.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-:Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i .<br />

Baghdad's strategy.is said to rely<br />

..on <strong>de</strong>lay, then' stre<strong>et</strong>battles<br />

ao<br />

N<br />

~.-<br />

By Michael R. Gordon<br />

'The New York TImes<br />

ty forces insi<strong>de</strong> Baghdad, according to<br />

intelligence reports. This is one. of sev.<br />

eral signs.that have led U.S. officials to<br />

WASHINGTON: . Iraq's strategy to conclu<strong>de</strong> that Iraq will try to use poison<br />

thwart a U.S.-led attack calls for slow- gas orgerm weapons against the p.S.<br />

ing U.S. troops' advance toward Bàgh- and àllied forces.. .. .<br />

dad and then confronting them with the American intelligence agencies have<br />

prospect of a bloody stre<strong>et</strong> battle in the 11soconclu<strong>de</strong>d that it is likely that Iraq<br />

Iraqi capital, according to O.S. intelli- will try to strike Israel with Scud misgence.<br />

. . siles, weapons that officials said could<br />

To impe<strong>de</strong> U.S.and allied forces, Sad- be armed with p.oison gas or germ wardam<br />

Hussein's administration has <strong>de</strong>- . heads. .<br />

veloped plans to blow.up dams, <strong>de</strong>stroy ~We have indications that their goal •<br />

. bridges and ignite oil. fields, U.S. De- is to <strong>de</strong>lay, impe<strong>de</strong> and <strong>de</strong>ny U.S. forces, .<br />

fense Department officials say. They a clear and quick victory," a <strong>de</strong>fense of- .<br />

say Iraq mayalso <strong>de</strong>ny foOd to Iraqi ci- ficial said. "The basic strategy can be ..<br />

vilians in the southern parts of the summed up as disperse,. absorb and<br />

country to try to create a crisis that move to militaryoperations in urban<br />

would saddle advancing allied forces . terrain."<br />

with the responsibility of caring for As the United States, Britain, Ausmillions<br />

of <strong>de</strong>sperate Iraqi civilians. tralia and other members of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

Once U.S. and allied forces approach George W. Bush's "coalition of the will-<br />

Baghdad, they will encounter two <strong>de</strong>- ing" prepare for militaryaction to<br />

fensive rings of elite Republican Guard topple Saddam, U.S.intelligence is workforces,<br />

the U.S.officials say.Many of the ing hard to figure out Iraq's intentions.<br />

Republican Guard forces are now dis- U.S.officials say Iraq's <strong>de</strong>ployments and<br />

. persed, a move that is inten<strong>de</strong>d to help . even statements by Saddam provi<strong>de</strong> an<br />

them survive the air strikes that will indication of Baghdad's strategy.<br />

open the allied campaign. But as allied Senior U.S. military officials say they<br />

ground forces approach Baghdad, the are aware of Iraq's options but confi-<br />

Iraqis are expected to rush to fighting <strong>de</strong>nt of achieving a <strong>de</strong>cisive victory and<br />

positions that have been stocked with avoiding a prolonged war. Allied<br />

ammunition and supplies. . ground forces are far b<strong>et</strong>ter trained and<br />

Some Republican Guard units are equipped than Iraqi troops, and allied<br />

equipped with chemical protective air forces already command the skies.<br />

gear, .!lS are Special Republican Guard . The Iraqi Army is about a third of its<br />

units and some intelli~ence and securi- size during the Gulf War of1991. There.<br />

: are mounting indications Utat the morale<br />

within Iraq's regular army and even<br />

some of the Republican Guar4foh:es is<br />

low..Saddamfaces multiple threats: one<br />

from the U.S.-led invasion force and an.<br />

other from a restive Shiite population<br />

.and perhaps some elements of his<br />

armed forces that would rather try a<br />

coup than see the United States inva<strong>de</strong><br />

and occupy the country.<br />

~ the end of the day, if called on,<br />

: win we will," General Tommy Franks,<br />

. the head of the U.S. Central Command,<br />

said in an interview .<br />

Iraq; however, is striving to take a .<br />

weak hand and make the best of it. Its<br />

objective is much different than in the<br />

1991 conflict. During that war, Iraq's<br />

goal was to hold on to Kuwait, and it positioned<br />

the bulk of its ground forces far .<br />

from its capitaL<br />

But this time, Saddam has one overriding<br />

goal: survival. His aim seems to .<br />

. be to force the Bush administration to..<br />

• ek a political compromise that stops<br />

short of ending his administration by<br />

spurring fears of extensive allied casualties,<br />

dragging out the war and raising<br />

concern around the world over the fate<br />

ofIraqi civilians.<br />

"There is no victory option for Iraq,"<br />

said General Joseph Hoar, a r<strong>et</strong>ired<br />

Marine and former chief of the U.S.<br />

Central Command. "The question for<br />

Iraq is how to prolong the conflict. For<br />

Saddam, the goal is to inflict casualties<br />

and allow the Arab news n<strong>et</strong>works to<br />

Ahmad AI-Rubaye/Agence<br />

France-Presse<br />

Iraqi soldiers digging trenches in TIkrit, 150kilom<strong>et</strong>ers north of Baghdad. u.s. intelligence says in the event of war, the Iraqis<br />

will try to slow allied forces by <strong>de</strong>stroying brldg~ and igniting oil fields, but then rush to positions to <strong>de</strong>fend Baghdad.<br />


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