.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

.Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampci-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basln Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

pu~liç,,~n_j~~OOl' c:i.!liO~SS~,~'<br />

,~' ,la<strong>de</strong>n ~tjilt" Me ioytlJJ.i,dç:! l~ '<br />

lamisrf1e ».'<br />

LÈtAMP, DE)(HURMAL ,'.<br />

','SelönBarham "S~, "le :prenner<br />

,riùnistre <strong>de</strong>: i'Umon'p'atpotique d~<br />

'KiirdiSian;;prOche'dè~ !Arnérl.ëain~!<br />

AIlsar A1~I~lanï.est Îlé"d~lafusIon<strong>de</strong><br />

trois rilOu~è!neritS ~Ap.ris le oo~trl}..<br />

le,~dant l'é~2()(J:1;i4'uneséne i:J,e<br />

villagesdan:sl~s:mon~es. autour<br />

, <strong>de</strong> la ville d'Halabja; UQ:molSaVél';1t<br />

le 11 septembre, AbdulI:ahmllI1<br />

Al-Shami,un responsable d'Al"QaI.,<br />

da, a été envoyé dans la p<strong>et</strong>ite ville<br />

kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Biyaraafin d'organiserl'e~clave<br />

d'Msar Al-Islam.M. Shamia<br />

été tué en novembre '2001, lors <strong>de</strong><br />

combats contre l'Unjon patriotique<br />

du Kurdistan.<br />

Un. rapport lJ'Human ~ghts ,<br />

Watch, établi durant une misSIonau<br />

Kurdistan irakien en septembre<br />

2002,dresse une longue llSte<strong>de</strong>s<br />

atteintes aux droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme perpétrées<br />

par les hommes d'Msar<br />

AI-Islam.ildte notamment « l'arrestation<br />

arbitraire <strong>de</strong> nombreux civils<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s, les ditentions prolongées <strong>et</strong><br />

illégales, les mauvais traitements <strong>et</strong><br />

tortures <strong>de</strong>s prisonniers <strong>et</strong> l'exécutitm<br />

<strong>de</strong> combattants ennemis après leur<br />

reddition ». Selon <strong>de</strong>s témoignages'<br />

,recueillispar Human Rights Watch,<br />

AnsarAl-Islamaurait reçu le renfort<br />

<strong>de</strong> dizames <strong>de</strong> combattants arabes<br />

'venus d'Afghanistan <strong>et</strong> passés par<br />

l'Iran. Sur les 900militants d'Ansar<br />

Al-Islam, environ 1se appartiendraient<br />

à Al-QaidaOu seraient d'an<strong>de</strong>ns<br />

tahbans. '<br />

Les révélations <strong>de</strong> Colin Powell<br />

ont aussi provoqué une polémique<br />

aux Etats-UniS. «Pourquoi ne pas<br />

avoir déjà détruit le camp <strong>de</strong> Khurmal,<br />

a <strong>de</strong>mandé, jeudi 6 février, le<br />

sénateur démocrate Joseph Bi<strong>de</strong>n<br />

au secrétaire d'Etat <strong>de</strong>vant la commission<br />

<strong>de</strong>s affaires étrangères, s'il<br />

représente un tel danger <strong>et</strong> s'ilforme<br />

<strong>de</strong>s terroristes à produire <strong>et</strong> utiliser:<br />

<strong>de</strong>s toxines comme le ricin?» Le<br />

camp se trouve au-<strong>de</strong>là <strong>de</strong> la zone<br />

d'exclusion aérienne au nord <strong>de</strong><br />

l'Irak, mais les Etats-Unisne manquent<br />

pas d'arguments mêmejuridiques<br />

pc;lurjustifier une atta,Que.Se<br />

refusant ~répondre en séancepublique,ColinPowells'estcontenté<br />

d'aftinner:<br />

«Je peux vous assurer que c<strong>et</strong><br />

endroit est présent dans nos esprits.<br />

Nous suivons les personnes qui y sont,<br />

passées <strong>et</strong> en sont reparties. »<br />

Pour certains spédalistes, le gou- ,<br />

vernement américaina déddé <strong>de</strong> ne<br />

pas détruireKhurmaiafin <strong>de</strong> conser- :<br />

ver un argument fort pour justifier<br />

une attaque contre Bagdad. «L'existence<br />

du camp n'étant plus secrète,<br />

il est prévisible maintenant qu'il va<br />

<strong>et</strong>re déplacé. Nous prenons <strong>de</strong>s risques<br />

», a déclaré la démocrate Jane<br />

Harman, membre <strong>de</strong> la commission<br />

du renseignement <strong>de</strong> la Chambre<br />

<strong>de</strong>s représentants.<br />

Eric Leser<br />

"<br />

Extremists admit role in<br />

Kurds' <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

The <strong>de</strong>ad were part of<br />

a U.S.-backed àIliance in<br />

Iraq. Itis being pushed<br />

to act againstmilitants.<br />

tering 1iäIabja and' requiring: killed, PUK-run telt~visi~n Th.e PUl< and th~ KDP ha,:e<br />

passengers to g<strong>et</strong> out for ques- said. Eight other people, ln- llres~d~dov~r qua~l-<strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

tioning. cluding the security chief of admlnlstratlOns ln northern<br />

Two statements,on Ansar's H~l~bia:, were iIijured. .:' II:aq since Hussein' withdre~<br />

