Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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Revue <strong>de</strong> Presse-Press Review-Berhevoka Çapê-Rivista Stampa-Dentro<br />

The Battle for Secularism<br />

Moves to a Turkish Court<br />

Mayor of Istanbul Faces Charges of Subversion<br />

---B-y--=S-te-p":"'he-n--=K::'inze--r--- In his <strong>de</strong>fense, Mr. Erdogan said the<br />

words he spoke were from a poem and<br />

New YorA:rUMS S~rvic~ were aimed at "no person or targ<strong>et</strong>."<br />

ISTANBUL - Defendants who face After his testimony he flew back to Istanstate<br />

Secmity Courts in Turkey tend to bul and his job of running a m<strong>et</strong>ropolis<br />

be suspected guerrillas, Kurdish nation- that is home to 9 million people.<br />

alists or the odd journalist or editor who Mr. Erdogan <strong>de</strong>clined to discuss the<br />

violates unwritten rules about what may case against him. He agreed, however, to<br />

and may not be said in public. reflect on the secularist crusa<strong>de</strong> that<br />

Few <strong>de</strong>fendants amve at the local threatens to put him behind bars.<br />

airport on a chartered j<strong>et</strong> accompanied "It doesn't seem that <strong>de</strong>mocratic<br />

by a phalanx of lawyers and have a principles are being applied," Mr. Erchauffeur<br />

waiting to take them to court. dogan said. "In a <strong>de</strong>mocracy, only the<br />

That happened recently, however, when people can put you in power and only the<br />

Mayor kêcep Tayyip Erdogan of Istan- people should be able to remove you.<br />

bol flew to Diyarbakir, in the southeast, Democratization should go hand in hand<br />

to answer charges of subversion. with civilization. That is a sign of <strong>de</strong>-<br />

Mr. Erdogan is the most prominent of velopment and progress. Otherwise you<br />

more than 200 mayors and other of- enter a period ofstagnation."<br />

ficials, elected and appointed, who are Although the case against Mr. Erdogan<br />

targ<strong>et</strong>s of an anny-backed campaign has been brought in a security court. many<br />

against Islamic fundamentalism. Be- other mayors are threatened by the In-<br />

,cause he is a national figure and hero to terior Ministry, which has power to remillions<br />

of Islamic-oriented voters, his move those it consi<strong>de</strong>rs subversive.<br />

case has focused attention on politicians The ministry has used that power sevwho<br />

are feeling the generals' wrath. eral times in recent days. One victim was<br />

Themayor,43,isbeingprosecutedfor Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sekme~, mayor of the Kartal<br />

a speech he gave near Diyarbakir last district in Ankara. The <strong>de</strong>cree or<strong>de</strong>ring<br />

year in which he said: "The mosques are his removal said he had placed "adour<br />

barracks, the domes are our helm<strong>et</strong>s, vocates of the reactionary movement,"<br />

the minar<strong>et</strong>s are our bayon<strong>et</strong>s, and the meaning fundamentalists, 6n the public<br />

faithful are our anny. "<br />

payroll. It also said he had allowed re-<br />

Prosecutors assert tJW. by making ligious groups to use city facilities and<br />

such a statement. be was praising fun- favored advocates of political Islam<br />

damentalisrn and violating a law that when awarding contracts.<br />

bans "provoking enmity and hatred At least six other mayors have been<br />

among the people." If convicted, be removed in recent weeks. Among those<br />

faces loss of his offICe and a prison term still un<strong>de</strong>r investigation are Melib Gokof<br />

up to three years. cek, mayor of Anlcarl!-, and Ali Nabi<br />

I<br />

D<strong>et</strong>ention of Mayor<br />

SeelDs to Highlight<br />

Iran Political Split<br />

R~utt!rs<br />

DlJ.BAI - The <strong>de</strong>tention of Mayor Gholam-Hossein Karbaschl<br />

of Tehran on graft charges has brought into the open a<br />

struggle b<strong>et</strong>ween mo<strong>de</strong>rates and conservativ.es brewing in Iran<br />

since the election of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Mohammed Khatami, accordin~<br />

to analysts.<br />

Iraman analysts as well as some of the media said Monday<br />

that Mr. Karbaschi's <strong>de</strong>tention on Saturday went beyond the<br />

legaJ issues and highlighted a national ,dispute among the<br />

fachons.<br />

"This' is not a minor investigation into a city mayor,"<br />

Jahangeer Behrouz, a Tehran-based political analyst, said by<br />

telephone. "This is a national issue which is part of the battle<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the right and the left in Iran's government.<br />

