Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris

Information and liaison bulletin - Institut kurde de Paris


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bottom of some remote valley on the Iran-Iraq bor<strong>de</strong>r,<br />

where he was constantly on the move, taking his library<br />

with him.<br />

He liked good books <strong>and</strong> good wine - but could do<br />

without the latter more easily than the former. <strong>and</strong> was<br />

as much at ease at a <strong>Paris</strong>ian table as In the spartan<br />

loneliness of the harsh mountain winter. At nearly sixty,<br />

he would have been 59 next December, he combined<br />

the serenity of an eastern sage w~h the dynamism of a<br />

youth, the curiosity of an encyclopaedlst w~h the appetite<br />

of a bon vivant. As firm In his convictions as he was<br />

pragmatic In action, Ghassemlou seemed to reconcile<br />

without strain the toughness required for a polltlcalmilitary<br />

struggle <strong>and</strong> the elegant scepticism <strong>de</strong>rived<br />

from his long aca<strong>de</strong>mic career.<br />

He had a doctorate in economics, loved history <strong>and</strong><br />

literature <strong>and</strong> was an expert on Kurdish, Persian <strong>and</strong><br />

Arabic poetry; he also readily quoted Victor Hugo,<br />

Bau<strong>de</strong>laire, Walt Whitman or T.S. Eliot. Warm, open,<br />

approachable, using irony <strong>and</strong> humour as easily as the<br />

six orseven languages he spoke <strong>and</strong> wrote fluently, he<br />

inspired the same reaction in everyone who met him.<br />

Sympathizers with his movement, intellectuals, doctors,<br />

ministers, ambassadors, politicians of left or right.<br />

All, even if recalling only one long-ago conversation,<br />

admit that they fell for his charm. Few people In thiS<br />

century could boast such unanimity.<br />

Ghassemlou began his political life as a communist In<br />

the Iranian Tu<strong>de</strong>h party, in which he rose to a position<br />

of lea<strong>de</strong>rship. After 15 years in Prague teaching economics,<br />

he broke with the Communist Party In August<br />

1968 over the Soviet Intervention in Czechoslovakia.<br />

Though he ab<strong>and</strong>oned the certainties of MarXist dogma<br />

he did not renounce his background. Rather, he<br />

examined its mistakes as he analysed the political<br />

situation to un<strong>de</strong>rst<strong>and</strong> where <strong>and</strong> when Justice had<br />

slipped into injustice <strong>and</strong> truth into error, oreven horror,<br />

<strong>and</strong> to draw the moral conclusion. He was particularly<br />

well placed to know the difficulties of political struggle<br />

in a society that was "backward", as he used to say,<br />

because, from being cut offfromthe world <strong>and</strong> <strong>de</strong>prived<br />

of its rights of <strong>de</strong>cision <strong>and</strong> expression, even of access<br />

to its own culture. But he was not prepared to use<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r<strong>de</strong>velopment as an i<strong>de</strong>ological justification for all<br />

kinds of excesses, such as the cult of Violence for its<br />

own sake, the cult of the lea<strong>de</strong>r In an organisation, or<br />

the dictatorship of an organisation over the people.<br />

Norcould he adopt the i<strong>de</strong>a that it is qUite all nghtto use<br />

one language for public relations <strong>and</strong> the media, <strong>and</strong><br />

then forget about it in the field. His great pri<strong>de</strong>, as he<br />

was never tired of saying, was that as far as was<br />

humanly possible the i<strong>de</strong>als of the movement were<br />

reflected in its everyday conduct. The PDKI has never<br />

mistreated prisoners, never used force against ciVIlians,<br />

never taken hostages, never hijacked aircraft or<br />

planted bombs In the buses or markets of ..enemy"<br />

towns, let alone outsi<strong>de</strong> the war zone. Though by no<br />

means a pacifist, Ghassemlou opposed terrorism on<br />

principle, knowing that he paid a price for that <strong>and</strong><br />

sometimes remarking, with Justa hint of bitterness, that<br />

It explained why the media showed so little Interest In<br />

the Kurdish question. «Any little group can become<br />

famous by taking hostages or planting bombs,,, he<br />

once wrote, «whereas liberation movements which<br />

abstain from terrorism are generally Ignored.»<br />

In November 1979 Ghassemlou con<strong>de</strong>mned, on the<br />

very first day, the seizure of the diplomats <strong>and</strong> staff In<br />

the US Embassy In Tehran. For him the liberation of<br />

Iran from American control, or of the Third World from<br />

great-power imperialism as the PDKI programme put it,<br />

was the objective of a long-term political struggle which<br />

entailed freedom <strong>and</strong> <strong>de</strong>mocracy for all.<br />

Yet, contrary to the accusations of the Tehran regime,<br />

Washington was not won over to the Kurdish cause.<br />

Though American diplomacy had in<strong>de</strong>ed been active<br />

during the Kurdish war in Iraq (1961-1975), for geostrategic<br />

reasons which Dr. Kissinger explains at<br />

length, <strong>and</strong> quite cynically In his memoirs, it never lifted<br />

a finger for the Kurds of Iran. Ghassemlou himself was<br />

banned from entenng the US until the month of his<br />

<strong>de</strong>ath, when he was forthe first time granted a visa. Just<br />

before leaVing for Vienna he was preparing very carful-<br />

Iy for thiS tnp to the US, where he hoped to do a great<br />

<strong>de</strong>al to publiclse the Kurdish problem, though he had no<br />

great IllUSions about the likely political result.<br />

He knew all too well that however great the sympathy<br />

felt by a certain educated world opinion for the Kurdish<br />

cause, (not only that of the 5 million Iranian Kurds but<br />

of the 25 million scattered through five countnes) the<br />

cause would never mobilise the diplomacy of the great<br />

powers, nor even of the European <strong>de</strong>mocracies, since<br />

they were concerned pnmanly with their own regional<br />

interests. He had learned this dunng hiS frequent travels<br />

abroad, especially In Europe. For although generally<br />

respected, he was rarely welcome in official circles.<br />

At best, by playing on old friendships <strong>and</strong> exploiting<br />

his membership of the Socialist International, he<br />

would now <strong>and</strong> then secure a little humanitanan aid for<br />

his people. Or, by whispenng In a generous ear, would<br />

manage to resolve a problem of speCial importance to<br />

him. Jean-Fran~OIs Deniau, a minister In the Giscard<br />

government, <strong>de</strong>scnbed with some emotion how Ghassemlou<br />

had at one time laid siege to his office to get the<br />

French government to back a new edition of the only<br />

French-Kurdish dictionary, which had long been out of<br />

pnnt<br />

He was a realist. I remember him telling me once that<br />

at the end of a century notable for the assertion <strong>and</strong><br />

precanous stabllisatlon of different nationalisms it was<br />

no good expecting to ..explo<strong>de</strong> the map to allow the<br />

Kurds to bUild themselves an In<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt state on the

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