Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Bastn Oz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

suffering from leukaemia. Britain says <strong>de</strong>pl<strong>et</strong>ed uranium rounds can produce small amounts of radioactive and<br />

toxic particles on impact, but argues that it is unlikely anyone outsi<strong>de</strong> the targ<strong>et</strong> area could be affected. It said its<br />

Challenger tanks had fired fewer than 100 new 120mm rounds with a uranium core against Iraqi forces and its<br />

armoured forces operated well away from population centres.<br />

In 1998 Iraq sent a formal complaint to UN Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Kofi Annan reserving the right to compensation for<br />

the "appalling damage" caused by allied use of <strong>de</strong>pl<strong>et</strong>ed uranium shells during the Gulf War.<br />

Iraqi paper likens US to Dracula<br />

January 10, 2001 Agence France Presse<br />

BAGHDAD: An Iraqi newspaper on Tuesday compared the United States to Dracula, accusing it of resorting to<br />

use of weapons of mass <strong>de</strong>struction and "crimes against humanity" in a drive for world domination.<br />

"America is a country without roots which relies on terrorism - as did Dracula who sucked blood from humans<br />

and pillaged their riches - to impose itself as a great power," the official AI-Iraq said.<br />

"The lea<strong>de</strong>rs of this terrorist country commit the most atrocious crimes against humanity by using banned weapons<br />

of mass <strong>de</strong>struction, not only with the goal of extending its colonial hegemony but also exterminating humanity<br />

to impose its domination, as was the case with the Red Indians," the paper said. It was referring to reports that<br />

<strong>de</strong>pl<strong>et</strong>ed uranium (DU) ammunition used by US NATO forces in the Balkans may be to blame for a rash of cancer<br />

cases among troops posted in the region.<br />

In Brussels, NATO and EU officials on Tuesday examined calls for more probing into a possible link. According to<br />

AI-Iraq, "America consi<strong>de</strong>rs the world a dumping ground for its toxic rubbish and a laboratory for its fatal experiments".<br />

Europe is now paying the price for having ignored the <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>-old "Gulf War Syndrome" dating from<br />

when US and British forces blasted Iraq with DU weapons, Iraq's ruling Baath party said Monday.<br />

"It's the turn of the Europeans to pay the price for their follow-the-Iea<strong>de</strong>r attitu<strong>de</strong> towards the American bull," said<br />

the party's mouthpiece, Ath-Thawra, referring to the "Balkan Syndrome."<br />

Seven Italian soldiers, five Belgians, two Dutch, two Spaniards, a Portuguese and a Czech have died from cancer<br />

since r<strong>et</strong>urning from tours of duty in Bosnia or Kosovo. Ath- Thawra said the symptoms in Europe were "no more<br />

serious than the damage inflicted by the Americans and the British on the Iraqi people" during the 1991 Gulf War<br />

over Kuwait. Baghdad, protesting that cancer rates have quadrupled in areas of southern Iraq bombed by the allied<br />

forces, has said the United States and Britain fired more than 940,000 DU weapons during the conflict. DU emits<br />

low levels of radiation, and is so far only consi<strong>de</strong>red to be dangerous if it is inhaled or ingested.<br />

The material is used to pen<strong>et</strong>rate armour and concr<strong>et</strong>e bunkers because it is <strong>de</strong>nser than other m<strong>et</strong>als.<br />

Reuters January 10,2001<br />

Iraq has no great hopes for talks with UN<br />

Iraqi Vice-Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Taha Yassin Ramadan said yesterday that Iraq was not pinning any great hopes on high-level<br />

talks with the United Nations to resolve an impasse over sanctions. "Iraq does not hold high hope for its dialogue<br />

with the United Nations," Ramadan told reporters in Baghdad after attending a conference at the city's university<br />

on Palestinians. "The American administration's hegemony over the (UN) Security Council does not allow the<br />

council to do anything," he was quoted by the Iraqi News Agency as saying.<br />

UN Secr<strong>et</strong>ary-General Kofi Annan said on Monday that the talks would not begin until February at the earliest.<br />

Annan had invited a <strong>de</strong>legation from Baghdad to try to break the impasse on weapons inspections, a precondition<br />

to lifting sanctions, for a visit in January, but only had this week free because of a heavy travel schedule.<br />


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