.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Disunity on Iraq ..<br />

risks.war, U.S. says<br />

..France, .bolstered by we.~kend rallies,<br />

insists on niore time for UN inspectors<br />

By Brian Knowlton<br />

International Herald TrIbune<br />

. spectors, argued Sunday for expanding<br />

WASHINGTON: Presi<strong>de</strong>nt George W. .<br />

the inspectors' mission.<br />

"We bave to give the inSpectors<br />

Bush's national seculjty adviser said time," he said in an interview post~d on<br />

Sunday that war: with Iraq would be- the Time magazine Web site. "And<br />

come difficult to avoid unless UN Se- probabl~ - and this is France's view -<br />

curity Council members united soon we have to reinforce their capacities,<br />

behind a tough, common approach to especially those of aerial surveillance."<br />

Baghdad. . ., He ad<strong>de</strong>d, "For the moment, nothing al-<br />

1,mtFrance, its position comforted by • lows us to say inspections don't work."<br />

global anti-warprotests, insisted that. Washington has not abandoned<br />

United Nations inspectors be given hopes of working through the UN to<br />

more time in Iraq. .. . obtain 11th-hour unity there, which is<br />

They spoke as U.S. and British diplo- the strong preference of London, its<br />

mats r~fined ,the wording of a possible staunchest ally on the issue.<br />

new Security' Council resolution, to be "We are, in a diplomatic window<br />

introduced as early as Tuesday, affirm- here," .Rice said, but one tbat "cannot<br />

ing that Iraq was still patently in <strong>de</strong>fi.' last very much longer." ..<br />

ance of UN disarmament <strong>de</strong>mands and But the likelihood of war seemed<br />

invoking again a threat of "serious con- ever greater.<br />

sequences," meaning armed attack. .A former U.S. secr<strong>et</strong>ary of state,<br />

Sùch a rèsolution could not be used Lawrence Eagleburger, said Sunday<br />

as a "<strong>de</strong>laying tactic," said Condoleezza, that war was !'95percent inevitable"; a<br />

.Rice, the U.S. national security adviser. former U.S. director of central intelli-<br />

But if it affirmed the earlier findings of gence, R. James Woolsey, agreed; and<br />

Resolution 1441, that Iraqi violations so did a former supreme comman<strong>de</strong>r of<br />

<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d firm action, she said, "then NATO, Wesley Clark, all speaking. in<br />

we would find that welcome."<br />

television interviews.<br />

U.S. officials à1so pon<strong>de</strong>red s<strong>et</strong>ting a Rice herself said that it was "bard to<br />

final s<strong>et</strong> of clear and specific tests of imagine the circumstances" in which<br />

Iraqi co.operation, meas~ble within Iraq couldnow persua<strong>de</strong> the world that<br />

the commg few weeks. Thell hope was ,it was ready to disarm.<br />

that if Baghdad failed those tests, which ... ...i ' .<br />

. could inclu<strong>de</strong> the <strong>de</strong>struction of illegal The ad~ml~tratlon sou~t to ~ke<br />

. missiles, and permission for scientists to two key pOl.nts.SundaY:~t If ~ar ISto<br />

leave the country for interviews, UN be ~verted,lt 'YIll only be If a UnIted ~esupport<br />

for military. actiOJlcwould grow cunty ~ouncl! leave~ Iraq no chOlc:e<br />

to the point Where the Security Council but to dls:,-rm Imm~(ha~ely;and that If<br />

could pass a new resolution. . th~ Secunty Council falls to do so, and<br />

The United States and Britain con- reJects force, the UnIted States and a<br />

tinued 'to face strong resistance, . "coalition of the willing" will move<br />

however, in their efforts to persua<strong>de</strong> ah~ad regardless. .<br />

France, Germany; Russill and other Se- E:errone. kn~ws war IS a last recurity<br />

Council members that granting sort, said RIce. But you ne~ to keep'<br />

more time for UN inspections is point- the pressure on Saddam HusseIn. Ifthat .<br />

,less. ., pressure rele~es, I can ~ssure you that<br />

. The French foreign minister, Domin- we'r~ not gC:)lngto g<strong>et</strong> to a peaceful<br />

. ique <strong>de</strong> Villepin, said Sunday that no SOlUtIOn." . . . .<br />

second resolution was nee<strong>de</strong>d so long The latest I<strong>de</strong>a for mcreas~ng such<br />

. as inspections were showing progres~ pressure - the tes~s,.or benchmarks -<br />

Rice strongly disagreed. "I don't un<strong>de</strong>r- ISsuppor~ed by Bntaln. I!Sambassador<br />

stand how anyone can say inspections to th~ UnIted States, Chnstoph~r ~eyare<br />

working," she said.<br />

er, said on Al!C~TVthat an Iraqi failure<br />

"Continuing to talk about more time to ~estroy mlS!lles banned because .of<br />

and more time and more time is simply their ~ang~ would. be a mat~nal<br />

going.to relieve pressures on the Iraqis ~re~c~ of UN resolutions, potentIally<br />

to do wbat they muSt do," she said on JustIfYIngwar. .<br />

NBC~'rv."It is time for this to end." She But his French counterpart, Ambas- .<br />

. <strong>de</strong>nied tllat any <strong>de</strong>adline bad been s<strong>et</strong>. sador Jean-pavid Lavi~e, said that o~ly<br />

.Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Jacques Chirac of France, the Secunty Co,!ncil. could. <strong>de</strong>c~<strong>de</strong><br />

whose calls for further UN inspections wh<strong>et</strong>her any. IraqI ,actIon or mactIon<br />

received new UN support after the W

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