Etude biochimique et nutritionnelle de l'effet immunomodulateur des ...

Etude biochimique et nutritionnelle de l'effet immunomodulateur des ... Etude biochimique et nutritionnelle de l'effet immunomodulateur des ...
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BALBOA, M. A., INSEL, P. A. Nuclear Phospholipase D in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells. Guanosine 5'-O-(Thiotriphosphate)-Stimulated Activation Is Mediated by Rhoa and Is Downstream of Protein Kinase C. J Biol Chem., 1995, vol. 270(50), p. 29843-29847. BANG, H. O., DYERBERG, J., HJOORNE, N. The Composition of Food Consumed by Greenland Eskimos. Acta Med Scand., 1976, vol. 200(1-2), p. 69-73. BANG, H. O., DYERBERG, J., SINCLAIR, H. M. The Composition of the Eskimo Food in North Western Greenland. Am J Clin Nutr., 1980, vol. 33(12), p. 2657-2661. BANNO, Y., FUJITA, H., ONO, Y., NAKASHIMA, S., ITO, Y., KUZUMAKI, N., NOZAWA, Y. Differential Phospholipase D Activation by Bradykinin and Sphingosine 1- Phosphate in Nih 3t3 Fibroblasts Overexpressing Gelsolin. J Biol Chem., 1999, vol. 274(39), p. 27385-27391. BATES, D., CARTLIDGE, N. E., FRENCH, J. M., JACKSON, M. J., NIGHTINGALE, S., SHAW, D. A., SMITH, S., WOO, E., HAWKINS, S. A., MILLAR, J. H. A Double- Blind Controlled Trial of Long Chain N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry., 1989, vol. 52(1), p. 18-22. BECHOUA, S., DUBOIS, M., NEMOZ, G., LAGARDE, M., PRIGENT, A.F. Docosahexaenoic Acid Lowers Phosphatidate Level in Human Activated Lymphocytes Despite Phospholipase D Activation. J Lipid Res., 1998, vol. 39(4), p. 873-883. BELCADI, R., Etude des variations du système antioxydant cellulaire en fonction de l'âge et de l'apport alimentaire d'acides gras polyinsaturés, chez le rat. Influence particulière de l'ingestion de l'huile d'argan. 1994, Thèse 3ème cycle. Univ. Ibnou Zohr. Agadir BELLUZZI, A. N-3 Fatty Acids for the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Proc Nutr Soc., 2002, vol. 61(3), p. 391-395. BELLUZZI, A., BRIGNOLA, C., CAMPIERI, M., PERA, A., BOSCHI, S., MIGLIOLI, M. Effect of an Enteric-Coated Fish-Oil Preparation on Relapses in Crohn's Disease. N Engl J Med., 1996, vol. 334(24), p. 1557-1560. 164

BERGER, A., GERMAN, J. B., CHIANG, B. L., ANSARI, A. A., KEEN, C. L., FLETCHER, M. P., GERSHWIN, M. E. Influence of Feeding Unsaturated Fats on Growth and Immune Status of Mice. J Nutr., 1993, vol. 123(2), p. 225-233. BERRADA, Y., SETTAF, A., BADDOURI, K., CHERRAH, A., HASSAR, M. Experimental Evidence of an Antihypertensive and Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Oil of Argan, Argania Sideroxylon]. Therapie., 2000, vol. 55(3), p. 375-378. BERROUGUI, H., ALVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR, M., PEREZ-GUERRERO, C., ETTAIB, A., HMAMOUCHI, M., MARHUENDA, E., HERRERA, M. D. Argan (Argania Spinosa) Oil Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Br J Nutr., 2004, vol. 92(6), p. 921-929. BERROUGUI, H., CLOUTIER, M., ISABELLE, M., KHALIL, A. Phenolic-Extract from Argan Oil (Argania Spinosa L.) Inhibits Human Low-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Oxidation and Enhances Cholesterol Efflux from Human Thp-1 Macrophages. Atherosclerosis., 2006; vol. 184(2), p. 389-396. BERROUGUI, H., ETTAIB, A., HERRERA GONZALEZ, M. D., ALVAREZ DE SOTOMAYOR, M., BENNANI-KABCHI, N., HMAMOUCHI, M. Hypolipidemic and Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Argan Oil (Argania Spinosa L.) in Meriones Shawi Rats. J Ethnopharmacol., 2003, vol. 89(1), p. 15-18. BESTERMAN, J. M., DURONIO, V., CUATRECASAS, P. Rapid Formation of Diacylglycerol from Phosphatidylcholine: A Pathway for Generation of a Second Messenger. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 1986, vol. 83(18), p. 6785-6789. BILLAH, M. M., PAI, J. K., MULLMANN, T. J., EGAN, R. W., SIEGEL, M. I. Regulation of Phospholipase D in Hl-60 Granulocytes. Activation by Phorbol Esters, Diglyceride, and Calcium Ionophore Via Protein Kinase- Independent Mechanisms. J Biol Chem., 1989, vol. 264(15), p. 9069-9076. BISHOP, A. L., HALL, A. Rho Gtpases and Their Effector Proteins. Biochem J., 2000, vol. 348 (2), p. 241-255. 165

BERGER, A., GERMAN, J. B., CHIANG, B. L., ANSARI, A. A., KEEN, C. L.,<br />

FLETCHER, M. P., GERSHWIN, M. E. Influence of Feeding Unsaturated Fats on Growth<br />

and Immune Status of Mice. J Nutr., 1993, vol. 123(2), p. 225-233.<br />


Experimental Evi<strong>de</strong>nce of an Antihypertensive and Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Oil of<br />

Argan, Argania Si<strong>de</strong>roxylon]. Therapie., 2000, vol. 55(3), p. 375-378.<br />



(Argania Spinosa) Oil Lowers Blood Pressure and Improves Endothelial Dysfunction in<br />

Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Br J Nutr., 2004, vol. 92(6), p. 921-929.<br />

BERROUGUI, H., CLOUTIER, M., ISABELLE, M., KHALIL, A. Phenolic-Extract from<br />

Argan Oil (Argania Spinosa L.) Inhibits Human Low-Density Lipoprotein (Ldl) Oxidation and<br />

Enhances Cholesterol Efflux from Human Thp-1 Macrophages. Atherosclerosis., 2006; vol.<br />

184(2), p. 389-396.<br />


SOTOMAYOR, M., BENNANI-KABCHI, N., HMAMOUCHI, M. Hypolipi<strong>de</strong>mic and<br />

Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Argan Oil (Argania Spinosa L.) in Meriones Shawi Rats. J<br />

Ethnopharmacol., 2003, vol. 89(1), p. 15-18.<br />

BESTERMAN, J. M., DURONIO, V., CUATRECASAS, P. Rapid Formation of<br />

Diacylglycerol from Phosphatidylcholine: A Pathway for Generation of a Second Messenger.<br />

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 1986, vol. 83(18), p. 6785-6789.<br />

BILLAH, M. M., PAI, J. K., MULLMANN, T. J., EGAN, R. W., SIEGEL, M. I.<br />

Regulation of Phospholipase D in Hl-60 Granulocytes. Activation by Phorbol Esters,<br />

Diglyceri<strong>de</strong>, and Calcium Ionophore Via Protein Kinase- In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Mechanisms. J Biol<br />

Chem., 1989, vol. 264(15), p. 9069-9076.<br />

BISHOP, A. L., HALL, A. Rho Gtpases and Their Effector Proteins. Biochem J., 2000, vol.<br />

348 (2), p. 241-255.<br />


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