"The conservatives sent a message through the judiciary.<br />

<strong>de</strong> la Prensa-Baszn Öz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Kocak, mayor of a district in Istanbul.<br />

Mr. Kocak is charged With feigning illness<br />

in ordh to avoid attending ceremonies<br />

honoring Mustafa KeQ1al /\taturk,<br />

foun<strong>de</strong>r of the Turkish lteptlblic<br />

and the pre-eminent symbol of Tûmsh<br />

secularism.<br />

All these mayors, like Mr. Erdogan,<br />

belong to the Islamic-oriented Virtue<br />

Party. This is the successor to the Welfare<br />

Party, which was banned in January<br />

on the ground that it was trying to subvert<br />

the secular or<strong>de</strong>r.<br />

Although mayors from all major<br />

parties are un<strong>de</strong>r investigation, the<br />

largest group is from the Virtue Party.<br />

Many of the investigations began after a<br />

me<strong>et</strong>ing of the military-dominated National<br />

Security Council last month<br />

where generals gave Prime Minister<br />

Mesut YiImaz a list of officials they<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>r untrustworthy.<br />

Prosecutors are also reviewing tapes<br />

of radio and television broadcasts, especially<br />

by stations consi<strong>de</strong>red pro-Islamic.<br />

They say they will close thoSe that<br />

"motivate the masses to change the<br />

<strong>de</strong>mocratic legal or<strong>de</strong>r."<br />

But secularists insist they must act to<br />

save the country from militants who are<br />

posing as simple believers.<br />

"There is a conscious effort on the<br />

part of ultra-religious groups to infiitrate<br />

people into these high positions," said<br />

Sunna Kili, a political science professor<br />

at Bosporus University in Istanbul who<br />

maintains close ties to the military.<br />

"They want to have a voice in controlling<br />

the government, and the military<br />

is the only institution which can be successful<br />

against them," he said. "The<br />

question is how <strong>de</strong>mocratic tb.is all .is,<br />

especially when you are <strong>de</strong>almg With<br />

elected officials. You cannot challenge<br />

someone for expressing his views after<br />

he is elected. But if he is violating the<br />

principles on which our constitution<br />

based, that is another matter."<br />

The message is that we have power, too."<br />

The judiciary <strong>de</strong>nies the charges, pointing to the conviction<br />

of several of Mr. Karbasclù' s top ai<strong>de</strong>s on graft charges since<br />

last year. The mo<strong>de</strong>rates have questioned the legality of some<br />

of those convictions by referring to charges of torture and<br />

mistreatment raised bythe convicted officials.<br />

Mr. Karbaschi, a close ally ofMr. Khatami's, was <strong>de</strong>tained<br />

following a court appearance on graft ,and mismanagement<br />

charges. The court or<strong>de</strong>red the mayor to be held without bail<br />

for up to one month pending further investigation.<br />

Newspapers said Monday that his case would go to trial in<br />

about three weeks.<br />

Supporters of the mayor<br />

'This is a national<br />

issue which is part<br />

of the battle<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the right<br />

and the left.'<br />

say he ~as targ<strong>et</strong>ed by the<br />

conservative-led judiciary<br />

because of his open backing<br />

of Mr. Khatami in elections<br />

last May, when the mo<strong>de</strong>rate<br />

Shiite cleric soundly <strong>de</strong>feated<br />

conservative opponents.<br />

"The right-wing forces<br />

have expen<strong>de</strong>d a lot of energy<br />

on bringing Karbaschi down since the election,"<br />

said Amid<br />

Naeini, editor of Payam-e-Emrouz, a mo<strong>de</strong>rate monthly<br />

magazine.<br />

"Karbaschi's <strong>de</strong>tention is aimed at imposing pressure on<br />

the government of Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Mohammed Khatami and weak-<br />

is<br />


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