. FERREIRA, A. RIBERIO, L. OTTOSEN, Possible applications for municipal<br />

solid waste fly ash , J Hazard Mater, B96, 201-216, 2003<br />


Volatilization and <strong>de</strong>composition of dioxin in fly ash, NKK Technical Review, 85,<br />

35-37, 2001<br />

[55] M.B. CHANG, T.F. HUANG, The effects of temperature and oxygen content on the<br />

PCDD/PCDFs formation in MSW fly ash, Chemosphere,40, 159-164, 2000<br />

[56] R. ADDINK, K. OLIE, Role of oxygen in formation of polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins/dibenzofurans<br />

from carbon on ash fly, Environ Sci Technol, 29, 1586-1590 ,<br />

1995<br />

[57] B. CALAMINUS, H. FIEDLER, R. STAHLBERG, Technological Measures to<br />

prevent formation of chloroorganics in thermal waste disposal, Organohalogen<br />

Compounds, 31, 354-359, 1997<br />

[58] R.C. KISTLER, F. WIDMER, P.H. BRUNNER, Behavior of chromium, nickel,<br />

copper, zinc, cadmium, mercury, and lead during the pyrolysis of sewage sludge,<br />

Environ Sci Technol, 21, 704-708, 1987<br />

[59] J. RIENKS, Comparison of results for chemical and thermal treatment of<br />

contaminated dredged sediments. Water Science and Technology, 37, 6-7, 1998,<br />

[60] H.D.DETZNER,W. SCHRAMM, U. DORING, W. BODE, New technology of<br />


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