Web site,neither ofwhich cOulq PUK officials who said his forces from the Kurd-dormbe<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly verified, said Shawkatwas itined ilfter he had Dated area in 199~. aut some<br />

. the PUK had offered 150 milh been lured to a me<strong>et</strong>ing with political experts saId the assas-<br />

ByJonathaD S. Landay '. tants "ùnimaginable" amounts the' militants in the village of sinations could make th~ PUK's<br />

INQUIRERWASHINGTONBUREAU of cash to <strong>de</strong>fect, to attac~ the Gamestapa on the pr<strong>et</strong>ext of job har<strong>de</strong>r by .encoura~g new<br />

SULAYMANIYAH, Iraq - An militants' mountain stronghold corn.pl<strong>et</strong>ing a <strong>de</strong>fection <strong>de</strong>al, challenges to ItS.auth?nty.<br />

Islamic extremist. group from the rear, and toallow the, had no immédiate comment on The attack raI~ed not only<br />

claimed responsibility yester- PUK to recapture the area. " Ansar's claim of responsibility. doubts a~~'!t theIr [PUK l~adday<br />

for the assassinations of a The Web site, in Arabie, Turk~. The PUK: is among the main ers'] abilities, but, que~,tlO~s<br />

senior Kurdish general and two ish and Kurdish versions, is a~ Iraqi opposition groups that about why ~ey ~on! act,. SaId<br />

top security officer.s, saying the Jttip:// .. ': . would assist a U.S.-led invasion Asos ~ardl,. editor-ln-chief of<br />

killings were c8rried out by mili- ,.' In a claim that may have been of Iraq. The Bush administra- . Hawla~, an ln<strong>de</strong>pe~<strong>de</strong>nt newstants<br />

bound by a suiei~e pact. .inten<strong>de</strong>d tö sow discord among . tion also is counting on the paper m Sulaymamyah, where<br />

. Ansar al-Islam (P~sans of Kurdish groups hostile to both PUK's 30,OOO-strong militia to . the p~ has ItS he.adquarters. .<br />

IsI~), which U.S. offiCials and Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>r Saddam Husse~ help U.S. and other troops pre- Semor P~ officials say that<br />

Kurdish lea<strong>de</strong>rs accuse of ~. ,and to Ansar, the Web site SaId vent <strong>et</strong>hnic and religious ha- rugged terram, a shortage of<br />

boring f?llowers .of Osama bm the <strong>de</strong>fectors alsowere to at- treds from splintering Iraq if hea'Y w~apons,~d a threat of<br />

La<strong>de</strong>n ID Kurd~sh-~on~o.lledtack the PUK's political rival, Hussein is ousted. Iraman mterven~on on Ansar's<br />

northern Iraq" SaId the killings the Kurdistan Democratic Par- "We've worked closely with behalf are blocking an assault<br />

Sa~rda.y riigbt -foiled a plot'~ ty. " ' the Patriotic Union of Kurdis- on Ansar's stronghold.<br />

ag~st It by the~U.S.-backed Pa- . "Brothers who swore an oath tan for many years," State De- ------<br />

triotic Union 'of Kurdistan'. of <strong>de</strong>ath to God" and "aban- partment spokesman Richar-1 Contact reporter<br />

(FUIC). . doned the pleasures of the Boucher said yesterday, cOn- ,Jonathan S. Landay at<br />

The kiUings. have .intensified world for the sake of Doom~::. <strong>de</strong>rnning what he called"this jlanday@krwashington,com,<br />

pressure. on the PPK~ ...."!,,rk day" killed Gen. Shawkat Ha.Jlact of terror."<br />

down on the militants in ad- .Mushir and the two senior PUK ;<br />

:trance of a possible U.S.-led inva- security officials, one statement<br />

'sion of Iraq. But there was no on the Web sitesajd. Shawkat<br />

sign yesterday that PUK lead- .was a v<strong>et</strong>eran guerrilla: who was<br />

ers were preparing to act. on the PUK lea<strong>de</strong>rship council.<br />

. Instead, reinforcements arriv-. .and was the .party's chief negoti-<br />

,ing at the front linessaid there ator withAnsar.' '.<br />

were fears that Ansar. might: 'The three attackers escaped<br />

:take advantage of a four-da}t;. and took three PUK guards with<br />

.Muslim holiday that begins to-; them. The hostagesreporte~y<br />

.day' to attack the PUK-c?n~ were being held in the Ansartrolled<br />

town of Halabja. Polic,: controlled village of Byara ..<br />

.were stopping.all minibuses en. , :FOl,lr,,~ivjl.ians al!!Q. w~re<br />


February 11, 2003<br />



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