.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Reaching accord,<br />

EDwarns Saddam<br />

tion's military planning committee,.<br />

which exclu<strong>de</strong>s France.<br />

" France withdrew from all military<br />

planning at NATO in 1966and now only<br />

takes part in political <strong>de</strong>cisions.<br />

The compromise agreement was<br />

reached Sunday after Belgium and Germany<br />

received assurances that the military<br />

equipment to be supplied to'Turkey<br />

would be used for <strong>de</strong>fensive<br />

purposes only.<br />

According to the <strong>de</strong>al, AWACS air-<br />

of his 'lastchance'<br />

By Thomas Fuller<br />

wines and dined on fish and "oss.obuco<br />

IJ;rtematioDaI Herald<br />

Tribune<br />

craft to be dispatched to Turkey would<br />

<strong>de</strong> lotte,;' was of discord be used "for surveillance, early warn-<br />

A phrase in the lea<strong>de</strong>rs' joint com- ing and. maintaining the integrity of<br />

BRUSSELS: Fre~h from winning a muniqué pushedby Britain- that Turkish airspace." .'.<br />

hard-fought breakthrough at NATO, "time is running out" for Iraq - was' The document hashed out by the 18<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rs of the European Union warned . <strong>de</strong>l<strong>et</strong>ed by Germany. ambassadors recalled provisions of<br />

Iraq on Monday that it was facing its "Thàt.was not acceptable for us," the NATO's founding treaty, "in particular<br />

"last chance" to disarm. German . chancellor, Gerhard the un<strong>de</strong>rtaking of allies to refrain in<br />

But the Union failed to resolve a fun- Schroe<strong>de</strong>r, told reporters. their international relations from the<br />

damental split b<strong>et</strong>ween Britain and The communiqué' ma<strong>de</strong> an apparent threat or use of force in any manner in-<br />

France, the two countries whose posi- reference to the massive anti-war consistent with the purposes of the<br />

tiOlis appear to <strong>de</strong>fine the <strong>de</strong>ep divi- <strong>de</strong>monstrations over the weekend Say- United Nations."<br />

sions in Europe over the Iraqi crisis. ing that the objective of the EU was "full "This <strong>de</strong>cision relates only to the <strong>de</strong>-<br />

While Britain has sent about 35,000 and effective disarmament" in accord- fense of Turkey, .and is without prejutroops<br />

to the Gulf to participate in an. ance with the UN resolution, it said: dice to any other militaryoperations by<br />

eventual American attack. the French "We want to achieve this peacefully." NATO, and future <strong>de</strong>cisions by NATO<br />

Navy said Monday that the country's "It is clear that this is what the or the UN Security Council," the final<br />

only aircraft carrier, the nuclear- people of Europe want," the commu- document said.<br />

powered Charles <strong>de</strong> Gaulle, would re- niqué said. Belgium diplomats said they hoped<br />

turn to its home port of Toulon next The documents said that "war is not the breakthrough at NATO would help<br />

week "as planned," after a tour of the inevitable" and that "force should be the EU find common ground.<br />

eastern Mediterranean that inclu<strong>de</strong>d used only as a last resort." Although the Pat Cox, presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the European<br />

exercises with a U.S. carrier.. communiqué said "inspections cannot Parliament, said what was at stake for<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Jacques Chirac of France continue in<strong>de</strong>finitely in the absence of the EU now is to show it has credibility<br />

said Monday that war should not be an full Iraqi cooperation," it did not spe- in the Iraqi crisis. . ,<br />

option until UN arms inspectors <strong>de</strong>- cify who should <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> when inspec- "The Iraqi question has exposed in a<br />

.ci<strong>de</strong>d themselves to call it quits. tions should stop - and force used. very clear way the gap b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

"We are committed in the framework<br />

of UN Resolution 1441to the path of dis-. "There's still a lot of <strong>de</strong>bate to be had<br />

Europe's aspirations and Europe's capa-<br />

city," he said after discussions with EU<br />

armament through the inspectors, who on that issue," Blair said. lea<strong>de</strong>rs Monday.<br />

alone can stop this process, "Chirac said Britain's hard-line stand appeared to "No matter what is written down, if it<br />

. . be backed by Spain and the N<strong>et</strong>her- . . d b<br />

as he arrived at the summit me<strong>et</strong>ing. lands. On the other si<strong>de</strong> of the divi<strong>de</strong> IS not ammate y political will it runs<br />

British lea<strong>de</strong>rs, by contrast, played the risk of being nice but empty," Cox<br />

down the power of inspectors, pushing were France, Germany and Belgium - said.. . .<br />

instead for a s<strong>et</strong> of political <strong>de</strong>adlines notably the same three countries that Several lea<strong>de</strong>rs repeatedly used the<br />

for Iraq to comply with calls to disarm. blocked a <strong>de</strong>cision over military aid to same wording to <strong>de</strong>scribe how pressure<br />

"The best thing to do is t\J make a Turkey at the North Atlantic Treaty .or- should be applied to Saddam - "diplo- "<br />

judgment of wh<strong>et</strong>her Saddam is co- ganization last week. macy backed by a credible threat of<br />

operating or not," said Prime Minister That <strong>de</strong>adlock was broken late Sun- force."<br />

Tony Blair. "That's why we require a day after a marathon negotiating ses- German lea<strong>de</strong>rs, who have consis- ,<br />

tim<strong>et</strong>able."' sion in a committee that does not in- tently opposed war even if sanctioned<br />

"We came tog<strong>et</strong>her to send a mes- clu<strong>de</strong> France. by the UN Security Council, seemed to<br />

sage to the world: Europe is united," Lord Robertson, NATO's secr<strong>et</strong>ary- indicate they would not block wording<br />

said Romano Prodi, the presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the general, helped shepherd the compro- in a final text about the use of force as a<br />

European Commission.<br />

mise by moving the <strong>de</strong>bate from the last resort.<br />

The message from insi<strong>de</strong> the me<strong>et</strong>ing North Atlantic Council, which inçlu<strong>de</strong>s "We are not standing in the way of a<br />

room, where lea<strong>de</strong>rs drank Greek all19 NATO members, to the organi~a- compromise," the German foreign min-<br />

Foreign Minister Dominique <strong>de</strong> Villepin of France, left, with hiSGerman counterpart, Joscbkà Fischer, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Jacques Chirac<br />

ofFrance audCbancellor Gerhard Scluoe<strong>de</strong>r of Germany'as they m<strong>et</strong> Monday to try to find a common policy with Britain.<br />


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