Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Basm Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Dead or alive? Mystery of Sadd am Hussein"s health <strong>de</strong>epens<br />

TheGuardian Friday January 5 2001<br />

Brian Whitaker<br />

Iraq-watchers took out<br />

their magnifying glasses<br />

yesterday to scrutinise<br />

pictures from Baghdad<br />

purportedly showing Saddam<br />

Hussein chairing a<br />

cabin<strong>et</strong> me<strong>et</strong>ing.<br />

Depending on who you<br />

believe, the Iraqi lea<strong>de</strong>r is<br />

<strong>de</strong>ad, incapacitated ... or<br />

his usual robust self.<br />

The latest rumours<br />

surfaced after a military<br />

para<strong>de</strong> on Sunday in which<br />

Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam stood<br />

for four or five hours, saiuting<br />

the troops as they<br />

marched past by firing a<br />

rifle into the air.<br />

"He fired more than 142<br />

rifle shots, using one<br />

hand," said an Iraqi government<br />

spokesman, Salam<br />

Khatab. "Most of the youth<br />

could not do such."<br />

But according to Iranianbacked<br />

opposition sources,<br />

he suffered a severe stroke<br />

during or shortly after the<br />

para<strong>de</strong>.<br />

other opposition sources<br />

in London suggest that he<br />

had a minor stroke or heart<br />

attack.<br />

The Saudi-owned al-<br />

Hayat newspaper, citing<br />

"trusted Iraqi sources", said<br />

that Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Saddam had<br />

felt chest pains and had<br />

been taken to hospital,<br />

where a medical team un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

Dr Aziz Mahmoud<br />

Shukri "confirmed to those<br />

accompanying the presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

that he was suffering<br />

the effects of standing for a<br />

long time in the cold':<br />

On Wednesday Iraqi television<br />

showed the presi<strong>de</strong>nt,<br />

who is officially 63,<br />

looking his usual self as he<br />

walked into the cabin<strong>et</strong><br />

room wearing a brown suit,<br />

but there was no way of<br />

confirming when the film<br />

wasshot.<br />

An official <strong>de</strong>nial ofhis<br />

illness as "a nonsensical<br />

fabrication that is not even<br />

worth responding to" did<br />

little to dampen the<br />

speculation.<br />

Some analysts even saw<br />

the <strong>de</strong>nial as suspicious,<br />

noting that the Iraqi authorities<br />

do not usually<br />

comment on such reports.<br />

1Iut a Kurdish opposition<br />

source in London suggested<br />

that the reports<br />

could be part of a disinformation<br />

campaign by Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Saddam himself. "His<br />

security service spreads<br />

rumours that he is dànger-<br />

. ously ill or has been assassinated,<br />

then after a few<br />

days you see him making a<br />

speech on TV."<br />

The purpose might be to<br />

flush out opponents of the<br />

regime.<br />

In July, when he ma<strong>de</strong> an<br />

odd and unusually short<br />

speech to mark the 32nd<br />

anniversary of the coup<br />

that brought his Ba'ath<br />

party to power, there were<br />

claims that he was seri-<br />

0usly ill.Two weeks later,<br />

and apparently in good<br />

health, he welcomed Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

Hugo Chavez of<br />

Venezuela to Iraq and personally<br />

drove him on a tour<br />

of Baghdad.<br />

In September there were<br />

reports that he was about<br />

to un<strong>de</strong>rgo chemotherapy<br />

for lymph cancer.<br />

A subsequent Israeli<br />

report said the story was<br />

based on a misun<strong>de</strong>rstanding:<br />

the treatment was for a<br />

senior member ofhis<br />

regime.<br />

Analysts were reluctant<br />

yesterday to commit themselves<br />

either way. Most<br />

agreed that ifhe were <strong>de</strong>ad<br />

or seriously ill the regime<br />

might well conceal it until<br />

his successor's position had<br />

been secured.<br />

Few expect a smooth transition,<br />

because of the<br />

rivalry b<strong>et</strong>ween his two<br />

sons, Uday, 36, and Qusay,<br />

34.<br />

Qusay, who runs the Special<br />

Security Organisation<br />

and the Special Republican<br />

Guard, seems to be the<br />

favoured successor.<br />

Uday, a playboy, runs<br />

several Iraqi media organisations<br />

and is said by opposition<br />

groups to be a rapist<br />

a serial killer, and heavily ,<br />

involved in oil smuggling.<br />

Last year he was elected to<br />

parliament in a Baghdad<br />

constituency with 99.9% of<br />

the vote.<br />

Sedam Hussein seen In wh. st<strong>et</strong>e television claimed wes footage of him chairing the first cabin<strong>et</strong> me<strong>et</strong>ing of the New Year.<br />

But as specullltion about his VNlfere Incree .... the west Islooklng for evi<strong>de</strong>nce th8tth ... may be old pictures<br />


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