Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka<br />

Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro <strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

•plans to shift inmates to prispns with'srtiaInrr eells.<br />

. .Nihat Ali Ozean, a terrorism ëxpert at the Center<br />

{or Eurasian Strategic Studies in Ankara, said, he<br />

expected the organization to ,continue attacks on<br />

_selective_ targ<strong>et</strong>s _like _p'olice-9fficial~,_politic!ans<br />

and judges. But he said there was no way to predict<br />

the extent of the attacks.<br />

Jn recent years, the Revolutionary People's Lib-<br />

" , eration Party.Fronthas shif-<br />

, ted from its Marxist origins to<br />

a philosophy tailored to ap-<br />

, peal to disaffected members<br />

of Turkey's Muslim minority<br />

sects in an attempt to exploit<br />

'poverty and dissatisfaction<br />

with the government.<br />

. Many of these people live ip the poor neighborhoods<br />

that have sprung up around the edges of<br />

Istanbul over the last 20 years as villagers fled rural<br />

areas. Experts say the terrorists have some Jimited<br />

support in those districts. ' ,<br />

,••An environment of serious violence <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

'in t.hese gh<strong>et</strong>tos," said Ali Bayramoglu, a soci-'<br />

,ologist. "Neither' the state' nor the local government's<br />

have been able to improve the lives there. ' ,<br />

" Terrorism expertS say'they "are uncertain'of-tbe<br />

organization' s size. Although its operations are<br />

confined to Turkey, theautboritiessay that many of<br />

tlJe'orgimization 's lea<strong>de</strong>rs live in Europe and that its<br />

moneyçomes from abroad and through extortion<br />

and robberies.' ,<br />

Oral .C3HsI3r, a columirist for Curnhuriy<strong>et</strong>, an<br />

Istanbul newspaper, m<strong>et</strong> some of the orgânization' s<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>rSiifDeêeïnber'when-he-and-otherjoumalists<br />

tri~ toriegoliilte an end to the prison hunger strike.<br />

, "Many are veryeducated form<strong>et</strong> university stu<strong>de</strong>n~arid<br />

they are not so poor, ' , Mr. Calislar said. ,<br />

,The suici<strong>de</strong> bomber fit that <strong>de</strong>scription, according<br />

to the police and the terrorist organization.<br />

The police used fingerprints to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the<br />

bomber as Gultekin Koc, 23, who had beenjailed for<br />

a year for membership in the Revolutionary People' s<br />

Liberation Piuty-F.ront. which has been outiawed.<br />

The police said Mr. Koc had worn abusiness suit and<br />

slipped past security <strong>de</strong>vices to reach a fourth-floor<br />

caf<strong>et</strong>eria near th;e police chiefs office. The police<br />

said he <strong>de</strong>tonated the bomb after being approached<br />

by Ilpoliceman, who was killed.<br />

In its statement, the organization said Mr. Koc<br />

had moved to Istanbul from east-central town of<br />

Erzincan and sympathized with leftists during high<br />

school. He studied engineering at !lniversity and<br />

joined the party in 1995 and was jailed the following<br />

year, the statement said.<br />

"There is an inexhaustible supply of revolutionaries<br />

on the soil of this land," itsaid.<br />

Dix mille soldats turcs en Irak pour<br />

s'opposer à la rebellion kur<strong>de</strong><br />

ISTANBUL, Turquie (AP) - Quelque 10.000 soldats turcs ont <strong>de</strong><br />

nouveau franchi la frontière nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak pour s'opposer à la<br />

rebellion kur<strong>de</strong>, ont annoncé samedi <strong>de</strong>s représentants <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s média<br />

locaux.<br />

dimanche 7 janvier 2001<br />

Selon le quotidien turc "Hurriy<strong>et</strong>", les troupes turques, appuyées par '<br />

<strong>de</strong>s chars, sont en Irak <strong>de</strong>puis le,20 décembre, stationnées à proximité <strong>de</strong> la ville <strong>de</strong><br />

Sulaymaniyah, à plus <strong>de</strong> 150 kilomètres <strong>de</strong> la frontière irakienne ..Les soldats turcs prépareraient<br />

une "vaste opération <strong>de</strong> n<strong>et</strong>toyage", a précisé le journal.<br />

Une information confirmée par <strong>de</strong>s représentants turcs présents dans le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie,<br />

ajoutant que <strong>de</strong>s unités spéciales étaient parmi les forces postées en Irak. De son côté, l'armée<br />

turque a refusé <strong>de</strong> confirmer les informations d'''Hurdy<strong>et</strong>'' qui n'ont pas pu être commentées<br />

non plus par l'Union Patriotique du Kurdistan (UPK) dont les représentants étaient<br />

injoignables.<br />

Toutefois, à ce jour, aucun affrontement n'a été enregistré entre les Turcs <strong>et</strong> les guérilleros<br />

kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

Ce même journal ainsi que la télévision kur<strong>de</strong> Medy TV, qui ém<strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>puis la Belgique, ont<br />

annoncé que l'Union patriotique du Kurdistan qui contrôle la région <strong>de</strong> Sulaymaniyah, avait<br />

<strong>de</strong>mandé à la Turquie <strong>de</strong> lui envoyer <strong>de</strong>s troupes pour l'assister dans sa bataille contre les<br />

rebelles kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> la région.<br />

Medya TV ainsi que le quotidien irakien Al-Irak, un journal contrôlé par le régime <strong>de</strong> Saddam<br />

Hussein, ont rapporté que près <strong>de</strong> 200 combattants <strong>de</strong> l'UPKavaient été tués dans <strong>de</strong>s<br />

affrontements avec le PKK (Parti <strong>de</strong>s Travailleurs kur<strong>de</strong>s), un bilan qui n'a pas pu être confirmé.<br />

Les troupe turques combattent le PKK <strong>de</strong>puis 1984, dans une guerre qui a fait 37.000 morts,<br />


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